Intelligent Design

Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 03:10 am
I enjoyed talking about this and seeing the different perspectives. I'm now going to avoid this section of the forums like the plague since I don't know enough about religion to debate about it, but then again who does, and it always ends up being a debate.
*Thysin puts on a jetpack fueled by proofs of ID and evolution, sighs as it putters a few times and falls silent, then quickly walks from the room.*
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 04:34 am
thysin;55677 wrote:
It seems to me that the existence of science, evolution, and all other such things actually strongly suggest the existence of intelligent design.
The fact that science suggests to you and some others that the universe was intelligently designed doesn't make it so. Science is the domain of observation, and science has not observed a cosmic intelligent designer. The only intelligent designer's that we know of in the universe live on this very planet, so it's not even as if we have a basis for such a theory. So there is NO suggestion of intelligent design in the universe other than our projections.

thysin;55677 wrote:
If there is intelligent design then it would make sense that God came first.
Even if you could prove intelligent design, that wouldn't prove God. How do you know that the intelligent design is part of a moral being? A conscious being? A single being? Maybe the intelligent designer is a board of architects sitting in a room? Maybe intelligent design is a disembodied force that's not part of a greater being... kind of like the forces of nature we've observed.
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 05:13 am
Why does the accepted view of a creator always take the front seat in any debate on creation.My view is that i can observe a chaotic but very refined universe producing the most amazing natural phenomena and the accidents of life at times look almost designed. I wonder at the coincidences of our moons relationship to our earth and how it had to be so precise in its size and distance relative to the earth and the sun.Yes i know we where just damned lucky to have everything occurring at the right time etc..Life and its formula,our position in the cosmos,the best seat in the house.I hear scientist looking for life else where on the evidence we have collected, knowing it is almost impossible. Why should it not be considered we have a writer for this amazing formula , not jump to conclusions but just consider.
doc phil
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 05:18 am
Can you explain what you mean:

Evolution is a creation theory of intelligent design.

I think I get it. Are you saying that even evolution could have been part of "the Plan"?
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 05:21 am
xris wrote:
Yes i know we where just damned lucky to have everything occurring at the right time etc..Life and its formula,our position in the cosmos,the best seat in the house.I hear scientist looking for life else where on the evidence we have collected, knowing it is almost impossible. Why should it not be considered we have a writer for this amazing formula , not jump to conclusions but just consider.

Who knows if things happened differently then maybe there would be different species
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 05:41 am
Caroline wrote:
Who knows if things happened differently then maybe there would be different species
Perfection always results in evolution , the formula must be the same.If there was a design formula for life it would follow the same route, just like any other formula.It might have small variations but as the formula requires certain conditions.The conditions and the formula write the story.The formula does exist and it can kick into life anywhere in the universe IF the conditions are suitable.Its not if the formula exists ..its IF it was written..
click here
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 06:10 am
thysin wrote:
It still feels like you are refusing to see the validity of evolution. I don't want to go down the 'how do we know anything past our own senses to be true' road because it goes nowhere. There ARE fossil records of species changing over the millenia so if that is true, it goes to show that macroevolution is not only plausible but true. Take for example flightless birds...why do they have wings? They have wings because earlier in time their ancestors DID fly but they eventually were presented with circumstances that made flying obsolete so now they have vesitgial wings.

I truly am no expert on this but these are my thoughts.

Again that is micro evolution is it not? A bird is a bird albiet one with out wings.

xris wrote:
A real live creationist in my presence, i dont think ive ever had the opportunity to confront one. Do you really believe the world is only thousands of years old?

Since when is the term creationist synonymous with a view of a thousand year world?

Where then is the idea of a 10,000 year old world coming from? The Bible of course. Though it is completely inferred and can never be read as stating an official date of creation.

Look at Genesis 1:

[INDENT]1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
[/INDENT]I am by no means a Bible theologian though I will try my best to show you how 10,000 years is merely an inference. I'm going to keep it short though I could go on for much longer so don't take my brevity as any less then that.

I view verse one as a title. Created the "heavens and the earth". You can read on that in what way he created the heavens in the earth is then later detailed.

Verse 2: There is 'earth' and water and God hovering. One thing that can not be known directly is where this first form (water/earth) came from as we are not told.

The word used for 'day' in Chapter one can not be interpreted surely as being a 24 hour time expanse though their are other uses in the Hebrew referencing a day as a 24 hour period. Though there are other examples where a 24 hour period is not in reference. Gen 24:1 was the first one I could find. It is referring simply to a period of time.

So there are literal 6 dayers and non literal 6 dayers in the view of Creationism. Of course even so with the knowledge of the universe that we have today there are creationists who hold to a literal 6 days. How can they do that you may ask? You may say that it is obvious through paralax that the age of a star must be a certain age as light doesn't travel faster then it does and so to view a star it must have been millions of years old as a light source. You have to then remember that we are talking about an allpowerful being who when having created the stars could have also created the expanse of light that we view from the stars.

ddancom wrote:
I think creationists share the burden of proof.

Ok so you do agree that there is a burden of proof on both parties, good. So why then are you getting all irked at me when I was asking for proof?

Kielicious wrote:

Creationism - a doctrine or theory holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing and usually in the way described in Genesis. creationism - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Intelligent Design - the theory that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by a designing intelligence. intelligent design - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

If you cant see the similarities already then might I ask you to put on your reading glasses and thinking helmut. Creationism and Intelligent Design are synonymous. They both make non-natural unfalsifiable claims about the universe/reality that are glazed in religious rhetoric. If you still dont believe me than I can refer you to the Dover trial court case via the Wedge Document and the word count to publications of Of Pandas and Peoples. Link Of Pandas and Peoples word count changed dramatically because of the 1987 Supreme Court ruling that creationism cannot be taught in schools, so they simply changed all the creationism words to "intelligent design". And so the plot thickens...

Additionally, evolution =/= atheism. Some may find this obvious but to the common lay theists it is almost universally accepted to believe that we werent specially created in god's own image is blasphemous. Mainly because evolution goes against their specific dogmatism. Ironically enough, the pope endorses evolution while belittling creationism as absurd. Another common misconception is that evolution is supposed to explain how life got here but evolution doesnt propose that at all. Evolution explains the diversity of life while abiogenesis is the attempt to explain life's origins. Also Im sure you guys have heard of the attempt to downgrade evolution by calling it "just a theory". Whoever says this has no experience with science whatsoever. In short theory is the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another... just like Atomic Theory, Cell Theory, Germ Theory, Music Theory, Theory of Gravity and so on.. A theory is as high as you can go on the scientific heirarchy. Yes even laws are under theories...

Now on to the good stuff...

So you claim there is an intelligent designer? Lets try and find the intelligence behind these design flaws: in humans the retina is inside-out which causes a blindspot in our vision, males have nipples, your "funny bone" is actually an exposed nerve that runs along the outside of your bone rather than internally, in males the urethra passes right through the prostate gland which is prone to infection (why would you put a colapsable tube through an object that expands?), wisdom teeth are often pulled because our jaws are too short, the appendix, etc etc... and thats just a small portion from the human perspective. I could easily talk about flightless birds or whales and snakes having leg bones... or cosmologically our galaxy is in a direct collision course with the andromeda galaxy. So I will ask again, where is the intelligence behind these designs? And this is just scratching the surface! Here's NDT's vid on stupid design: Link

So to summerize, ID is not science and relies soley on faith. The universe shows no sign of being designed intelligently. The anthropic principle doesnt even come close to evidence for a god/diety or to rational objectivism. Evolution also has a masssive amount of transitional fossils and the whole debate on macro-evolution just shows one's ignorance to the subject at hand. You cant walk a mile without taking one step at a time and the steps are "micro" and the end result (aka the mile) is the "macro". Just like how a baby doesnt turn into a man instantaneously but rather through time. These vids will help out or you can go to talkorigins.org, darwinwasright.com or any site that is somewhat credible.

I want to start off by saying that you have wasted a lot of time attacking the wrong person. It is obvious by your post that you have either not read any of the OP or you glazed over it specifically missing the part he wanted you to understand, He supports evolution and he is agnostic. You really should read before you post.

I don't agree with that definition of creationism. It may apply to some creationists but not all. I'm referencing "God created out of nothing" There is again only an inference to that and to my knowledge not an absolute certainty. As well as when it says "much like Genesis" as I said above some creationists waver between literal or not 6 day creation.

Even as to your own definitions Creationism and ID are not synonymous. Creationism is a sub-field of ID. There are many other religions that have their own form of ID but you would not say that they have their own form of creationism because by definition creationism holds to the christian God. ID covers all religions (that have an ID) and their ideas of an intelligent designer.

Is it not possible that those fossils which are touted as transitional fossils were on their own a specific species when they were in existence?

To the examples of "bad design" who are you to determine why an intelligent designers design is wrong? It seems as though a lot of arguements against religion are like so "Life should be like this, since it is not, God doesn't exist."

You assume that what you call bad is wrong in an absolute sense without reason. Why stop with such specifics? Be general. i.e. :

[INDENT]Why should we have to drink water? Must be bad design...
Why can't I fly? Must be bad design...
Why does lots of food make me fat? Must be bad design...
[/INDENT]I think you understand my point though. Your desires of how things 'ought' to be or 'should' be make you assume that something is 'wrong'.
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 06:33 am
@click here,
I am sorry if it is me but ive read and reread your post and i cant actually find your opinion on the claim by certain creationists on the age of our planet and the universe.I have heard two accounts of creationism over the last sixty years the first....only as the bible states it is, or secondly... evolution is creation. Where do place yourself?
click here
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 06:50 am
xris wrote:
I am sorry if it is me but ive read and reread your post and i cant actually find your opinion on the claim by certain creationists on the age of our planet and the universe.I have heard two accounts of creationism over the last sixty years the first....only as the bible states it is, or secondly... evolution is creation. Where do place yourself?

I didn't posit an opinion only did I explain how many ideas of creationists are only inferred and opinions can range greatly within creationist thought.

Not all creationist hold to a 10,000 year old earth. Reason being the Bible doesn't say that the earth is 10,000 years old. The inference is made using the view of 6 literal days and calculating from genealogies the approximate guess for age of earth.

I do not yet find myself choosing one view or the other, mostly I choose 6 literal days for simplicity, but even then calculating the age of the earth to be 10,000 years can not be sure as to many variables are unknown. Here is one thought that I have just conceived and in no way do I believe this but just offer it up for analytical thought. Adam and Eve before eating of the forbidden fruit did not begin to age until they had eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Some may say "Adams age is noted later on in scriptures" that it is but what can't be known, to my knowledge, is that that age is put into effect as starting at his consumption of the fruit or at his creation. We know that he was not born as all humans are (minus Eve as well)

What I am merely trying to do is present the option for drastically varied opinions from creationists. Inferences from the Bible can and probably are wrong many times.

I could lay down my opinion right now but it wouldn't do you any good. If it by doing you good would allow for a solid ground for you to refute my claims. That is because I do not hold any to be certain and concrete only the basics. God created humans, animals, plants etc...
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 07:26 am
@click here,
So you are whistling and expect us to acknowledge others songs but not yours.The statement that Adam and Eve had not aged by your understanding gives me an inkling to your mind set, are you too shy to admit your thoughts?
click here
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 08:36 am
xris wrote:
So you are whistling and expect us to acknowledge others songs but not yours.The statement that Adam and Eve had not aged by your understanding gives me an inkling to your mind set, are you too shy to admit your thoughts?

Hold on one sec.... I didn't state that I believed anything about Adam and Eve and them not aging.

Read the sentence right before I mention the Adam/Eve no aging hypothesis, and I quote: "Here is one thought that I have just conceived and in no way do I believe this but just offer it up for analytical thought."

I don't mind telling you what I believe but be careful not to infer I believe something that I do not.

I have admitted my thoughts. I do not adamantly subscribe to a specific part of the variations in creationist thought. I am always up for changing my thoughts should a convincing argument be brought forth. For simplicity I subscribe to a 6 literal day creation, yet I do not go around demanding others (other creationists) to believe it to be truth as it is only an inference.

I believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans, and that God created them. I also believe that God created animals and plants. What other thoughts are you looking for me to admit?
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 08:53 am
@doc phil,
doc wrote:
Can you explain what you mean:

Evolution is a creation theory of intelligent design.

I think I get it. Are you saying that even evolution could have been part of "the Plan"?

Thanks for asking Doc,

The theory of evolution, as is any creation theory, be it Godly, or scientific, were all designed by the intellect of mankind. The real question to be ask is: just or truly how intelligent is mankind?

I would humbly answer: until we All know the absolute truth rather than the uncertainties of theories and faiths that we live by and teach our children today, not very imtelligent at All.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 12:41 pm
xris wrote:
Perfection always results in evolution , the formula must be the same.If there was a design formula for life it would follow the same route, just like any other formula.It might have small variations but as the formula requires certain conditions.The conditions and the formula write the story.The formula does exist and it can kick into life anywhere in the universe IF the conditions are suitable.Its not if the formula exists ..its IF it was written..

Yeah i get you thanks i was just airing a thought.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 12:49 pm
@click here,
click here wrote:
Hold on one sec.... I didn't state that I believed anything about Adam and Eve and them not aging.

Read the sentence right before I mention the Adam/Eve no aging hypothesis, and I quote: "Here is one thought that I have just conceived and in no way do I believe this but just offer it up for analytical thought."

I don't mind telling you what I believe but be careful not to infer I believe something that I do not.

I have admitted my thoughts. I do not adamantly subscribe to a specific part of the variations in creationist thought. I am always up for changing my thoughts should a convincing argument be brought forth. For simplicity I subscribe to a 6 literal day creation, yet I do not go around demanding others (other creationists) to believe it to be truth as it is only an inference.

I believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans, and that God created them. I also believe that God created animals and plants. What other thoughts are you looking for me to admit?
So how did Adams son manage to marry into a neighbouring tribe? Before you beat me senseless for assuming too much can you confirm you honestly believe that everything in the cosmos was created in the 6 days .literally 6 days ..before we debate this claim..
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 01:02 pm
@click here,
click here wrote:
I want to start off by saying that you have wasted a lot of time attacking the wrong person. It is obvious by your post that you have either not read any of the OP or you glazed over it specifically missing the part he wanted you to understand, He supports evolution and he is agnostic. You really should read before you post.

Well if you read the intro to my post you would see that I said it wasnt directed towards anyone in here. I was just ranting but if you took it personally i cant help that...

click here wrote:
I don't agree with that definition of creationism. It may apply to some creationists but not all. I'm referencing "God created out of nothing" There is again only an inference to that and to my knowledge not an absolute certainty. As well as when it says "much like Genesis" as I said above some creationists waver between literal or not 6 day creation.

This is true there are more than one definition for creationism but to say ID has nothing to do with the supernatural or religion is not true.

click here wrote:
Even as to your own definitions Creationism and ID are not synonymous. Creationism is a sub-field of ID. There are many other religions that have their own form of ID but you would not say that they have their own form of creationism because by definition creationism holds to the christian God. ID covers all religions (that have an ID) and their ideas of an intelligent designer.

Again, Im aware that they arent completely identicle but they are synonymous in the fact that they conclude the same specific claims about the supernatural and the natural.

click here wrote:
To the examples of "bad design" who are you to determine why an intelligent designers design is wrong? It seems as though a lot of arguements against religion are like so "Life should be like this, since it is not, God doesn't exist."

I never said god doesnt exist. When did I say that?

These design flaws just point out that if there was a god he is completely incompetent or has some weird sick sense of humor. Either way it doesnt show intelligence behind the designs.

click here wrote:
You assume that what you call bad is wrong in an absolute sense without reason. Why stop with such specifics? Be general. i.e. :
[INDENT]Why should we have to drink water? Must be bad design...
Why can't I fly? Must be bad design...
Why does lots of food make me fat? Must be bad design...
[/INDENT]I think you understand my point though. Your desires of how things 'ought' to be or 'should' be make you assume that something is 'wrong'.

I dont even know where to begin with all this....

You do a much better job of assuming than me but Ill just let it go.
click here
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 01:04 pm
xris wrote:
So how did Adams son manage to marry into a neighbouring tribe? Before you beat me senseless for assuming too much can you confirm you honestly believe that everything in the cosmos was created in the 6 days .literally 6 days ..before we debate this claim..

Who said that Adams son married into a neighboring tribe?

Genesis 5:4: "After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters."

Siblings marrying other siblings was not prohibited until Leviticus if I am correct.

Well as I said I don't subscribe ignorantly to one view. But to ease your mind I will for the remainder of this discussion only respond as though I believe in a 6 literal day creation. Lets make it more clear:

I do not agree that everything came into existence in those 6 days as I already stated that there was a watery expanse in existence for who knows how long in Gen 1:2. I don't also limit myself to the creation of angels/demons within those 6 days. What I do subscribe to is that which is depicted in Chapter 1 and 2 of Genesis as having been created. i.e. Adam and Eve, animals, vegetation, light.

I will have you know that I again do not state what I believe as Biblical facts but merely interpretations and theories.
click here
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 01:21 pm
Kielicious wrote:
Well if you read the intro to my post you would see that I said it wasnt directed towards anyone in here. I was just ranting but if you took it personally i cant help that...

It wasn't take personally. What made your response odd was how you kept saying "well if you truly believe etc..." Could you please clarify the 'you' or is it just general?

Kielicious wrote:

This is true there are more than one definition for creationism but to say ID has nothing to do with the supernatural or religion is not true.

Kielicious wrote:

Again, Im aware that they arent completely identicle but they are synonymous in the fact that they conclude the same specific claims about the supernatural and the natural.

Oh sure, fine, I didn't know people were saying that ID has nothing to do with supernatural. That would be pretty foolish it would seem as by definition that is what it requires as it goes outside our views on "natural laws" etc...

Kielicious wrote:

I never said god doesnt exist. When did I say that?

I wasn't speaking of you. I was giving an example that I went on to talk more about below it.

Kielicious wrote:

These design flaws just point out that if there was a god he is completely incompetent or has some weird sick sense of humor. Either way it doesnt show intelligence behind the designs.

That is what my example applies to.

You make the argument that:
[INDENT]'Design Flaws' exist therefore God is either incompetent or has a weird sick sense of humor.
[/INDENT]What you are assuming is that if a God does exist that you would know his reasons for designing the way he chooses to design. You posit that if a God does exist then by this evidence we can know that he is incompetent or has a odd sense of humor. So I ask, if you as a finite mind assume for hypothetical reasons the existence of a divine designer with an infinite mind whom created you, how are you to know what his reasons are for his design?
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 01:33 pm
@click here,
click here wrote:
Who said that Adams son married into a neighboring tribe?

Genesis 5:4: "After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters."

Siblings marrying other siblings was not prohibited until Leviticus if I am correct.

Well as I said I don't subscribe ignorantly to one view. But to ease your mind I will for the remainder of this discussion only respond as though I believe in a 6 literal day creation. Lets make it more clear:

I do not agree that everything came into existence in those 6 days as I already stated that there was a watery expanse in existence for who knows how long in Gen 1:2. I don't also limit myself to the creation of angels/demons within those 6 days. What I do subscribe to is that which is depicted in Chapter 1 and 2 of Genesis as having been created. i.e. Adam and Eve, animals, vegetation, light.

I will have you know that I again do not state what I believe as Biblical facts but merely interpretations and theories.
The ability to arrange and change your opinion in one post is amazing.You will respond as you believe but not quite as you understand it to be. Come on state your case clearly and what you actually believe the bible tells you.Does the cosmos earth daylight humans animals vegetation all actually get created in six days???Its a simple question..
click here
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 01:41 pm
xris wrote:
The ability to arrange and change your opinion in one post is amazing.You will respond as you believe but not quite as you understand it to be. Come on state your case clearly and what you actually believe the bible tells you.Does the cosmos earth daylight humans animals vegetation all actually get created in six days???Its a simple question..

I have already told you that I do not hold on to one specific view yet and am working on finding views and interpretations that I find to be most plausible etc...

But to humor you for the remainder of this debate between you and I, I will assume the position of a literal 6 day creation of day light, stars, humans, animals and vegetation.
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 02:16 pm
@click here,
click here wrote:
What you are assuming is that if a God does exist that you would know his reasons for designing the way he chooses to design.
So you're implying that we cannot know his reasons for creating us in a way that would seem to negate intelligent design...

That suggests to me that intelligent design is inherently illogical, because we cannot understand God's reasons. And therefore, we should not abide rational arguments about the philosophical necessity of intelligent design.
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