@Mr Fight the Power,
I do have a personal morality that I practice, but I generally do not make moral statements in debate. I assume that if were to say 'this or that is wrong/bad/etc.' I'll end up having the conversation you're having with Mr. Fight The Power now, and so I would end up having to either retract my statement or attach the caveat 'in my opinion,' so I just avoid it.
I hear that claim, that colllectivism cannot be discounted because true collectivism (egalitarian communism) has never been put into effect, and I smile. Why? That argument, while understandable and seemingly fair, has to assume that in fact ideal collectivism CAN be put into effect, and that any attempt to do so doesn't neccessarily lead to the sort of totalitarian-fascistic collectivism we have seen in reality. I don't think it can. Firstly, every major collectivst movement has been sponsored by high finance, and so those movements, while their slogans were communistic, were in fact fascistic. Secondly, the idea that a government with the power to do anything to promote the common interest, and the power to define what 'common interest' means, won't become authoritarian and corrupt is nothing but utopian fantasy. We can hope and theorize that someday, somehow, mankind will become virtuous and we can entrust our lives to benign rulers, but for now, all history shows the opposite, and so I'll look after myself thanks.
Mr. Fight the Power,
We do not need to 'cease speaking altogether.' We don't even need to stop making moral statements, however appparently nonsensical. We just need to recognize that such statements, or any statements for that matter, are not true, or not able to be proved true in any case. I would reformat your thought as, 'if we demand that all statement issued be truth, we should stop speaking altogether.' That's the great thing about relativism. Some people see it as neccessarily limiting expression (a relativst won't make moral statements e.g.), but rather it enables one to make competely subjective statements of any kind, with the understanding that they are in fact subjective statements. In other words, the only difference between the relativist and the dogmatic believer is that the relativist understands that his statements are not true, and makes them anyway. In the same way, I recognize that life is essentially meaningless, devoid of higher purpose or external justification, and yet I don't blow my head off...why? Because I can live for the sake of living, just as I can make a statement without feeling burdened by a lack of proof that it's true.