Intelligent Design

Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 03:54 am
ddancom wrote:
Exactly. The organization of the universe could be the result of the implementation of some cosmic design. Conversely, it could be the result of a plethora of "random" events.

That's why I love coming here every now and again, y'all are way ahead of me and it's enlightening to see what everyone here has to say.
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Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 03:56 am
thysin wrote:
I still have not found an adequate way to articulate this theory in a way that is easily deciphered, so I'll just say it's a very peaceful feeling I get when I relax and get in touch with it.

I think you explained it perfectly. Perhaps you are a deist?

Deists typically reject most supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and tend to assert that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe which that Architect does not alter either by intervening in the affairs of human life or suspending the natural laws of the universe. What organized religions see as divine revelation and holy books, most deists see as interpretations made by other humans, rather than as authoritative sources.
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Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 04:00 am
Wow, that's exactly what I think. Thanks a LOT for that post. Learn something new every day, sometimes it's even useful!
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 04:54 am
How do we describe intelligence or thinking is down to our human experience.Just as animals could never conceive of our intelligence, it might be the same for this designer, beyond our comprehension.I have always managed to see foot prints but never the animal that made them.When i consider life and its formula , the cosmos, its chaotic order and all the other wonders of the universe my logic tells me one thing my heart my soul begs to differ.I see films of lions and hear the producer giving orders to the film crew not to help the calf escape the lions teeth, we are supposed to observe with neutral interest.Is it the same for this designer.Did everything start with the words let there be, was there a moment when it was decided.When that BB appeared we must remember everything , all life was inevitable and to realise that the formula for life was even written before the BB makes me ponder on what might be.
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click here
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 04:58 am
thysin wrote:
True, I see your point. But to interpret what I said before about acorns and oaks. Creationists believing in microevolution but not macroevolution would be like saying, "There is no way an acorn can become an oak, because they are different."
Think of these new generations of moths as the seeds for moths that will inevitably be different one million years from now because it's environment will always be changing, forcing them to change with it.
To sum that up a bit, since obviously the moths did change once, if there were 1,000 factors(which inevitably there will be)that made them change in miniscule ways...would they not be completely different?

An acorn will only ever be an oak because its plant dna? makes it so. I don't see the link with your analogy between the oak and the acorn. All acorns yeild oaks, not other trees. There is never change, to my knowledge, to other species of trees i.e. Sequoia.

A baby always grows to be an adult. An acorn to an oak is just a (genetic?) system.

You can hope that the moths would be completely different but you can't say they will be unless you can prove it. That is not science to my knowledge.

Creationists are still looking for examples of macro evolution. You haven't shown me any, not to say you can't find any. Yet shouldn't your natural inclination be to learn why you believe what you believe?
doc phil
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 05:04 am
I don't know if I agree totally with the sentiment that human interpretation is at the root of holy texts. I guess it depends on what you mean exactly. Perhaps all understanding, or communcation, must go through language or some sort of descriptive realm and therefore is humanised and a degree of interpretation. But, if there were an order other than randomness at the root of the universe, then the laws of the universe, expressed in a whole multitude of processes, can be seen as expressing a higher truth, which could then impart themselves on man in an almost passive sense. Kind of like inspiration. But the inspiration is from the laws of the universe at a more complex level than man is at.

For example, a family unit is a higher order than an individual. The individual may be able to comprehend various parts of the higher realm of family, but may not be able to appreciate it fully at any given moment. The order is higher than "one" is. Now, the inspiration that family can give, can be both conscious and, let us say, above consciousness. By being part of a family one may be better at poetry or science or relationships, even though one is not entirely aware of the inspiration the family has had. In the same sense, some religious doctrines, I do believe have been the manifestation of the universal drive, beyond human comprehension, working towards perpetuating the universal force at higher and higher levels. It may or may not have been part of the plan, or it may have been part of the universe's reaction to human progression. The will of the universe is trying to manifest, and humans have a way of learning through words, and hence texts sponsored by this universal force, indeed, essentially authored by this universal force seems plausible.

Or is that just waffle?
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 05:05 am
@click here,
click here wrote:
An acorn will only ever be an oak because its plant dna? makes it so. I don't see the link with your analogy between the oak and the acorn. All acorns yeild oaks, not other trees. There is never change, to my knowledge, to other species of trees i.e. Sequoia.

A baby always grows to be an adult. An acorn to an oak is just a (genetic?) system.

You can hope that the moths would be completely different but you can't say they will be unless you can prove it. That is not science to my knowledge.

Creationists are still looking for examples of macro evolution. You haven't shown me any, not to say you can't find any. Yet shouldn't your natural inclination be to learn why you believe what you believe?

I apologize for being unable to articulate my thoughts in a way that makes sense for you. Guess we can chalk this up to you have your opinion, and I have mine.
click here
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 05:11 am
thysin wrote:
I apologize for being unable to articulate my thoughts in a way that makes sense for you. Guess we can chalk this up to you have your opinion, and I have mine.

That is one aspect of life that leads to frustration, a lack of understanding of each other.

Though I did try and answer your pondering as to why creationists reject macro evolution in my last post.

You do not prove macro evolution by the truth of micro evolution. You must show evidences of macro evolution. Creationists demand that evidence. You have only referenced factual examples of micro evolution and have theorized about macro evolution but have not yet shown examples of it.

I think one thing important in life is to always question what you believe (to an extent less you go insane) as no one is ever 100% right in what they believe.
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 05:25 am
@doc phil,
doc wrote:
I don't know if I agree totally with the sentiment that human interpretation is at the root of holy texts. I guess it depends on what you mean exactly. Perhaps all understanding, or communcation, must go through language or some sort of descriptive realm and therefore is humanised and a degree of interpretation. But, if there were an order other than randomness at the root of the universe, then the laws of the universe, expressed in a whole multitude of processes, can be seen as expressing a higher truth, which could then impart themselves on man in an almost passive sense. Kind of like inspiration. But the inspiration is from the laws of the universe at a more complex level than man is at.

For example, a family unit is a higher order than an individual. The individual may be able to comprehend various parts of the higher realm of family, but may not be able to appreciate it fully at any given moment. The order is higher than "one" is. Now, the inspiration that family can give, can be both conscious and, let us say, above consciousness. By being part of a family one may be better at poetry or science or relationships, even though one is not entirely aware of the inspiration the family has had. In the same sense, some religious doctrines, I do believe have been the manifestation of the universal drive, beyond human comprehension, working towards perpetuating the universal force at higher and higher levels. It may or may not have been part of the plan, or it may have been part of the universe's reaction to human progression. The will of the universe is trying to manifest, and humans have a way of learning through words, and hence texts sponsored by this universal force, indeed, essentially authored by this universal force seems plausible.

Or is that just waffle?
I think a lot of us have the feeling that there could be more but are unable to convey our true feelings.I think if we keep looking for the footprints we might get a glimpse of the animal.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 06:27 am
@click here,
click here wrote:

You do not prove macro evolution by the truth of micro evolution. You must show evidences of macro evolution. Creationists demand that evidence. You have only referenced factual examples of micro evolution and have theorized about macro evolution but have not yet shown examples of it.

Proof of macro evolution: There are no fossil records of modern-day creatures from the Mesozoic period.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 08:48 am
@click here,
click here wrote:
That is one aspect of life that leads to frustration, a lack of understanding of each other.

Though I did try and answer your pondering as to why creationists reject macro evolution in my last post.

You do not prove macro evolution by the truth of micro evolution. You must show evidences of macro evolution. Creationists demand that evidence. You have only referenced factual examples of micro evolution and have theorized about macro evolution but have not yet shown examples of it.

I think one thing important in life is to always question what you believe (to an extent less you go insane) as no one is ever 100% right in what they believe.

I understand your point on why creationists reject macroevolution but I can't accept that because I personally see microevolution as a building block of macroevolution, basically one in the same. I don't like to be abrasive, but it seems to me that using the argument that macroevolution is not plausible means creationists are refusing to see the obvious connection between micro and macroevolution for fear that it would weaken their own position on the matter.

I agree that questioning everything you believe is vital because it prevents stagnation of thought, which I hear can become quite smelly, hehe.
click here
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 11:01 am
ddancom wrote:
Proof of macro evolution: There are no fossil records of modern-day creatures from the Mesozoic period.

I can use that same logic to 'disprove' macro evolution: There are no fossil records of transitional forms.

thysin wrote:
I understand your point on why creationists reject macroevolution but I can't accept that because I personally see microevolution as a building block of macroevolution, basically one in the same. I don't like to be abrasive, but it seems to me that using the argument that macroevolution is not plausible means creationists are refusing to see the obvious connection between micro and macroevolution for fear that it would weaken their own position on the matter.

The question of plausability doesn't need to arrise when there is no evidence to even suggest.
doc phil
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 11:28 am
@click here,
click here wrote:

The question of plausability doesn't need to arrise when there is no evidence to even suggest.

You guys and your proof. Be careful you don't get constipated, waiting for the proof you can actually go to the toilet!
click here
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 11:40 am
@doc phil,
doc wrote:
You guys and your proof. Be careful you don't get constipated, waiting for the proof you can actually go to the toilet!

Do you expect any less from a creationist?
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 02:02 pm
It still feels like you are refusing to see the validity of evolution. I don't want to go down the 'how do we know anything past our own senses to be true' road because it goes nowhere. There ARE fossil records of species changing over the millenia so if that is true, it goes to show that macroevolution is not only plausible but true. Take for example flightless birds...why do they have wings? They have wings because earlier in time their ancestors DID fly but they eventually were presented with circumstances that made flying obsolete so now they have vesitgial wings.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 02:05 pm
@click here,
click here wrote:
Do you expect any less from a creationist?
A real live creationist in my presence, i dont think ive ever had the opportunity to confront one.Do you really believe the world is only thousands of years old?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 02:56 pm
One must remember at these times something important about the phrase intelligent design, something that's in common with the phrases innatism and anthropic principle, namely that there's a weak form and a strong form.

The weak form of intelligent design is simply that God created the Universe and all there is in it. It gives no scope and no specifics, and it's the mode of intelligent design all followers of Abrahamic religions follow. It never claimed to be scientific, but rather a metaphysical point of view. Thus it can never be empirically proved nor disproved.

Yet the transcendent existence of divinity (acceptance of a God) in all or nearly all faiths, as well as the existence of a cataclysmic Big Bang both point to the veracity of intelligent design's weak form.

On the other hand, there's also a strong form of intelligent design. This is the system of claims (it has none of the empirical falsifiability true science has) that have been in recent years thrown together by creationists and that also tries to pass itself off to a (forgive me) somewhat ignorant public as true science. Its claims are specific: God didn't just create this universe and this world in an ultimate sense, but also all the species on it. To a normal American churchgoer, it smacks of truthiness because, after all, that's the account as it was writ in Genesis, isn't it?, but like all strong forms this strong form of intelligent design makes certain, decisive, and ultimately untenable claims about reality (compare with the strong form of innatism Locke convincingly refuted in his Essay on Human Understanding and the strong form of the anthropic principle, which seems to make such a self-mockery of itself hardly anybody holds it), which, ironically enough, causes those followers of this form of intelligent design to make straw men of themselves; worse still, they've managed to successfully conflate this strong form with the near-universally (in this culture, at least) weak form, so that without this kind of philosophical teasing-out few would understand the nature of distinction between them and why one form is better than the other.
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 03:19 pm
I think there are two routes to this sugestion one goes all the way to believing without reasonable evidence caused by faction of the faithful , the other is like mine a feeling that we might be unable to conceive of a creator but find a certain pattern in the nature of the universe that begs us ask certain questions..
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 05:26 pm
I can use that same logic to 'disprove' macro evolution: There are no fossil records of transitional forms.

I think creationists share the burden of proof.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 07:27 pm
thysin wrote:
I would like to hear some input on this thought about intelligent design vs science/evolution. And although it seemed interesting to me it might have already been discussed or completely stupid, so be gentle Very Happy.

Yes it has. Check the science section.

thysin wrote:
It seems to me that the existence of science, evolution, and all other such things actually strongly suggest the existence of intelligent design.

How so?

thysin wrote:
If there is intelligent design then it would make sense that God came first. So, with that in mind, wouldn't science, evolution, and intelligent design all be quite compatible and able to exist simultaneously?

No because science is strictly associated to experiments/tests of the natural world. ID makes unfalsifiable non-natural claims.

thysin wrote:
I also like the idea that there was the universe, natural laws, evolution first, and out of all of that evolved what we might see as God in the form of a higher conciousness.

I dont follow... elaborate on this.

What Im about to write can be easily seen as a rant, and I openly agree, but Im not bashing anyone in particular on this site so I hope no hostility ensues.

First lets get the definitions out and on the table -so to speak- so we can have a foundation to work off of...

Creationism - a doctrine or theory holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing and usually in the way described in Genesis. creationism - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Intelligent Design - the theory that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by a designing intelligence. intelligent design - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

If you cant see the similarities already then might I ask you to put on your reading glasses and thinking helmut. Creationism and Intelligent Design are synonymous. They both make non-natural unfalsifiable claims about the universe/reality that are glazed in religious rhetoric. If you still dont believe me than I can refer you to the Dover trial court case via the Wedge Document and the word count to publications of Of Pandas and Peoples. Link Of Pandas and Peoples word count changed dramatically because of the 1987 Supreme Court ruling that creationism cannot be taught in schools, so they simply changed all the creationism words to "intelligent design". And so the plot thickens...

Additionally, evolution =/= atheism. Some may find this obvious but to the common lay theists it is almost universally accepted to believe that we werent specially created in god's own image is blasphemous. Mainly because evolution goes against their specific dogmatism. Ironically enough, the pope endorses evolution while belittling creationism as absurd. Another common misconception is that evolution is supposed to explain how life got here but evolution doesnt propose that at all. Evolution explains the diversity of life while abiogenesis is the attempt to explain life's origins. Also Im sure you guys have heard of the attempt to downgrade evolution by calling it "just a theory". Whoever says this has no experience with science whatsoever. In short theory is the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another... just like Atomic Theory, Cell Theory, Germ Theory, Music Theory, Theory of Gravity and so on.. A theory is as high as you can go on the scientific heirarchy. Yes even laws are under theories...

Now on to the good stuff...

So you claim there is an intelligent designer? Lets try and find the intelligence behind these design flaws: in humans the retina is inside-out which causes a blindspot in our vision, males have nipples, your "funny bone" is actually an exposed nerve that runs along the outside of your bone rather than internally, in males the urethra passes right through the prostate gland which is prone to infection (why would you put a colapsable tube through an object that expands?), wisdom teeth are often pulled because our jaws are too short, the appendix, etc etc... and thats just a small portion from the human perspective. I could easily talk about flightless birds or whales and snakes having leg bones... or cosmologically our galaxy is in a direct collision course with the andromeda galaxy. So I will ask again, where is the intelligence behind these designs? And this is just scratching the surface! Here's NDT's vid on stupid design: Link

So to summerize, ID is not science and relies soley on faith. The universe shows no sign of being designed intelligently. The anthropic principle doesnt even come close to evidence for a god/diety or to rational objectivism. Evolution also has a masssive amount of transitional fossils and the whole debate on macro-evolution just shows one's ignorance to the subject at hand. You cant walk a mile without taking one step at a time and the steps are "micro" and the end result (aka the mile) is the "macro". Just like how a baby doesnt turn into a man instantaneously but rather through time. These vids will help out or you can go to talkorigins.org, darwinwasright.com or any site that is somewhat credible.

FFOC #11: Macro-evolution hasnt been observed
FFOC #9: No transitional forms have been discovered
List of speciation
List of transitional fossils: Link Link

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