A completed theory of everything!

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 05:24 pm
TuringEquivalent;143296 wrote:
Say what? There is nothing is the quantum multiverse case that exclude disjoint multiverses. This comes from your own misunderstanding. The quantum mechanics universes are all part of difference branches of the wave function for the evolution of the universe or multiverse. If you have two disjointed universes, then they must at least not be described by the same physics equation.

Disjointed Universes would be redundant to each other
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 07:43 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Disjointed Universes would be redundant to each other...a waste...

"waste"? Has it come to that?

I don ` t want to be mean, but who cares if you think the fundamental nature of reality is a "waste"? Lot of top philosophers from top universities are had similar views to mine. I think the fundamental nature of reality is diverse. There are in fact many different universes/multiverses that are completely disjointed. By "disjointed", i mean they do not have any spatial-temporal, causal relation to one another.

if there is a thing that common sense can teach us everyday is that things are bound to maximize potential...

This is not even true. Common sense support the principle of locality, while quantum mechanics support non-locality. The difference between metaphysics, and physics is that the latter is verifiable. Neither needs to be common sense at all. Most of the time, common sense is wrong.

As to "maximize potential". I don ` t see how this is against me. Nature might do it` s best to maximize it ` s own diversity. That is, nature produce all logically possible worlds. If there is one world that is logically possible, but does not exist. Nature would generate such a world. How is that for "maximize potential"?


This is so wrong. I am a nerd, and i am very pride of that. I read all the scholars that had ever commented on the subject matter. I have thought about it many, many times. Because of my study, i am able to access all the available information, argument, and make an inform decision. I do have wisdom, creative thinking, etc, but i am able to bring more to the table, namely, the entire repertoire of my learning, and study. What i do takes time. What you can do is what anyone else can do. There is no doubt that i am batter at you on this subject.


People like you reach for comfort and reassurance, always keeping your feet right in the middle of the flock common ground when it comes to ideas...Fringe concepts frighten you and truly challenge your capabilities...an inconvenience to avoid at all costs..

Are you reduced to nothing but caricatures and personal attacks?

.Science is the background of authority and seriousness that you use to make believe that there is some wisdom going on...a true illusion !

No, i am a philosopher. I just know a lot about physics. I think i am a clear thinker, and this has a lot to do with a heavy background in modern analytic philosophy, mathematics, and physics.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 08:51 pm
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 10:57 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
...In a disjointed panorama how could you tell that a Universe would not ever be repeating another at any point of its process ?

Does it matter? The answer is that it does not really matter if an identical universe appeal infinite many times. It is not intuitive, but who is to say it is not true?


If a universe identical to ours repeat itself, this is not due to some link. It is the fact that there is a non-zero probability that it does repeat itself, which in an infinite universe would have a probability 1 chance of repeating itself.


I disagree.


Plus, what you call personnel attack comes exactly in the proportion of your arrogance around the Thread against several participants...

I am "arrogance"? No! If anything, I try to not be arrogant by saying " i don ` t what to be mean etc..".

What is unpopular about me is that i know more than other people here. When i confront people by telling them that they are wrong, they take it personally, and that is why they don ` t like me. This is not new. A lot of smart people are made fun of in our culture, and i don` t expect myself to be any different. You can poke fun of me, but when it comes down to it, i know significant more than you, and i can carry the discussion with reason, and logic.

i never give the first step on that concern...still as I said before I think you have some valid observations on the matter...

Well, thank you :a-ok:
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 11:03 pm
TuringEquivalent;143393 wrote:
If a universe identical to ours repeat itself, this is not due to some link. It is the fact that there is a non-zero probability that it does repeat itself, which in an infinite universe would have a probability 1 chance of repeating itself.
Only if your ontology is discrete. If your ontology is in line with the best physical theories, then it's continuous, and the probability would be zero.
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 12:12 am
ughaibu;143394 wrote:
Only if your ontology is discrete. If your ontology is in line with the best physical theories, then it's continuous, and the probability would be zero.


wikipedia wrote:
A generic prediction of cosmic inflation is an infinite ergodic universe, which, being infinite, must contain Hubble volumes realizing all initial conditions.
Accordingly, an infinite universe will contain an infinite number of Hubble volumes, all having the same physical laws and physical constants. In regard to configurations such as the distribution of matter, almost all will differ from Earth's Hubble volume. However, because there are infinitely many, far beyond the cosmological horizon, there will eventually be Hubble volumes with similar, and even identical configurations. Tegmark estimates that such an identical volume should be about 1010115 meters away, (a number larger than a googolplex).[4][5]

Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Level 1 multiverse is the most conservative multiverse level. It presumes only the matter is even distributed, and space in infinite. If so, then an identical copy of you, me, and everyone is only 10^10^115 away. This estimate is based on traditional physics which is model by continuous mathematics.

This confirms my belief of you. You know near nothing about this matter, and yet you assert your opinion. Can you at least know what you are talking about before you comment? I am not trying to be rude, but this is a systemic problem.
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 12:28 am
TuringEquivalent;143419 wrote:
I am not trying to be rude
You manage effortlessly.
TuringEquivalent;143419 wrote:
this is a systemic problem.
I know, on the other board too, you consistently presented half baked ideas and refused any criticism. It's boring, unproductive and a waste of time.
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 01:31 am
ughaibu;143422 wrote:
You manage effortlessly.I know, on the other board too, you consistently presented half baked ideas and refused any criticism. It's boring, unproductive and a waste of time.

Wait, are you making a "personal attack" because i hurt your feelings?

On a factual level, what you just said about "zero-probability" is wrong, and i state the reason why you are wrong with reference.

I know i hurt your feelings, but you feel the need to fight back by calling me:

1. half baked ideas.

2.refuse any criticism.

3. boring,

4. unproductive

5. waste of time.

reply to 1: I have a well form idea. Perhaps it is too confusing for you?

reply to 2: Your criticism is noted, and it is wrong. In support, i gave you a reference.

reply to 3: No, you are boring! I am fun.

reply to 4: How productive are you posting in a philosophy forum?

reply to 5: Now, you are just repeating yourself.
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 07:33 am
north;143261 wrote:
Originally Posted by north http://www.philosophyforum.com/images/PHBlue/buttons/viewpost.gif
the Cosmic Plasma theory was around even in Einsteins day , it was just too complicated

basically the Cosmic Plasma theory states that galaxies produce proto galaxies

have I not already done this ? I have
So this is your alternative to the BB theory, you believe this has undisputed proof . I will examine this as you appear not to able to use it to answer my question.Cosmic Background Explorer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I think this put your theory to bed forever. why should you cling to a theory that has no mainstream support and give it to me as a certain proof of your opinion. If you wish to debate by just giving links, it will not progress.
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 11:41 am
TuringEquivalent;143393 wrote:
If a universe identical to ours repeat itself, this is not due to some link. It is the fact that there is a non-zero probability that it does repeat itself, which in an infinite universe would have a probability 1 chance of repeating itself.

Well, thank you :a-ok:
Night Ripper
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 11:48 am
TuringEquivalent;143434 wrote:
Wait, are you making a "personal attack" because i hurt your feelings?

On a factual level, what you just said about "zero-probability" is wrong, and i state the reason why you are wrong with reference.

I know i hurt your feelings, but you feel the need to fight back by calling me:

1. half baked ideas.

2.refuse any criticism.

3. boring,

4. unproductive

5. waste of time.

reply to 1: I have a well form idea. Perhaps it is too confusing for you?

reply to 2: Your criticism is noted, and it is wrong. In support, i gave you a reference.

reply to 3: No, you are boring! I am fun.

reply to 4: How productive are you posting in a philosophy forum?

reply to 5: Now, you are just repeating yourself.

I think you both need get back to the topic. TuringEquivalent, you have to forgive us but your ideas are less than clear. I understand a lot of esoteric ideas but you're not even giving me a hint of making sense. I fully admit this may be my own fault but be charitable and just try to think over your ideas better and give them to us in a more manageable form. Until you can do that, you will just have to forgive our skepticism. It's not personal. It's actually a good thing that we are critical of your ideas.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 01:06 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;143627 wrote:

I am certain worlds repeat. In fact, whatever worlds you care to imagine repeats infinitely many times. Why? Because our universe might be infinite, and the distribution of matter evenly distributed. This means by some calculation, there is an identical you, and me at some 10^10^115 meters distance away. You don` t need a multiverse to repeat things!


You should think less, or to not rely only, on your supposed Mathematical and Physical knowledge when it comes to producing good and innovative ideas, tools are not paths...wisdom can flow from many different fountains, and usually it does not came from pre-setted academical formation...you should know better...

What i say here don` t appeal to common sense. Saying that there is an identical you, and me some 10^10^115 meters away is not common sense. Is it innovative? It is the wrong question, because ideas are cheap. It takes more than ideas to win people over.


Sure, but not all ideas are good. I believe in crazy stuff like idealism, and it is not the mainstream physicalist culture.

from what I have seen, this is probably your worse mistake so far...maybe you are young and impulsive, or just to hard setted towards a specific way of learning and thinking...in any case its not good in the long run...

That is where you are wrong. Most of the time, i tell my professors how wrong they are.

---------- Post added 03-25-2010 at 02:08 PM ----------

Night Ripper;143634 wrote:
I think you both need get back to the topic. TuringEquivalent, you have to forgive us but your ideas are less than clear. I understand a lot of esoteric ideas but you're not even giving me a hint of making sense. I fully admit this may be my own fault but be charitable and just try to think over your ideas better and give them to us in a more manageable form. Until you can do that, you will just have to forgive our skepticism. It's not personal. It's actually a good thing that we are critical of your ideas.

Thanks, i will do better next time.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 03:25 pm
TuringEquivalent;143665 wrote:
I am certain worlds repeat. In fact, whatever worlds you care to imagine repeats infinitely many times. Why? Because our universe might be infinite, and the distribution of matter evenly distributed. This means by some calculation, there is an identical you, and me at some 10^10^115 meters distance away. You don` t need a multiverse to repeat things!

---------- Post added 03-25-2010 at 04:55 PM ----------

...oh, and about space infinity, that nonsense, remains to be seen...
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 10:04 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
only in a disjointed Universe you would hypothetically have the opportunity of truly repeating everything simultaneously...

Two disjointed worlds would not really need be simultaneous. It is not clear "simultaneous" makes any sense if the two worlds are two disjointed space-time.


If the level 1 multiverse(Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) is fully actualized, then there would be many different hubble volume such that for all practical purpose would like a universe to us. If this is true, then in a infinite universe, every configuration of matter, and energy is fully realized so that at some 10^10^115 meters away, a carbon copy of you, me, earth, solar system, and our observable universe is reproduced. If space is infinite, this means our observable universe is repeat infinitely many times.


but what I can see is that you not even clearly understood to what I was pointing at...you need a reset in the system or a disjointed reality for repeatability...

Level 1 multiverse is not disjointed. Our observable universe would have causal contact in principle with other observable universes, but they are all part of one universe.

I fully believe in level 4 multiverse. That is, universes described by all halting computer programs, or all mathematical structures. In philosophy, it is called modal realism.


what don` t i understand?


I think you are in the dark. It is something most philosophers, and physicists realized for a very very long time if we really live in an infinite universe where matter is evenly distributed. I can even point you to a paper that does the calculation. Do you want it?


You can posit a link all you want, but i am telling that there is nothing logically necessary about it. Universes need not have a "link"( whatever that means).


Your thought is flawed and you are far from bright if you miss the obvious...

You don ` t seem to get the point that in a level 1 multiverse, observable universes repeat infinitely many time in an spatially-infinite universe. It is true that have causal relations in principle, but there is nothing here to exclude an level 4 multiverse.


I think you shouldn ` t think too much about other people. You should worry more about yourself. You throw around "common sense" a lot, and this is one area where common sense don` t really help you.

...oh, and about space infinity, that nonsense, remains to be seen...

Most likely, space is spatially infinite.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 10:23 pm
TuringEquivalent;143840 wrote:
Two disjointed worlds would not really need be simultaneous. It is not clear "simultaneous" makes any sense if the two worlds are two disjointed space-time.

If the level 1 multiverse(Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) is fully actualized, then there would be many different hubble volume such that for all practical purpose would like a universe to us. If this is true, then in a infinite universe, every configuration of matter, and energy is fully realized so that at some 10^10^115 meters away, a carbon copy of you, me, earth, solar system, and our observable universe is reproduced. If space is infinite, this means our observable universe is repeat infinitely many times.

Level 1 multiverse is not disjointed. Our observable universe would have causal contact in principle with other observable universes, but they are all part of one universe.

I fully believe in level 4 multiverse. That is, universes described by all halting computer programs, or all mathematical structures. In philosophy, it is called modal realism.

what don` t i understand?

I think you are in the dark. It is something most philosophers, and physicists realized for a very very long time if we really live in an infinite universe where matter is evenly distributed. I can even point you to a paper that does the calculation. Do you want it?

You can posit a link all you want, but i am telling that there is nothing logically necessary about it. Universes need not have a "link"( whatever that means).

You don ` t seem to get the point that in a level 1 multiverse, observable universes repeat infinitely many time in an spatially-infinite universe. It is true that have causal relations in principle, but there is nothing here to exclude an level 4 multiverse.

I think you shouldn ` t think too much about other people. You should worry more about yourself. You throw around "common sense" a lot, and this is one area where common sense don` t really help you.

Most likely, space is spatially infinite.
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 10:44 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,

Can you explain why you don` t like infinities? Infinite is a very counterintuitive notion. I personally like it, but i had many years to think about it.

Let ` s be clear, when we talk about disjointed universe. The formal names is "modal realism", and "level 4 multiverse". I think it is best to be specific. I use "level 4 multiverse" in a different, but equivalent sense than Tagmark. It is:

* All logical possible halting computer programs describes a universe/multiverse


Most people that go for level 4 multiverse believe that nature ought to be as diverse as possible. This means, if there is a logically possible world that don` t exist, then it must exist.

Another reason is that if there is only one world that exist, then there need to be a principle that tells us that no other worlds exist, which to most people seems to be very complicated indeed.

actually the problem is not with repeat alone, but with the idea of disjointed purposeless, waste of energy,

I think your mind is way too limited. why suppose energy has some type of trans world identity? Energy conservation comes out of time-symmetry, but time-symmetry is a contingent feature of our world. There are possible worlds with different symmetry principles, and laws.


I find level 4 multiverse to be beautiful, but i think you disagree. I think you have shallow reasons ( eg: it does not seem right) that you disagree.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 08:09 am
TuringEquivalent;143848 wrote:
Can you explain why you don` t like infinities? Infinite is a very counterintuitive notion. I personally like it, but i had many years to think about it.
TuringEquivalent;143848 wrote:
Let ` s be clear, when we talk about disjointed universe. The formal names is "modal realism", and "level 4 multiverse". I think it is best to be specific. I use "level 4 multiverse" in a different, but equivalent sense than Tagmark. It is:

* All logical possible halting computer programs describes a universe/multiverse
TuringEquivalent;143848 wrote:
Most people that go for level 4 multiverse believe that nature ought to be as diverse as possible. This means, if there is a logically possible world that don` t exist, then it must exist.

This already implies that the set of worlds cannot repeat one another...

TuringEquivalent;143848 wrote:
Another reason is that if there is only one world that exist, then there need to be a principle that tells us that no other worlds exist, which to most people seems to be very complicated indeed.
TuringEquivalent;143848 wrote:
I think your mind is way too limited. why suppose energy has some type of trans world identity? Energy conservation comes out of time-symmetry, but time-symmetry is a contingent feature of our world. There are possible worlds with different symmetry principles, and laws.

Dynamic so far established the causal links between the entire reality around us maximizing the potential of its operators gathered in the process..there is no sufficient good reason to think in sets of worlds untied of each other and with no purpose of maximization...if there is potential what there is tends to be agglomerated in different levels of sets related in different levels of complexity as in systems and sub-systems and their relations...of course, in your bright endeavourer you fly above all this...you are such a wise guy...

TuringEquivalent;143848 wrote:
I find level 4 multiverse to be beautiful, but i think you disagree. I think you have shallow reasons ( eg: it does not seem right) that you disagree.

---------- Post added 03-26-2010 at 09:33 AM ----------

More, is there anything is this Theory that you are committed, that you can disagree with ? because if not, as a student, you are immediately classified as a mediocre non risk taking person...and that seems to be the case so far !
...also that makes the difference between having opinion and not having, none...
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 11:25 am
@Fil Albuquerque,

It is not "magical thinking", it is just the full consequence of level 1 multiverse which you obvious do not know, and part of common knowledge for anyone that ever read about this issue in depth. In both case, you have fail.


That is where you are wrong. Jointed realities is equivalent to "modal realism" of david lewis, "level 4 multiverse" of tagmark, and "principle of fecundity" of Robert nozick. Steven landsburg, Derek parfit also have similar ideas, but they never gave it a name in their books. I continue on the tradition of these other people. I know you don` t trust authority, but they are all professors from princeton, harvard, mit, and university of rochesher( ie: Steven landsburg). I am with comfortable people indeed.


This already implies that the set of worlds cannot repeat one another...

The fact of the matter is that observable universe is repeat is just a pure consequence of level 1 multiverse. There also other trival ways to generate identical reality such as two identical computer programs running on some cosmic computer as explain by Nick Bostrom of Oxford.


It is a speculative possibilities! It is also a metaphysical position! We do have good reason for this metaphysical claim. David lewis use it to solve subjuntive conditions, while others use it show that the mystery of our universe is some what reduced by positing many other universes/multiverses. My reason is with the latter. One reason i guess is that i never like any mystery, or unknowable.


Dynamic so far established the causal links between the entire reality around us maximizing the potential of its operators gathered in the process..there is no sufficient good reason to think in sets of worlds untied of each other and with no purpose of maximization...if there is potential what there is tends to be agglomerated in different levels of sets related in different levels of complexity as in systems and sub-systems and their relations...of course, in ..

Well, you are not saying anything new. You are also factual wrong about somethings. In general, you still think there is some "link" that makes reality unified. This is i think wrong. I am

your bright endeavourer you fly above all this...you are such a wise guy.

Is this sarcasm? I am telling you an idea( i fully accept the possibility that i am wrong), and you attack me like i am a disease? I am very sad by the fact that people like you that don` t know much at all about the matter tell me that i am crazy. If you want to be this way, then why the hell do we even want to talk to me? Don ` t you have better things to do than to attack people that disagree with you?

I don ` t believe something because it is fun. I believe it because it solves mysterious. Unfortunately, you like to use your "gut"( Ie: what your common sense tell you).

More, is there anything is this Theory that you are committed, that you can disagree with ? because if not, as a student, you are immediately classified as a mediocre non risk taking person...and that seems to be the case so far !...also that makes the difference between having opinion and not having, none...

You also call/refer me:

1.... magical thinking...


3..bright endeavourer you fly above all this...you are such a wise guy..

you are ignorant about this matter, and that is why you resort to personal attacks. People like you like to throw your tantrums because you have no significant ideas, reasons to muster, and would like to fill the page with outbursts. Am i too much for you? Could you really match me in the quality of ideas, and argument without resorting to personal attacks because you have personal issues? no. To shame you, i need merely to point.

In any case, i think i am more closer to a "creative genius" than you. If you actually know anything, a lot of creative genius made contribution to their discipline by first being a master of their field of expertise. Einstein read the works of maxwell, and newton read the works of Euclid, and descarte. You don ` t know as much as me, and you have not master an expertise i know of. You must think your tandrums is gold, and if so, then that is truely sad.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 12:11 pm
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 01:52 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;144112 wrote:
I am not losing my time with you no more..

You have enough time for this forum, so i guess you do have time for this thread. You don` t want to "talk", because you have nothing to say.


That is just wrong. The consequences of ( modal realism, level 4 multiverse, principle of fecundity etc) are :

1. Observable universes/ worlds are repeated.

2. There are disjointed space-times/ world/stuff/etc.


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