Hi Sara,
A couple of thoughts:
1) Spirals appear throughout nature. The DNA building block of life has a spiral like shape:
But you are quite correct, that pyramids are also a quite common concept. The whole notion of hierarchies, which humans love to create in society, is based upon the pyramid. Bentov, in his discussion of the oscillating universe (and mind), uses a pendulum as an analogy. Of course, a pendulum will trace out some pretty interesting shapes combining the circle and triangle.
I believe these shapes are fundamental, and when rectified at in higher dimensions, may provide some very important insights into the nature of existence. Notice the shapes within the Kabbalah:
I think you are going to have a very interesting life as you explore the shapes of the universe. One that you might particularly enjoy is the Taiji symbol:
As for an new economic system, as you explore human nature, and all of its varieties, I think you will be surprised at how people act under different circumstance. Everyone is quite different, and you may be very surprised at the variety and how they go about their daily lives and how they may react in any system that you propose. Humans are a gas.