@Diogenes phil,
Hello, sorry for my bad english in the first place, I'm a spanish speaking person.
This is what I think about time.
What there is? The Universe. The universe is a single thing, one thing, the universe. This is important to have in mind. The universe is something that "changes", but this change is also the universe, there is no universe in the past or universe in the future, the universe is ONE and is now.
We are part of this universe, a very peculiar part, a part that can measure things. Our brains process a number os association per second and have something called memory. With this properties, our minds develop a way to interact with the matter around them, that way is to "understand" the surroundings, the rest of the universe. For this purpose our mind creates things called concepts using a social tool called lenguage, thus developing an analithic conciousness. All this fenomenon is constructed over the basis of memory.
In this fenomenon called conciousness there is the idea of time as a mesurerment (dividing the change in parts) and the perception of time as a subjective experience. This two "times" are not the same, but the two are created by our mind, do not exist outside of our mind.
There is no problem really, 'cos the things that are outside of our mind does not matter to us, we understand the universe from within.
But outside human thinking there is no time. All that there is in a universe that changes. The change is ONE and the "instant" in wich change happens is also ONE. the change is instantaneous and is always the same change, the change from the beggining til the present. The universe is the remaining of that change.
We have to talk about memory here, for it is important.
Memory is not a knowledge about or a seeing back in time. Memories are remainings of the change, like fossils are. This memories and fossils, the remainings of the change, exist now, not a second ago and not years ago, only exist now for now is all that there is. Our concepts of past an future are ways to explaine to us this remainings and proyect them, thus undestanding the rest of the universe, that is the way that our minds have to interact with the rest of things. Our memories are a certain neural activity that happens in the present, the fossils are things that exist in the present. And the "I" is a thing that exist in the present.
The universe is one, the change is one, and the change is instantaneous, it happens in ONE moment (without a counciousness like us to divide it in parts).
Sorry again, is very hard for me to write in english. I could not help writing a message this long. I hope it'll be comprensible.
P.D.: Another idea, having to do with special relativity, is that "c" (speedy of light) is the velocity of change. But better let this idea for other "time"