xris;162831 wrote:Sorry but this appears a very well constructed bit of waffle. Time is a measurement, a measurement of what? A ruler is measurement of a ruler , not very clear what you mean. How do you explain the reasoning and the practical experiments showing, yes proving that gravity changes time? I dont see how you have not committed your views for review , they go against all accepted science. A brisk farewell is not conducive to an open debate, is it?
Hi Xris,
It does not read "farewell", it reads "Fare well" and is a reference to your health, prosperity and well-being.
Can you define, with absolute precision, Time, the properties thereof, and the velocity thereof?
No? Neither can science - It is an incomplete theory.
Time? I believe, and I stress, I BELIEVE, is the measurement between two (2) occurences (events). Or, if you like, the minutest alteration of criteria - in a given dimension. Gravity is a force (a form of energy) that is emitted by a physical (yet damn hard to discover, let alone measure) object, called a graviton.
Time is the progressive measurement of every instance within said relative, physical dimension. It is not an object, nor does it have physical properties - therefore (having no physical properties) cannot act upon or be acted upon by physical properties. An inch, mile, litre, etc cannot be affected upon, because they are not real, they, like time, are an illusion.
I don't think my point is getting accross. and it probably never will. I don't care either. No two persons perceive the same anyway. I understand it - but, cannot relay it, obviously. How can a child run, when it hasn,t yet learn to walk?
Those I teach, start with much more basic principles before they ever, if ever at all, come anywhere near this idea.
Thankyou though Mike, I do respect your constructive, if potentially defamatory, criticism. Maybe we'll get there one day?
Fare well
---------- Post added 05-11-2010 at 05:35 PM ----------
Hi Xris,
The series was brilliant, but not conclusive - only suppository.
It doesn't require an observer??? I absolutely and irrevocably AGREE!!
Seeing as it can't be observed, of course
Only valued (By the observer's) limited and imprecise notion of it.
Even Einstein agrees "That it is only relative to the observer and the point it is observed from!"
Fare well