You see, I , though a denier, certainly use lots less fuel than most people do, in Canada, or the USA.
The Warm-Mongers use vast amounts of fuels to propagate their story and their deeds. In fact, many travel and burn fuel for their leisure activities. They even converge on exotic destinations by jet caravans in order to be closer to their favourite action ( even though in this era, electronic conferences are possible, and certainly old style conferences are viewable. but no ! That won't do. They have to fly to all these conferences).
One CO2 Disaster Supporter in the Peers, garnered seven "club class" air vacations in one year, for his help in getting legislation passed.
I have taken 4 air flights in my life, and I take public transportation only, but now apparenlty those such as I are now targets, not because I am causing more damage to the environment than the CO2 Disaster Screamers are - but simply because I disagree that they have a sound platform, and because I note the deceptions offered through IPPC reports, and from the UEA.