The tin can enabled war to continue unabated and so resulted in the carnage of ww1 I wish it had never been invented.
Hey, watch it there.
My uncle Ed served on a tin can.
What was he drinking - soup?
Ah, beer..."Hi, Neighbor, have a 'Gansett!" though he wouldn't have needed a can opener, would he? Just use a quarter on the end of his fist, or his teeth, or a bottle opener
I stand corrected - thought they were bottles. This must have been in the olden days
I heard it went down with alcoholic poisoning, not enemy action .
this topic reminds me of the time i went back to the age of the dinosaurs on a time travel safari, and one of the guys stepped on a butterfly, boy, what a mess when we got back, it took the guy hours to clean all the butterfly goop off his boots
@Ali phil,
Ali phil wrote:
For example if New Zealand had Defeted the Turks at Gallipoli (WWI) there would have been no Soviet Union. Why? Because if New Zealand had taken Gallipoli, Great Britain could have sent their ships up the turkish straights to the black sea where they were planning to re-enforce Russian Troops. But beause New Zealand LOST at Gallipoli Great Britain were not able to support Russia on the eastern from against the germans, The russians then deserted in huge numbers and formed the 'Soviet' which later became the Soviet Union.
I would Be interested for examples similer to this one.
Of cause we can't know these things for sure as they did not happen.
But there is very good arguments.
Please post (:
Hi Ali!
What if Christ hadn't been born?
Have a great day!
If Franz Ferdinand's assassin hadn't decided to go get a sandwich after his first failed assassination attempt, Franz Ferdinand would not have been killed, and World War One would not have happened, or at least not so soon.
Hi Sentience!
You mean they've assassinated another group of young musicians?
Kindest regards!
One single item could have changed the world .... the condom ...
What if Mr and Mrs Hitler had worn a condom ?
Or Mr and Mrs Idi Armin ?
The list is endless ........ Only if ..
Seems a bit far fetched. The gallipoli campain as never going to win the war or relieve the burden of Russia on the Eastern front.
A better candidate for obsue events that changed the world is that in 1599 a small group of merchants got together in London and created a new company. This was the East India Company. This tiny company was a revolution in global capitalism. It was not run by well connected aristoctates who took large profits for no work. ( As the Hudson Bay company did). The company went on to be the wealthiest company in the world, conqured India and provided the backbone of the army that fought the French in Spain durring the early 1800's. it also provided the general (i.e Wellington ) who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo.
Truly if those merchnts had staid at home in 1599 and not taken a risk the world would be a different place.
Alan W
I've just had a walk, to the local garage shop (a Spar brand);
On the way to the garage, and on the way back to the house, I experienced a symmetry: I was able to connect to the technology, of the pavement, to the technology of the surrounding houses, to the technology of the afar flat buildings;
I was walking, the speed of haunt; I was walking the speed, that logic dictates one walk when the psychology you possess is haunted, i.e. there is the technology of haunt.
The haunt technology: it is a theology interface experiment, on myself, by a symbiosis community - the symbiosis, itself, ostensibly revolving around the inability to touch the ability to show interest.
As I was walking, through the darkness, noticing the dark grey of the road - I was walking in the middle of the road, as it was a quiet street of activity - the road itself was able to tell me to believe in it, to believe in the concrete, to believe in the time before the shape of the road ended.
After the experience, of buying a Galaxy Caramel and a bottle of Pepsi from the garage, and a bingo scratch card for my mother, I then of course proceeded to begin the journey back:
Walking, back to the house, I was contemplating Janice from Annabelle Creation - from my soul.
Essentially, the psychology that transpired was that I ruminated on a construction creativity, that I'd contemplated on the journey to the garage; of course, without going into the middle details, of the rumination, I ended up with a combination construct, a combination society allusion:
The society allusion, in question - what did it pertain to?
It pertained to Alicia Silverstone, and to California's spiritual possession of Alicia Silverstone; it pertained to George Clooney, and to his version of Bruce Wayne; it pertained to Michael Gough and to Chris O'Donnell, although this is The Unknown.
What really matters, is that amidst the physics sequence, of me thinking, the term combination construct - or was it just the word combinations, or the term combination sex - was able to be a visual construct within my mind.
The problem, with the imagination, was that it lacked the California association programme (I speak from the UK).
What is the programme?
Because, it didn't throw off my physics, despite its inability to let me not-not enjoy feeling my soul, that means it's a physics glitch that's an aristocracy.
To Alicia Silverstone:
although I have had past faith, in the interior of Batman & Robin, and Clueless, I am unable to identify those interiors as moral sources.
In this post, I have spoken of technology of pavement, of technology of houses etc; please, use this type of science to believe in me.
Science is not something has to convince a guy with obscure purpose (not here for real learning).
Actually nothing in this world let me enjoy feeling my soul in the past ten plus years, unless piggy has to be willing to accept the kind “invitation” as a security guard in the field of my old classmates.
Obscure events not yet changed the world, touchy and feely:
1. The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, obviously it’s for obscure purpose...
Although piggy was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF, but it doesn’t mean that what coffin box won out in international scientific community. Piggy really can’t find out in which year that guy won an “Oscar” Prize for physics or for astronomy.呵呵 But if you input Einstein’s name in the search engine, everywhere it would be: Albert Einstein won Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.
2. Piggy repeats a section in the 2022 lunar new year (spring festival) speech:
“A few days ago, piggy contacted Mr. Feng 冯生, who was a former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor. He said that he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in Jiangmen city. Piggy replied: piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. This case seems can count as the affair about what’s Relativity and what’s time too. 呵呵. Piggy has that feeling again: be defeated and has to surrender again unconditionally. The First Order seems to be the real / eternal winner in this cosmos. Shining like sun ray…”
Piggy wondered why Mr. Feng 冯生so eager to persuade piggy to surrender again at the beginning of the chat? “Sure enough” somebody can defeat piggy again? 呵呵
Piggy knows Mr. Feng 冯生 well. Piggy always considers he is a good man. Perhaps he feared the First Order and knew that it’s only way to save piggy?
Piggy doesn’t think that Einstein had much time to convince Gestapo in WW2. But it’s said that president Roosevelt “believe in” the atom bomb. Very fun. It’s absolute an “obscure event” in history changed the world, more or less. haha
Only those guys in the First Order cabal would welcome J – 10 style of “delusional squat” “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism”, perhaps, for “obscure” purpose.。。 呵呵.

Have a lovely day.