Rise of the Militias

Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 03:59 am
Climate Rescue Weblog: Will the real ClimateGate please stand up? (part 2)

various calls for unlawful conduct are in the news, and militias have risen in number recently
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Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 04:18 am
memester;148146 wrote:
Climate Rescue Weblog: Will the real ClimateGate please stand up? (part 2)

various calls for unlawful conduct are in the news, and militias have risen in number recently
So whats your point? you are obviously intent on making one
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 05:19 am
xris;148149 wrote:
So whats your point? you are obviously intent on making one

My point is simply to mention that; it seems militias, based in the USA and elsewhere, are on the rise in number, and here is one organization that is carrying articles which are issuing personal threats against people who stand in it's way or have argued against the cause.

is there something wrong with posting it; do you have a problem with that, xris ?
Emerging battle-bruised from the disaster zone of Copenhagen, but ever-hopeful, a rider on horseback brought news of darkness and light: "The politicians have failed. Now it's up to us. We must break the law to make the laws we need: laws that are supposed to protect society, and protect our future. Until our laws do that, screw being climate lobbyists. Screw being climate activists. It's not working. We need an army of climate outlaws."


If you're one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation..[EDIT:tra la la la la...tossed salad /EDIT]...fueling spurious debates around false solutions....[EDIT: skipped the slobbering /EDIT]then hear this:
We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work.
And we be many, but you be few.
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Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 05:56 am
As some Muslims were want to say: If you would change the world, first change yourself...It is a difficult task, and it does not get easier making enemies where ever one goes...If you want to change a person, change his mind, and if you want to change his mind, change the way he feels about things, and why bother of what you would change him to is not better than what he was... I will never take a gun to my neighbors...It is a poor way to change a mind... If I don't like what is going on I will resist... This post is a form of resistence as are all my posts, and though some may find my posts offensive they are far from that, but seek to defend some good we have lost, but still own...
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 06:05 am
Greenpeacers must typically use more fuel than I do. They should jail themselves.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 06:26 am
memester;148173 wrote:
Greenpeacers must typically use more fuel than I do. They should jail themselves.

Ide rather be a green peace warrior than an ostrich with his head up his back side. Dont you think governments use violence to maintain their views. When its obvious the world is being destroyed by self centred deniers, whose the evil doer? Oil companies and their stooges are intent on making this a propaganda war with no holds barred , so bring it on.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 06:35 am
xris;148180 wrote:
Ide rather be a green peace warrior than an ostrich with his head up his back side. Dont you think governments use violence to maintain their views.
Of course. Does that give Greenpeace the entitlement to incite unlawful attacks on persons ?
When its obvious the world is being destroyed by self centred deniers, whose the evil doer?
If the deniers are few, then the world is not being destroyed by their CO2 footprint, as is suggested by the rant. the "Deniers" label is for "CO2-driven warming disaster" deniers, is it not ? If they are a vast majority, then perhaps is it that you are indeed advocating that the few unlawfully attack the many ?


Oil companies and their stooges are intent on making this a propaganda war with no holds barred , so bring it on.
well, sure, oil companies have a strong interest, and legal propagandizing is a time- honoured activity. What has this to do with supposed entitlement of Militias to incite unlawful activities against persons ?
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 06:51 am
xris;148180 wrote:
Ide rather be a green peace warrior than an ostrich with his head up his back side. Dont you think governments use violence to maintain their views. When its obvious the world is being destroyed by self centred deniers, whose the evil doer? Oil companies and their stooges are intent on making this a propaganda war with no holds barred , so bring it on.

Don't get caught defending eco nazis when some day the rich and the government will make such support illegal, perhaps even a capital offense... Quietly, do what you can, and resist... As it has been and still is, the common wealth only holds public property until the rich can digest it and take the resources they desire... Resist them all... The common wealth is our common wealth, and should not be given into private hands except for a clear, and pure public purpose..

---------- Post added 04-04-2010 at 08:52 AM ----------

memester;148183 wrote:
Of course. Does that give Greenpeace the entitlement to incite unlawful attacks on persons ?
If the deniers are few, then the world is not being destroyed by their CO2 footprint, as is suggested by the rant. the "Deniers" label is for "CO2-driven warming disaster" deniers, is it not ? If they are a vast majority, then perhaps is it that you are indeed advocating that the few unlawfully attack the many ?

well, sure, oil companies have a strong interest, and legal propagandizing is a time- honoured activity. What has this to do with supposed entitlement of Militias to incite unlawful activities against persons ?

The rich own the law... It is all the people who can say what is right, and what is right is ultimately what is legal...
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 06:57 am
You see, I , though a denier, certainly use lots less fuel than most people do, in Canada, or the USA.

The Warm-Mongers use vast amounts of fuels to propagate their story and their deeds. In fact, many travel and burn fuel for their leisure activities. They even converge on exotic destinations by jet caravans in order to be closer to their favourite action ( even though in this era, electronic conferences are possible, and certainly old style conferences are viewable. but no ! That won't do. They have to fly to all these conferences).

One CO2 Disaster Supporter in the Peers, garnered seven "club class" air vacations in one year, for his help in getting legislation passed.

I have taken 4 air flights in my life, and I take public transportation only, but now apparenlty those such as I are now targets, not because I am causing more damage to the environment than the CO2 Disaster Screamers are - but simply because I disagree that they have a sound platform, and because I note the deceptions offered through IPPC reports, and from the UEA.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 07:05 am
I think it is pretty obvious that people in distant Canada, Alaska and the lower 48 have a greater contempt for nature the more they have of it... Some times even the natives feel so, crapping on what has been stolen from them... As I suppose we all might if such a thing as nature were possible to steal... People who destroy nature destroy themselves...IT is us...
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 07:09 am
Fido;148190 wrote:
I think it is pretty obvious that people in distant Canada, Alaska and the lower 48 have a greater contempt for nature the more they have of it... Some times even the natives feel so, crapping on what has been stolen from them... As I suppose we all might if such a thing as nature were possible to steal... People who destroy nature destroy themselves...IT is us...

it takes more damn fuel to send anything across vast sretches of land...medicines, doctors, food, construction materials ...anything !
Those peoples are trying to survive and of course, trying to feather their nests, too.
The CO2 disaster screamers, though; which of them lives as thought they really believed that their grossly fat lifestyle , airliner and private jet caravans, are a crime against the children, choking the possiblility of a normal life out of one newborn ?
Why is that not one of these people display the kind of life they demand of others ?
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 07:30 am
memester;148183 wrote:
Of course. Does that give Greenpeace the entitlement to incite unlawful attacks on persons ?
If the deniers are few, then the world is not being destroyed by their CO2 footprint, as is suggested by the rant. the "Deniers" label is for "CO2-driven warming disaster" deniers, is it not ? If they are a vast majority, then perhaps is it that you are indeed advocating that the few unlawfully attack the many ?

well, sure, oil companies have a strong interest, and legal propagandizing is a time- honoured activity. What has this to do with supposed entitlement of Militias to incite unlawful activities against persons ?
I know my morals are a darned sight better than any oil companies. Certain fools believe their disinformation, ignoring rising sea levels and all the other blatant truths we see exhibited. The many are still those who have common sense and realise only the self interested are intent on denying global warming. I dont incite violence but what you consider as illegal, I consider as lawful acts against governments ignoring the dangers of their actions. You carry on with your blatant propaganda but you may notice for the most part your ignored and treated as the stooge you are. I know that your one of many paid to spread disinformation and lies. Your single minded activity is obvious.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 07:36 am
xris;148195 wrote:
... You carry on with your blatant propaganda but you may notice for the most part your ignored and treated as the stooge you are. I know that your one of many paid to spread disinformation and lies. Your single minded activity is obvious.
you have been reported.
perhaps the next submission will not anger you so.

the weekend; a Huteree Easter Picnic

Hutaree Militia Arrests: What is Hutaree? (Video) | NowPublic News Coverage
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 08:25 am
memester;148197 wrote:
you have been reported.
I never shy from the truth, not like you. Your trolling has been obvious for weeks.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 08:31 am
xris;148202 wrote:
I never shy from the truth, not like you. Your trolling has been obvious for weeks.

It seems as though many groups are garnering support, and making noises about, the eventual take-over of civil government by the followers, a foreseen event they seem to relish. Will the militias have to "duke it out" ? Christian vs. Climate Screamer vs. Islamic vs. PETA vs. _____ ?

Roundhouse brawl for power ? The R.C. Church might win !
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 08:41 am
memester;148204 wrote:
It seems as though many groups are garnering support, and making noises about, the eventual take-over of civil government by the followers, a foreseen event they seem to relish.

Whats your purpose here, to be listened to , agreed with? This constant posting of links that support your blinkered view, is for what? Dont you understand it means absolutely nothing, when the evidence for global warming is overwhelming. So you want to point to those who wish to be active against government inactivity..so is this any reason why I should change my mind? I could understand if you had other interests but your constant preaching and trolling is annoying..You cant even be ignored.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 08:43 am
xris;148206 wrote:
Whats your purpose here, to be listened to , agreed with? This constant posting of links that support your blinkered view, is for what? Dont you understand it means absolutely nothing, when the evidence for global warming is overwhelming. So you want to point to those who wish to be active against government inactivity..so is this any reason why I should change my mind? I could understand if you had other interests but your constant preaching and trolling is annoying..You cant even be ignored.
I do not ask you to change your mind. You might reply to specific charges or points raised, in accordance with forum rules, if you liked. but that is not under my control.
You substituted the canard for the subject. CO2 disaster theory and evidence vs. sometjhing less than 1 degree global warming, per se.
Global Warming is apparent.
Christ's Second Coming is not.
Who will win the war of the mini and mega militias ? Which alliances seem most natural ?

this could be an interesting hypothetical musing, or it could cause you to develop a nosebleed.

Please refrain, if in pain.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 08:49 am
memester;148207 wrote:
I do not ask you to change your mind. You might reply to specific charges or points raised, in accordance with forum rules, if you liked. but that is not under my control.
It is obvious your intention this time is to associate green peace with some religious nutters, as if this will tarnish their name. I will ask you again what is your purpose in posting here on one constant thread? It cant be to involve yourself in meaningful debate , can it? link after meaningless link, even when no one takes notice of you.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 08:53 am
xris;148209 wrote:
It is obvious your intention this time is to associate green peace with some religious nutters, as if this will tarnish their name. I will ask you again what is your purpose in posting here on one constant thread? It cant be to involve yourself in meaningful debate , can it? link after meaningless link, even when no one takes notice of you.
Once they go into inciting the raising of an unlawfully acting Militia, it is not me that is putting them in the same class.
I do hope that you might begin to differentiate between my disagreement with, or my contradiction of, your posts, and something that might entitle you to perform an ongoing ad hominem assault in return. That's all the time I will devote to the ad hom offerings.

Would you like to tell us how you feel about Militias attacking unarmed persons, in general ? Attacking police during the routine carrying out of duties ?
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 09:21 am
memester;148210 wrote:
Once they go into inciting the raising of an unlawfully acting Militia, it is not me that is putting them in the same class.
I do hope that you might begin to differentiate between my disagreement with, or my contradiction of, your posts, and something that might entitle you to perform an ongoing ad hominem assault in return. That's all the time I will devote to the ad hom offerings.

Would you like to tell us how you feel about Militias attacking unarmed persons, in general ? Attacking police during the routine carrying out of duties ?
I have no intentions of being drawn into a meaningless debate, to satisfy your ego. I told you I dont support violence. We all have certain views but I hope I dont enter them blinkered and determined as you. Constant Links mean nothing, they have to be examined and determined for their honesty and bias. If you want an audience then take up preaching but i know your intentions and I wont be party to them..

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