Well, if you think that it is ethereal, you certainly have to concede that it has some interface with the corporeal. What does ethereal mean to you? Non physical? What does that mean? Merriam Webster defines Physical thusly:
2 a : having material existence
: perceptible especially through the senses and subject to the laws of nature <everything
physical is measurable by weight, motion, and resistance - Thomas De Quincey>
b : of or relating to material things, would you agree that this is the opposite of what you meant when you said ethereal?
If so, the mind is not of or relating to material things, it thus requires us to conjure up a medium of interaction between the 'ethereal' and the physical; but certainly what you would call a mind relates to material things? Otherwise it has no agency and you have to resort to epiphenomena, which are not very parsimonious. Do you agree that the 'mind' has no bearing on the body, or do you think that there is some substance that facilitates the connection between mind and body? Is there a third option here that you wish to express?
If not, please clarify what you mean by ethereal.