Socialism (Moved from Grapes of Wrath)

Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 12:10 pm
xris;82699 wrote:
Why should i be in favour of that?How can you relate gun control with intrusion.

The government intruding in our lives for the sake of safety.
Isn't the government locking you up for owning what it thinks you are unfit to own the same as being filmed?
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 12:19 pm
EmperorNero;82807 wrote:
The government intruding in our lives for the sake of safety.
Isn't the government locking you up for owning what it thinks you are unfit to own the same as being filmed?
Oh lets be sensible about this please,do you think any government should have any controls on what weapons you can keep under your bed? Do you think an automatic cannon would be acceptable,a nuclear bomb.If keeping guns would benefit the individual then ide say let him have one but as it has been conclusively proven not to be the case ,we have to restrict their ownership.Why not let kids have access to the poison cupboard, as its obvious we are taking his freedom away.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 12:44 pm
Nero, these debates become tenuous, even boring, when we stretch reality too far, turn logic on its head for no reason other than to argue. You prescribe rules and circumstances which, if actually applied to any society, would collapse that civilization. The very worlds that you and your colleague, Brightnoon, so often depict are places I know you would not like to live in nor would anyone else. Rights are not absolute, freedom is not absolute. This nonsense about drunk pilots being protected from oppression of their right to fly drunk unless they crash. What bunk. In a world in which that was tolerated there would be no flights. No insurer would touch the carrier, no financier would lend the carrier money for aircraft, no passsengers would fly. We live in a world structured on logic and foreseeability ordered in such a way as to prescribe a measure of accountability. Even lower forms of animal life adopt rules that allow them to function as societies. Without them you have people thrown back to live in caves that is until they found it worthwhile to share their cave with others whereupon logic and foreseeability and accountability would have to be reinstated.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 02:06 pm
RDRDRD1;82634 wrote:
Brightnoon, let's revisit the drunk pilot example. Your analysis is flawed in that it utterly ignores his passengers and the pilot's responsibility to them and for their well-being. What right does he have to fly drunk without their informed consent? Perhaps that's the answer. If he wishes to avoid prosecution, he should parade up and down the aisles getting passengers to sign consent forms. The only reason he's flying in the first place is his plainly implied agreement to operate the aircraft to the very best of his ability, that means sober. His pilot's licence is not given as of right. It is a privilege. He has no right to fly at all save in accordance with the terms under which he is given the privilege and, pursuant to those terms, he consents to prosecution for their breach.

Your analysis is flawed because you fundementally do not understand the basis of the pilot-passenger relationship. It is contractual relationship. Both parties are involved in a mutually voluntary contract. The pilot has only what responsibilities he is contracted to have. Whether or not flying drunk is prohibited by the terms of the contract determines whether or not the pilot has a responsibility to fly sober. If he fails to meet such a responsibility, he has violated the terms of a contract, and can be sued in civil court, but has committed no crime. If he actually crashes the plane due to negligence, then he has committed a crime.
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 02:56 pm
BrightNoon;82825 wrote:
Your analysis is flawed because you fundementally do not understand the basis of the pilot-passenger relationship. It is contractual relationship. Both parties are involved in a mutually voluntary contract. The pilot has only what responsibilities he is contracted to have. Whether or not flying drunk is prohibited by the terms of the contract determines whether or not the pilot has a responsibility to fly sober. If he fails to meet such a responsibility, he has violated the terms of a contract, and can be sued in civil court, but has committed no crime. If he actually crashes the plane due to negligence, then he has committed a crime.
So what is your point exactly?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 03:05 pm
Of course he has committed a crime, the crime of reckless endangerment for starters. Much as this may infuriate you and seem oppressive, we don't let people recklessly endanger the lives of others. We're such fascist control freaks that we actually pass laws like this and, guess what, the public overwhelmingly support it because it makes perfect sense to 99.999% of us.
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 03:05 pm
xris;58643 wrote:
When does socialism punish kids for getting better grades, are you really being serious?

I believe they call that a metaphor xris.

Why should the majority of people who fall below the level of a certain income be forced to pay taxes at a higher rate than those who are above that rate.

They shouldn't. Graduated taxation, whether progressive or regressive, is unjust.

The state does not redistribute income, it taxes those who earn and helps those who are below a certain income.

That would be a redistribution of wealth. Wealth taken from one person and given to another.

The book gives you good example of a society that cares only for winners.We are not talking about scroungers or the lazy but honest hard working folk who by circumstance or even greed by those who have succeeded, fallen on hard times, they need for humanities sake for society to aid their recovery.

Welfare systems do not 'aid their recovery,' welfare systems institutionalize poverty.
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 05:09 pm
BrightNoon;82839 wrote:
Welfare systems do not 'aid their recovery,' welfare systems institutionalize poverty.

Yes. Which I've come to think of as being the point. Poor, dependent citizens is what the elites want.

---------- Post added 08-13-2009 at 01:26 AM ----------

RDRDRD1;82816 wrote:
Nero, these debates become tenuous, even boring,

Yeah, I agree with that. These debates have become boring, you people ain't gonna get it.
I haven't been paying good attention for a while.

It's sad to see that so many (it's a minority, but a influential one) could be convinced that the principles that caused WWII are a good idea.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2009 05:39 pm
RDRDRD1;82838 wrote:
Of course he has committed a crime, the crime of reckless endangerment for starters. Much as this may infuriate you and seem oppressive, we don't let people recklessly endanger the lives of others. We're such fascist control freaks that we actually pass laws like this and, guess what, the public overwhelmingly support it because it makes perfect sense to 99.999% of us.

I realize that 'reckless endangerment' is currently considered a crime. Aren't we debating what should be considered a crime?
Reply Thu 13 Aug, 2009 06:38 am
I just hope in this bright noo world certain individuals dont need to be reminded they stand and fall on their own.For me you can keep it, ide rather live in a caring society where the weakest or misfortunate are just as valued as the strongest.Without the little consumers paying their valued added taxes,how much more would the fat cats be paying in tax?
Reply Thu 13 Aug, 2009 07:26 am
xris;82942 wrote:
I just hope in this bright noo world certain individuals dont need to be reminded they stand and fall on their own.For me you can keep it, ide rather live in a caring society where the weakest or misfortunate are just as valued as the strongest.Without the little consumers paying their valued added taxes,how much more would the fat cats be paying in tax?

Wouldn't you rather live in a society where everyone has the chance to make something of themselves than one where we make it nice to be poor?
Reply Thu 13 Aug, 2009 07:59 am
EmperorNero;82954 wrote:
Wouldn't you rather live in a society where everyone has the chance to make something of themselves than one where we make it nice to be poor?
Its never nice to be poor i can assure you of that.My father spent four years of his life fighting the nazis.When he came back,sick with fatigue and injuries he found someone had taken his job, he managed to find work but suffered constantly with ill health.I was constantly hungry and the clothes hung of my back .My mother suffered a nervous break down through the worry of it all.Many of his friends could not work and they lived in poverty for years.Now you tell me why the fat cats who made millions out of the war and those who stayed home should not have contributed to their needs?
Capitalist societies dont judge a man by his ability or his willingness to work they judge him by his value to them.If your not wanted however much value you may have in real terms your thrown to the wolves, you can keep it friend.
Reply Thu 13 Aug, 2009 11:04 am
xris;82961 wrote:
Its never nice to be poor i can assure you of that.My father spent four years of his life fighting the nazis.When he came back,sick with fatigue and injuries he found someone had taken his job, he managed to find work but suffered constantly with ill health.I was constantly hungry and the clothes hung of my back .My mother suffered a nervous break down through the worry of it all.Many of his friends could not work and they lived in poverty for years.Now you tell me why the fat cats who made millions out of the war and those who stayed home should not have contributed to their needs?

Sorry for your troubles.

Capitalist societies dont judge a man by his ability or his willingness to work they judge him by his value to them.If your not wanted however much value you may have in real terms your thrown to the wolves, you can keep it friend.

You socialists always minsunderstand the fundemental basis of capitalist society. You assume there is a central will as there is under a authoritatian, collectivist system. In a free society (a libertarian, free market, republican society) 'society' doesn't judge anyone. 'Society' doesn't determines the value of anyone or anything. Value is always the product of voluntary agreement among free individuals. If an individual fails to bargain well and enters into agreements that hurt his interests, that's his fault an and his problem. If an individual is simply not satisfied with the bargaining chips he started the game with, so to speak, he has to take that up with God. Everyone is NOT equal, and to try to make everyone equal is 1) impossible, 2) unjust, 3) requires totalitarian control.
Reply Thu 13 Aug, 2009 12:28 pm
BrightNoon;83010 wrote:
Sorry for your troubles.

You socialists always minsunderstand the fundemental basis of capitalist society. You assume there is a central will as there is under a authoritatian, collectivist system. In a free society (a libertarian, free market, republican society) 'society' doesn't judge anyone. 'Society' doesn't determines the value of anyone or anything. Value is always the product of voluntary agreement among free individuals. If an individual fails to bargain well and enters into agreements that hurt his interests, that's his fault an and his problem. If an individual is simply not satisfied with the bargaining chips he started the game with, so to speak, he has to take that up with God. Everyone is NOT equal, and to try to make everyone equal is 1) impossible, 2) unjust, 3) requires totalitarian control.
I fully understand the values of a capitalistic society,thats why i reject its ethos.We all have a value and in a caring society it realises that today's necessary labour needs to be protected from the variables of capitalist state.
Reply Thu 13 Aug, 2009 09:45 pm
xris;83031 wrote:
I fully understand the values of a capitalistic society,thats why i reject its ethos.We all have a value and in a caring society it realises that today's necessary labour needs to be protected from the variables of capitalist state.

Protected by whom? Ah yes, the collective will. :sarcastic:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Aug, 2009 06:25 am
xris;82961 wrote:
Its never nice to be poor i can assure you of that. My father spent four years of his life fighting the nazis. When he came back, sick with fatigue and injuries he found someone had taken his job, he managed to find work but suffered constantly with ill health. I was constantly hungry and the clothes hung of my back. My mother suffered a nervous break down through the worry of it all. Many of his friends could not work and they lived in poverty for years. Now you tell me why the fat cats who made millions out of the war and those who stayed home should not have contributed to their needs?
Capitalist societies don't judge a man by his ability or his willingness to work they judge him by his value to them. If your not wanted however much value you may have in real terms your thrown to the wolves, you can keep it friend.

Those things aren't nice, and I wish they wouldn't happen to anyone. There is not a day where I am not thankful of the people who suffered to make possible my comfortable, safe life.
That is why I wish to point out the true root cause.
I hope you realize that it was authoritarianism that did this to your father, not capitalism.
The nazis were socialists, it's right there in the name. Just as todays leftists, the nazis had a ideology of the greater good being more important than the individual.
It was in fact advocating similar socialist policies that got the nazis into power.
What made world war two possible was granting the elites the power to pull it off, which is, despite you disagreeing, what you are advocating.
Yes, wars are fought because somebody gets rich selling bombs. So your solution is giving the government the ability and incentive to do so with the guise of helping the downtrodden?

But it was also a theoretical question. Would you rather live in a society where everyone has the chance to make something of themselves or one where we make it nice to be poor?

May I ask where your father fought?
Reply Fri 14 Aug, 2009 07:36 am
How in hells name did socialism cause the Nazis rise to power,communists were their main adversary before they took power.I can never understand why you always relate the right wing attitudes of the third Reich with socialism.It may have chosen the name but it did not ever represent a socialist cause.If you look at history, a right wing government in the UK had a political view not to rearm our military forces, against advice from all quarters.With a strong british military threat to Hitler, he may not have been so keen to attack his neighbours.

I want to live in a society where everyone has opportunity and can use their ability to serve the community,not the individuals right to harvest their wealth without respecting the community that enabled them to succeed.No man is an island and when an individual who through no fault of his, falls, we should be prepared to help lift him up.

My father joined up in 1940 served initially on anti-aircraft guns in the east end of London and then went onto the invasion of Normandy, ending up in Berlin.He remarked the bombing of London was just as terrifying as anything he experienced in Europe.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Aug, 2009 10:43 am
EmperorNero;83210 wrote:

The nazis were socialists, it's right there in the name. Just as todays leftists, the nazis had a ideology of the greater good being more important than the individual.
It was in fact advocating similar socialist policies that got the nazis into power.
What made world war two possible was granting the elites the power to pull it off, which is, despite you disagreeing, what you are advocating.
Yes, wars are fought because somebody gets rich selling bombs. So your solution is giving the government the ability and incentive to do so with the guise of helping the downtrodden?

But it was also a theoretical question. Would you rather live in a society where everyone has the chance to make something of themselves or one where we make it nice to be poor?

May I ask where your father fought?

I want to point out that despite the name National Socialist Party(translated), it was a drive towards national excellence which turned into an assertion of national superiority and national right which drove the Nazi regime.

From Wikipedia:
Fascism, pronounced , comprises a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology[1][2][3][4] and a corporatist economic ideology. [5]
Fascists believe that nations and/or races are in perpetual conflict whereby only the strong can survive by being healthy, vital, and by asserting themselves in conflict against the weak.[6] Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state.[7] Fascist governments forbid and suppress criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement.[8] Fascism opposes class conflict, blames capitalist liberal democracies for its creation and communists for exploiting the concept.[9]

Hitler's Germany was a fascist regime, not a socialist one.
Reply Sat 15 Aug, 2009 04:09 am
xris;83228 wrote:
I want to live in a society where everyone has opportunity and can use their ability to serve the community, not the individuals right to harvest their wealth without respecting the community that enabled them to succeed. No man is an island and when an individual who through no fault of his, falls, we should be prepared to help lift him up.

So what if I am an island don't want to serve the community, and merely want it to leave me alone?

xris;83228 wrote:
My father joined up in 1940 served initially on anti-aircraft guns in the east end of London and then went onto the invasion of Normandy, ending up in Berlin.He remarked the bombing of London was just as terrifying as anything he experienced in Europe.


Zetetic11235;83260 wrote:
I want to point out that despite the name National Socialist Party(translated), it was a drive towards national excellence which turned into an assertion of national superiority and national right which drove the Nazi regime.


Hitler's Germany was a fascist regime, not a socialist one.

Would someone explain me how the Nazis were right wing.
Left wing means the government having great control, which specifically is the case for the Nazis.
Right wing means the government being denied great control, the exact opposite of National Socialism.
If you define right and left differently, please elaborate.

Communism is a different flavor of the same general thing, left wing extremism (where socialism is a less extreme leftism, so your last sentence is correct, Zetetic, even if it's a detail).As for example Islamo-fascism is too.
They are all utopian visions of a perfect totalitarian society - the muslim holy state, the master race or the workers paradise.
But they are basically the same thing, in contrast to the idea of the right, where the state is denied the power.

Fascism and Marxist-Leninism grew out of the rapid industrialization and modernization Central Europe, where communities living in tightly bonded families suddenly got shattered and the sons and fathers went off to the urban areas. Young men in particular lost a sense of identity, rootedness, and personal dignity that had been provided by traditional social structures. In that vacuum, along came Hitler and Lenin, who told these young men that they had an answer for their feelings of dislocation and humiliation: You may not be in the village or small town anymore, but you are still proud, dignified members of a larger community-the working class, or the Aryan nation.
Bin Laden offered the same sort of ideological response for young Arabs and Muslims.
(From: The World is Flat.)

xris;83228 wrote:
How in hells name did socialism cause the Nazis rise to power, communists were their main adversary before they took power. I can never understand why you always relate the right wing attitudes of the third Reich with socialism. It may have chosen the name but it did not ever represent a socialist cause.

What are those right wing attitudes? Don't large crowds chanting "Sieg Heil" seem collectivist to you? Doesn't dying for the fatherland serve the community?

The Nazis and communists did not fight each others in one of the bloodiest clashes in human history because they are political adversaries, but because that is the nature of left wing governments.
Reply Sat 15 Aug, 2009 04:43 am
If you dont want to have the benefits of community thats fine,its easy to opt out.
Socialism became a reality because of right wing attitudes.Freedom of capitalism was a reality in victorian england,it gave those who wished to impose their freedom to enslave others the freedom to do so.
Children working down mines or in the cotton mills,14 hour shifts for minimul wages. Living in slums, while their masters had grand houses ,full of servants.This is the reality of capitalism and if you think we should return to those days your greatly mistaken.We fought long and hard to have representation and the ability to fight for our rights.If you only respect the power of the individual then you should celebrate the fact that unions and socialist governments have gained and demanded this freedom.Its only because democratic socialism gives the capitalist certain freedoms that the rich are not taxed more than they are.
As for your pitiful attempt at turning the right wing nazis into a left wing sociaslist party, please dont insult others intelligence.Ive never heard so much nonsense.

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