I got a line of though wich seens to indicate there cannot be a void after death. Off course, I cant prove it, and religions who got another ideas of whats beyond death wont accept it, but I will post it anyway.
The universe starts with a paradox, basically something cant come out of nothing, but it came somehow. Well, skipping the paradox, if something came out of nothing once it comes again, and winhout a sense of time and space to apply to the universe itself I think we can say fairly safely the universe is infinite in both space, variety and time, although the universe we can perceive is not.
If it is infinite in these three ways, that means everthing will and is happening on it. This means that if we die, our mind will be cast somewhere else, for there are infinite chances for it to be re-used.
The mind also cannot be eliminated because we can only measure and perceive time with our mind. Time cannot pass beyond the death of the self less there is something beyond it, wence the conscience cannot end, because it is required to end the itself, that is, the end of the conscience would be a paradox.