Imnotrussian;74857 wrote:Drugs- Good or Bad?
Drugs are neither good nor bad; they are neutral.
It's how we use them that is either good or bad.
If drugs are used in moderation on an occasional basis for recreational purposes, there is nothing wrong with that.
The problem, however, is that most people use drugs to self-medicate as a means of dealing with stress or unwanted feelings. At this point, the use of the drug is no longer for recreation, but to suppress negative emotions. This is where it becomes problematic and can lead to addiction.
Addiction, however, is not a problem
per se - it is the
symptom of a problem, that being the addict's inability to manage their own lives without resorting to the drug to insulate them emotionally.
I'm a recovering pot addict; I've got three years sobriety from pot.
When I first started using pot, like most people, it was for fun. Over the course of 5 years, I began relying on pot to medicate my feelings and deal with stress. Eventually I got to the point where I was buying a quarter a week @ $125, smoking all of it, and going it again. Because of physical tolerance, I had smoke 3-4 bowls (and this was high-grade hydroponic stuff) just to get a mild buzz. If I wanted to get really baked, I had to smoke 5-7 bowls.
Eventually, I came to realize that I was addicted to pot and had to quit smoking it because I would do nothing else but sit around and get baked.
However, I don't blame the
drug for my addiction -- it was
my issues in life that I wasn't dealing with that led to my addiction.
I think that pot ought to be legalized in the US for a variety of reasons, but even so, I personally can't use it ever again. The
addiction is seductive; not the drug itself.