@Ali phil,
Sometime sun 'There are also many breeders who would for the human race better off steralised, (but please dont quote me on that)
I think it is women who would do away with war,
homosexuals can be as agresive as any hetro sexual,
Drama ensues'
Margerate thatcher was a woman was she not?
Joan of ark? (not sure on spelling)
People in positions of power make wars not men, it just so happens due to sexism through history the majority of leaders were men.
What about the Amazonians? (woman worriors that chopped of one breast so they could be better marksmen(women) with their bow.
Banks make war..
If Miss Clinton had won the election their would still have been an increased number of American troops being sent around the globe.
---------- Post added 04-28-2010 at 09:23 PM ----------
"Gays can be anything. Hadrianus was one of the best Roman Emperors. Alexander the Great was a famous warrior. Erasmus & Thomas Moore were good friends..." - Previous statement.
A Roman Emperor also had sex with his mother and sister at the same time.
Alexander was not 'gay'. The movie was very miss leading.
Homosexuality isnt a physical act, streight people do 'gay' actions often.
In Macadonia sex with other males was common for various reasons, one of which was there was no women in the Macadonian army, so when out on the long years of campaining, they would simply have 'gaysex'. But they were not Homosexuals they did it for pleasure not love.