This is an interesting thought which I am pulling from David Bohm's (a well known quantum physicist) book On Creativity.
He writes about creativity in science and other disciplines:
"So to sum up we may say that quite generally, in a creative act of perception, one first becomes aware (generally non-verbally) of a new set of relevant difference, and one begins to feel out or otherwise to note a new set of similarities, which do not come
merely from past knowledge, either in the same field or a different field. This leads to a new order, which then gives rise to a hierarchy of new orders, that constitutes a set of new kinds of structure. The whole process tends to form harmonious and unified totalities, felt to be beautiful, as well as capable of moving those who understand them in a profoundly stirring way."
"What, then, is the creative state of mind, which so few have been able to be in? As, indicated earlier, it is, first of all, one whose interest in what is being done is wholehearted and total, like that of a young child. With this spirit, it is always open to learning what is new, to perceiving new differences and new similarities, leading to new orders and structures, rather than always tending to impose familiar orders and structures in the field of what is seen."Anyone have any new creative thoughts that they would like to share with me?