@Ali phil,
I believe homosexuality is more biological than circumstantial.
1. We don't have that much scientific evidence since the topic is seen as sinful or taboo. I think it is sinful to not talk about it.
2. Women I have dated have been open enough to talk about their own sexuality. Sadly I only have three examples here to go by :devilish:. My experiments with these fine specimen concluded that each one had their own set of chemical and biological desires for sex.
Ok so I had my fun.:Glasses:
It seems to me that a common mistake is to assume that all homosexuals are the same. "They are all fags." Which is also quite rude to say!
I would say that most homosexual men are looking for more pleasure than emotional needs.(obviously) And women are looking for more emotion needs than sexual pleasure.
So is it more 'sinful' to be gay if you are a women?
Is it more 'sinful' to be gay if you were born gay?
The way I look at it is this:
I was born with a genetic mental disorder that makes me have a tendency toward being what society would say is lazy and anti social. So I am left wondering "am I a sinner even though I can't fully control my brain's neurons?"
I can train my brain to behave more normally so that it becomes less of a problem for society and myself. This I can only do if
- I choose to
- I acknowledge there is a problem
- I have a better understanding of how to go about it.
- Don't become depressed with the struggle and commit suicide
- Receive help and support
I am still left with a problem that is my choice. Whether I deal with it or not it is still a choice.
I for one am not going to throw any stones at homosexuals because in my own decisions I have found it to be healthier to accept my own nature. I am a proud lazy person!
I find it great that homosexuals are able to finally voice their pride of who they are. It is important to them since it would be unhealthy to remain in the closet.
The first step to change is to acknowledge the problem exists. "I think therefore I am."
Religion and politics only causes harm to the situation because it refuses to acknowledge that this is built into our nature. That would mean we have no right to throw the stones at them lest we beat our self with the same stones.