@Resha Caner,
I wanted To post this in an effort to show the ambitious nature of Franklin D. Roosevelt's desire to alleviate the distress of his country during the great depression. These are the programs he instilled to provide some sense of security and hope for those who had lost both. These are some of the programs of the New Deal.
The CCC.- Civilian conservation Corps.
The CCC. provided many jobs for the unemployed during the Great Depression.It was responsible for building many public works and created structures and trails in parks across the nation.
The CWA. -Civil Works Administration.
The CWA temporarily provided jobs for the unemployed and ended in 1934 because it was considered cost prohibitive. Regardless of that, it did provide many jobs for those who had none. Even just for a short time.
The FHA.-Federal housing Administration.
The FHA was a government agency created to combat the housing crisis of the Great Depression. The large number of unemployed workers combined with the banking crisis created a situation in which banks recalled loans. the FHA was designed to regulate mortgages and housing conditions.
The FSA.-Federal Security Agency.
The FSA , established in 1939 had the responsibility for several important government entities, until it was abolished in 1953. It administered social security, federal education funding, and food and drug safety.
The HOLC.-Home Owners Loan Corporation.
The HOLC was created in 1933 to assist in the refinancing of homes. The housing crisis created a great many foreclosures and Roosevelt hoped this new agency would stem the tide. In fact, between 1933-1935, one million people recieved long term loans through the agency that saved their homes from foreclosure.
The NRA.-National Recovery Act.
The NRA was designed to bring the interests of working class Americans and business together. Through hearings and government intervention the "hope" was to balance the needs of all involved in the economy. However, the NRA was declared unconstitutional in the landmark Supreme Court case Schechter Poultry vs. The US.The Supreme Court ruled that the NRA violated the separation of powers.
The PWA.-Public Works Administration.
The PWA was a program created to provide economic stimulus and jobs during the Great Depression. The PWA was designed to create public works and continued until the US ramped up wartime production for WW2. It ended in 1941.
The SSA.-Social Security Act.
The SSA was designed to combet the widespread poverty among senior citizens. The government program provided income to retired wage earners. The program has become one of the most popular government programs and is funded by current wage earners and their employers.
The TVA.-Tennessee Valley Authority.
The TVA was established in 1933 to develop the economy in the Tennessee Valley region, which had been hit extremely hard by the Great Depression. The TVA was and is a federally owned corporation that works in this region to this day. It is the largest public provider of electricty in the United States.
The Wpa. -Works Progress Administration.
The WPA was created in 1935. As the largest New Deal agency, the WPA impacted millions of Americans. It provided Jobs across the nation. Because of it, numerous roads, buildings and other projects were completed. It was renamed the Works Projects Administration in 1939. It officially ended in 1943.
So, what effect did the New Deal have on the attitude of the people who were suffering from the Great Depression? It gave them hope. It gave them once again, a sense of security and also a faith in the compassionate ambitions of their government to solve their problems. A failure? Not likely. A lot can be learned from this type of reaction to crisis. JMO. Thanks.