Tell me what you think of my thoughts

Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 11:33 am
Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing. I sit around and do nothing. Sometimes i think I don't have a life, but I feel happy but am I happy? I tell people that I have life figured out do I? Can you have life figured out? We as a people still don't know why we are here, we just are. I have always said that the meaning of life is to have fun. I have a lot of fun so dose that mean I have a life. If my own meaning of life is to have fun and I am having fun that would mean I have a life right?

Sometimes I don't know what is going on. I walk around with the thought that I am a better person then a lot of people that I know. I think to my self that I am better then this person, I know more then this person, and I am having more fun then this person so they don't have a life. I can't tell what another find fun. If I like to smoke weed and drink others might find it more fun to do research or to go to church. It is not my job to tell others what is fun.

If the meaning of life is to have fun then what is "fun" and If there are so many ways of people having fun, how could we all come to the same point and as a people can we all be happy as one? If my girlfriend makes me happy and I have fun being with her, to make things betters I do things for her, i go to her friends house which I don't like and I buy her things. All these things Im not having fun doing them but they make her happy. So its a problem that Im not having fun doing something then I am not happy right. But If the end result is fun that would work out in the end for both of us.

Why do we feel the need to do things for other people? Dose it make us feel better, dose it make us feel good for our self's? I feel that people do things for others for there own benefit. Many people could say that is false but look at it in my view. If a family that is lower class donated $5 to lets say the Red Cross that is living pay check to pay check then why are they doing this. They do this to make them self's feel better. People's minds are there own minds they are using there minds for them self. Yes you can say that there are scientsit that are right now coming with a way to cure Cancer. Yes that is great but for a example the Swine Flue Vaccine as of October 14th 2009 sold $1.5 billion, the seasonal flu vaccine sold $1 billion, and with the global vaccine market hitting $20 billion there is a lot of money to be made. So these scientist who are tying to find the cure for Cancer why are they doing this, to save millions of life's or for making billions of dollars? You be the judge of that. But lets say these scientsit are doing it just to save peoples life's, if this is so why are they doing it? Yes I know it is a crazy question but don't you think that they might be thinking to them self's "I am going to be world famous", "I am unforgettable", and "I will be in the history book". So what is the key word in each of those? Yes it is "I" In the back of all of our mind's we are there, we are that little voice telling us to do things to better our self's. Has that little voice ever told you to do something that is bad for you? The purpose of that little voice to to be on your side, is to some how in the end it comes out making you on top.

If we are all just so concerned with our self's then why do we care so much about what others think about us? If we are all just thinking about our needs, our wants, and our way to find fun, then why did the cosmetics industry make $7 billion in 2009? Or Why in 2008 did the cosmetic Surgery industry make $1.9 billion? How I see it, people feel better when others like them, and as we all know, first impressions count very much so, to be happy i seems we need to impress, befriend, and think of others because to be happy we need others in our life's. We need someone there that will be there for us. But how can we do this is we are just thinking of our self's? But that is the thing as stated previously we only care about our self, but we all look better so we can make friends and be happy and most people don't want to be alone they want to have that group of friends, a girlfriend, wife, and what ever to make them happy. to get they people spend money to look the part, to feel that they are wanted. That is what it breaks down to, the need of feeling wanted.

As children we need love and affection, but do we still need that when we are adults? Many people would tell you that they are a loner, that they don't need some affection in there life's. But a study done by by Phychosomatic showed that massage and touch lowers stress hormones and blood pressure. So it is helpful to us. But lets say if we never had or were given to us for a period of time, I feel that people would go crazy if they did not have any short affection. affection from others allows you to know that you are needed, to know that you are loved.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,621 • Replies: 19
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:09 pm
@ coolpm

You will find most of your answer is psycology: Group Think / Flok Instinct.

The need to have friends, the need for social connections, the need to give and support is the foundation of a society, else if we all were egoists and/or unsocial, then a society would fall apart.

- there wouldn't be produced chrildren, no gf/bf's = no chrildren.
- no nurses or doctors, why would they waste time on elders, and stupid people who injures themselfs?
- no vourlenteers for police, why would i endanger myself against criminals?

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Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 03:21 am
well one piece of advice from an old timer is, don't take your thoughts too seriously. Learn to watch them, as if they are an interesting phenomenon, but preferably of the same type as anything else. Learn to treat yourself as a friend but also treat everyone else the same way. Learn from your thoughts but don't wallow in them.

There's a bit of philosophy for you.:bigsmile:
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Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 04:14 am
Don't listen to any of these guys, psychology and phenomenology are both bull.

With respect to the meaning of life, I say that existence precedes essence, and there is no value without the evaluator. The world has no objective meaning. Any meaning it has is going to be yours assigned to it by you. If you choose to have a miserable essence than you esteem yourself as a miserable one. You create yourself and interpret the world around you in whatever way you wish. Why you would choose that is beyond me, other than you haven't come to the full realization of the control you have over your own situation yet.

As to the egoists, we have another word for them, sociopaths. Remember that you are free, but you are not alone either. Blagh, I must sound incoherent. Ask for clarification if any of this doesn't make any sense, it's 5 am over here I may not have made any sense.
mister kitten
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 04:24 pm
Take away everything-all those drugs, friends, family, fun, emotion, reason, your house, etc.- What is left?

Why are you concerned with others?
How would you live without fun (pleasure?)?
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Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 08:52 pm
amist;142124 wrote:
Don't listen to any of these guys, psychology and phenomenology are both bull.

With respect to the meaning of life, I say that existence precedes essence, and there is no value without the evaluator. The world has no objective meaning. Any meaning it has is going to be yours assigned to it by you. If you choose to have a miserable essence than you esteem yourself as a miserable one. You create yourself and interpret the world around you in whatever way you wish. Why you would choose that is beyond me, other than you haven't come to the full realization of the control you have over your own situation yet.

As to the egoists, we have another word for them, sociopaths. Remember that you are free, but you are not alone either. Blagh, I must sound incoherent. Ask for clarification if any of this doesn't make any sense, it's 5 am over here I may not have made any sense.
Don't see how psycology are bull? It's a sience in itself, contrary philosophy which are only assumptions.
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 09:22 pm
Absolutely Great Question!.

We need people to ask questions. Not answer with their belief.

I think it all comes to perspective. Zoom in / Zoom Out.

When you narrow your perspective and think hard ..you will hurt yourself and go in neuroshock.

When you broaden your perspective , you will lose interest in everything as though you have seen it all. You get bored.

We are living in networked society not in forest. So we need friendship and all other things to keep you going and going....

Only one thing you should and must gets it into your brain. All are same boat.

I did solve my questions. It took a while. I did solve it. Because i see everyone's problem not mine. Why? I do not exist.

Only way to free your mind is understand your beliefs are not you , it is accumulated / conditioned belief bundle. Belief makes body likes it....and body become slave.

Laughing at yourself is best medicine. DO not laugh in crowded area. They may think you are insane and put you in psych ward. hahaha.

You have learn to laugh at yourself and others silently.

Freedom is limited. If every freeman have knife , he will kill each other because he is free.

What ever we think , it works only within a box(perspective).

Questions are good....it makes you think.

The secret though understanding when you ask question , you are not expecting answer but mere the process of detaching your beliefs and tell your brain to drop dead.

I used to ask question after question recursively ...until one day it dawn to me....i was thinking of answers for my questions assuming i have valid question.

Then i saw all the question raised by any human is not a valid one. He can't ask a valid question. All his questions have implicit answers. He just do not want to see it , he just want to play HIDE AND SEEK with himself.

Once you eliminate the answers never will be the correct answer , you will not be expecting answer when you ask a question , it is mere a process of deconditioning your mind to see things in natural form.

What , how and why on everything...

Just watch everyone's answer , understand why people say what they say...understand their needs...understand how they are compressed in their box.

It is difficult to see yourself...the quickest way is address yourself as a 3rd person , to see what you are doing every day...

You can see yourself in others easily when you say "i do not exist". You always see yourself others when you have belief but you do not aware of it.

By eliminating your belief , by saying to yourself , "i do not exist" , you brain has to take different path to get the answer it look for,..

you have to strip of each beliefs like onions one by one before you completely tell yourself "I DO NOT EXIST".

Your question cease to exist , Answers do not exist.

You only see slave human monkeys who play to their belief's master's drum beat.

Aks questions , never agree or disagree...

Just play along and have fun with human monkeys... The minute you set a end point , you are fked in the brain. Because endpoint never going to be endpoint...it is all fake. Humans just try to trick their brain by having endpont(expectation)..motivation may be...

The issue is if you know everything , why live ? what to live for? what is the use?.

Find the assumption behind the questions...you will see those questions are invalid.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 10:06 am
Why do you want to live?

Question is the problem. Reason behind the question always reveal the assumptions.

Humans conviniently ignore all his assumption and foolish question to find answers for stupid questions. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 11:01 am
HexHammer;142402 wrote:
[How is psychology bull]? It's a s[c]ience in itself, contrary philosophy which are only assumptions.

I don't know what you're saying when you say '...contrary philosophy which are only assumptions.'

Anyways I'll talk about the parts that I could understad.

First of all, a distinction, psychology is not a science, it is a 'social science'.

Second, it's pseudo-scientific because most of it is just baseless speculation about vaguely scientifically related things. This is a tangent though.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 11:07 am
amist;142644 wrote:
I don't know what you're saying when you say '...contrary philosophy which are only assumptions.'

Anyways I'll talk about the parts that I could understad.

First of all, a distinction, psychology is not a science, it is a 'social science'.

Second, it's pseudo-scientific because most of it is just baseless speculation about vaguely scientifically related things. This is a tangent though.
That psycology which rely upon double blind test, is indeed sience.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 11:12 am
I'm not saying it's absolutely without merit, a large body of it is pseudo scientific. There is no denying this and in any case this is a tangent.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 11:46 am
amist;142650 wrote:
I'm not saying it's absolutely without merit, a large body of it is pseudo scientific. There is no denying this and in any case this is a tangent.
May I humbly ask ..which? That I may read up upon it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 11:48 am
Well, first thing off the top of my head is Freud. Pretty much every theory on emotions and physiology ever. This is a tangent though.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 12:05 pm
amist;142661 wrote:
Well, first thing off the top of my head is Freud. Pretty much every theory on emotions and physiology ever. This is a tangent though.
Ty most kindly, but what I know he's hardly even considerd in modern psycology, with all his phallos symbolism and penis envy, however he really made a good breakthrough in the understanding of human psycology.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 04:02 am
I do not exist. Smile
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 04:41 am
pondfish;142930 wrote:
I do not exist. Smile
Neither do I! :whistling:
Owen phil
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 06:22 am
pondfish;142930 wrote:
I do not exist. Smile

What can you possibly mean by asserting "I do not exist".

It is an absurd statement. It cannot be asserted by anyone.

That you make any claim, ensures that you do exist!

I think, therefore I exist.
I pee, therefore I exist.
I doubt, therefore I exist.
I assert p, therefore I exist. etc...

If your assertion was "I do not understand existence" then I would agree with you.
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 06:24 am
@Owen phil,
Owen;142963 wrote:
What can you possibly mean by asserting "I do not exist".

It is an absurd statement. It cannot be asserted by anyone.

That you make any claim, ensures that you do exist!

I think, therefore I exist.
I pee, therefore I exist.
I doubt, therefore I exist.
I assert p, therefore I exist. etc...

If your assertion was "I do not understand existence" then I would agree with you.
A rock does not think but still exist.

Please stop with such stone age philosophy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:57 am
HexHammer;142940 wrote:
Neither do I! :whistling:

well done...slowly and steadily ... when you assert I do not exist million times , you become nothing...ahhahaa..

Yet you see everything.

You can not claim you know everything without saying "i do not know". It is simple. Magic sentence is " i do not know".

So simple yet people do not follow.

In other way you can put that is " i do not exist".

In that way you become observer than part of the game.

If you are a player in the game , your perspective has boundary limits. You will run in circles.

Ask questions , never agree or disagree.:detective:

---------- Post added 03-30-2010 at 07:02 AM ----------

Owen;142963 wrote:
What can you possibly mean by asserting "I do not exist".

It is an absurd statement. It cannot be asserted by anyone.

That you make any claim, ensures that you do exist!

I think, therefore I exist.
I pee, therefore I exist.
I doubt, therefore I exist.
I assert p, therefore I exist. etc...

If your assertion was "I do not understand existence" then I would agree with you.

That is ok...you are just come out of womb. Hahahaha.

Keep listening ...keep challenging pondfish in every post...you will see what i see.

Never give up!. Because people who give up is a coward. Coward do not exist. hahahaha. Monkeeeeeeeeeeees

I say obvious. But you have to pick up. You have to ask why i say not what i say.

What i say is always crap. words are crap. it is there to make people come out of their trance. May be little tiny weeny shock therapy...

Again...do not fight pondfish unless you have strong mind. Because i do not exist. That means i show you , you are only talking to yourself.

Because it is what is happening , i just remove the blinder.

Pepijn Sweep
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 12:12 pm
Tell who what IY Think ? Who is asking ? My Thoughts are

take apound of fish
filet twice
rub with le-man

marinate in pepper, salt and some sereh

cut in dices, stirr fry on high temperature

ad vegies and cooked rice

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