I hear you loud and clear actually.
I was not saying that I was in a tangent from anger or judgment or anything like that so dont worry.
When i meant tangent I meant just that.. from my own experience, that is what happens. I prefer men to be natural. To me it just feels better. Though, frankly.. good sex is good sex no matter what
I understand how odd it must feel to have someone you love, almost literally, pull out a part of their body and ask you if you want them to cut it or not. Obviously he has had the idea BEFORE you so in a sense , it isnt your responsibility. But what a question !
And when I said that it was from a visual stand point.. i was asking sort of passively if you have had sex with a man who was natural?
I have been abused sexually many times. I do understand that the feeling of , or even look of certain things can bring about seriously unwanted feelings. I DO understand that.
Is this one? Possibly?
If it is... well, I dont know that I have a lot to offer about that. I would want to suggest YOU getting some help ( not being rude and not judging ) But if the simple appearance of a penis brings about fears and memories of abuse, then it may not be the situation that you can handle.
BUT!! I understand that the above statement is REALLY based on my idea that this is what is going on and the ASSUMPTION that the abuse is the reason for the issue with a man being natural . In fact, Im willing to bet I am wrong ! But, i wanted to say it anyway.
My next question though... is more about him and you may not want to answer.. thats ok.
But why is he so worried about his foreskin? How did this question come about? Was he abused? Is HE self conscious about it? And why is he ready to remove it before he even knows if you guys are sexually compatible?
Anyway.. just my musings.
Again. No judgment. No anger. No trying to tell you what to do. Just random thoughts.
I hear you that you said you made up your mind. I just still had some ideas I wanted to put out. thats all.