guigus wrote:
Zetherin wrote:The reason why kennethamy pointed out the modal fallacy earlier is because, when you say "every truth must be true", it sounds like you are saying that all truths are
necessary truths. And we know this to be false, since some truths are
contingent truths. If all you mean is, necessarily, all truths are true, then what you say is true. However, if you mean that, all truths are necessarily true, then what you say is false. And, again,
this is a good read on the modal fallacy - some people misplace the operator "necessarily" and this leads them to think a truth is necessary when it is not.
It may be helpful to understand what the difference between necessary and contingent truths is, if that is where your ignorance lies.
From very the beginning, I knew perfectly what kennethamy was complaining about. It is called determinism: to believe everything that happens could not happen in any other way, by having perfectly determinate causes. In other words, that everything is necessary. Hence, when there is a truth, in can only be a necessary truth. What I am saying is something else entirely. When I say that every truth must be true I am simply saying that being true is a necessary feature of every truth. But you will never understand it until you realize that necessity in that other sense is a flawed concept: an illusion.
You are quite mistaken. I was not complaining about determinism, nor do I think any of this has anything to do with determinism. In fact, I was not complaining about anything at all. But what I was pointing out is that you were confusing the two statements:
1. Necessarily all truths are true, which is true, with,
2. All truths are necessarily true, which is false,
and I was pointing out the confusion. Apparently you still are confused. To paraphrase Samuel Johnson, while I can point out your confusion, I cannot make you understand that you are confused. And, apparently, neither can Zeth. or Emil. I think that what you really ought to do is to learn some logic, and modal logic, in particular. It may comfort you to think I am complaining about determinism since that may make you think you understand what is going on. Let me assure you once more that none of this has anything to do with determinism, but it has everything to do with logic, and, especially modal logic. Two subjects you apparently know little or nothing about.