thysin wrote:I would like to hear some input on this thought about intelligent design vs science/evolution. And although it seemed interesting to me it might have already been discussed or completely stupid, so be gentle

Yes it has. Check the science section.
thysin wrote:It seems to me that the existence of science, evolution, and all other such things actually strongly suggest the existence of intelligent design.
How so?
thysin wrote:If there is intelligent design then it would make sense that God came first. So, with that in mind, wouldn't science, evolution, and intelligent design all be quite compatible and able to exist simultaneously?
No because science is strictly associated to experiments/tests of the natural world. ID makes unfalsifiable non-natural claims.
thysin wrote:I also like the idea that there was the universe, natural laws, evolution first, and out of all of that evolved what we might see as God in the form of a higher conciousness.
I dont follow... elaborate on this.
What Im about to write can be easily seen as a rant, and I openly agree, but Im not bashing anyone in particular on this site so I hope no hostility ensues.
First lets get the definitions out and on the table -so to speak- so we can have a foundation to work off of...
Creationism -
a doctrine or theory holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing and usually in the way described in Genesis. creationism - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Intelligent Design -
the theory that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by a designing intelligence. intelligent design - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
If you cant see the similarities already then might I ask you to put on your reading glasses and thinking helmut. Creationism and Intelligent Design are synonymous. They both make non-natural unfalsifiable claims about the universe/reality that are glazed in religious rhetoric. If you still dont believe me than I can refer you to the Dover trial court case via the Wedge Document and the word count to publications of
Of Pandas and Peoples. Link Of Pandas and Peoples word count changed dramatically because of the 1987 Supreme Court ruling that creationism cannot be taught in schools, so they simply changed all the creationism words to "intelligent design". And so the plot thickens...
Additionally, evolution =/= atheism. Some may find this obvious but to the common lay theists it is almost universally accepted to believe that we werent specially created in god's own image is blasphemous. Mainly because evolution goes against their specific dogmatism. Ironically enough, the pope endorses evolution while belittling creationism as absurd. Another common misconception is that evolution is supposed to explain how life got here but evolution doesnt propose that at all. Evolution explains the diversity of life while
abiogenesis is the attempt to explain life's origins. Also Im sure you guys have heard of the attempt to downgrade evolution by calling it "just a theory". Whoever says this has no experience with science whatsoever. In short theory is
the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another... just like Atomic Theory, Cell Theory, Germ Theory, Music Theory, Theory of Gravity and so on.. A theory is as high as you can go on the scientific heirarchy. Yes even laws are under theories...
Now on to the good stuff...
So you claim there is an intelligent designer? Lets try and find the intelligence behind these design flaws: in humans the retina is inside-out which causes a blindspot in our vision, males have nipples, your "funny bone" is actually an exposed nerve that runs along the outside of your bone rather than internally, in males the urethra passes right through the prostate gland which is prone to infection (why would you put a colapsable tube through an object that expands?), wisdom teeth are often pulled because our jaws are too short, the appendix, etc etc... and thats just a small portion from the human perspective. I could easily talk about flightless birds or whales and snakes having leg bones... or cosmologically our galaxy is in a direct collision course with the andromeda galaxy. So I will ask again, where is the intelligence behind these designs? And this is just scratching the surface! Here's NDT's vid on stupid design:
So to summerize, ID is not science and relies soley on faith. The universe shows no sign of being designed intelligently. The anthropic principle doesnt even come close to evidence for a god/diety or to rational objectivism. Evolution also has a masssive amount of transitional fossils and the whole debate on macro-evolution just shows one's ignorance to the subject at hand. You cant walk a mile without taking one step at a time and the steps are "micro" and the end result (aka the mile) is the "macro". Just like how a baby doesnt turn into a man instantaneously but rather through time. These vids will help out or you can go to talkorigins.org, darwinwasright.com or any site that is somewhat credible.
FFOC #11:
Macro-evolution hasnt been observed
FFOC #9:
No transitional forms have been discovered
List of speciation
List of transitional fossils:
Link Link