GoshisDead wrote:
However, in taking the government out of our sex lives we also open up issues like deadbeat parents and child support. It is hard do deregulate relationship laws and not deregulate child abandonment laws.
I dont know about that.
I see your point completely but I still question how that would effect DNA tests.
There is a substantial amount of PROOF that comes from a dna test.
Not so much so from the tales of adultery. In fact, with out photo proof, adultery is just hear say anyway.
DNA says ' your sperm and her egg made a baby'. Not much to do with sex crimes, sex laws or anything else. Even now in the courts, whether or not the child was conceived out of a marriage, due to adultery or even rape, it does not effect the lump SUM someone should pay for child support. Your income does that.
how would removing the government from the bedroom effect something like that.. ?
( quietly picturing the white house in my bed.........
