So you think we are alone in this infinite universe?

Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 09:30 pm
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
Are you just skipping over all the evidence I have presented?!? It's like you are blind to the facts and you always go back to your one little stupid argument "there is no evidence", when infact there are vast amounts of evidence that, when examined and analylized, show, clearly, that these things aren't your normal "space debri". What do I have to do? I assume there is nothing I can do to get people like you to wake up to the truth, you just don't want to change your understanding of reality, you don't want your comfortable little world to crumble around you. Of course I do not believe in God, there is no evidence!!! There are not hundreds of highly respectable, high status and highly stable people testifying to the existance of God, there is not hundreds of hours of footage containing God, and unlike religion, the investigation of UFO's is not a thriving business that makes billions every year!!!

I guess I'll just denounce everything you just said as bluntly as possible:

1.) There are hundreds of highly respectable, high status and highly stable people testifying to the existence of God. In fact, there are even scientists that are religious - a good interview is in the recent film "Religulous". You can probably find some on youtube, also.

2.) There is much footage concerning miracles, religious events, and other "God-given" occurrences that are considered 'proof' or 'evidence'. Some of the methods for observing or evaluating supernatural existence are considered nothing more than pseudoscience, but they do exist. Some are scientific, but interpret the facts to a desired result - like we've seen here.

Additionally, there is a whole other bracket only dealing with historical facts of the Bible, Jesus, and so on, predominantly relying on science (And, of course, it doesn't just stop at Christianity). So, science can't prove that Jesus healed people, but it can potentially prove his existence (not saying it has, but science as a means, can). To say religion is completely devoid of any scientific thought is just silly.

3.) If you don't believe there is a business behind the investigation of UFO's you're very, very naive. Here's an article concerning the Alien Commercialization of Roswell: Alien Commercialization of Roswell by Dennis Balthaser. Would you eat at "Crash Site Cafe"? Sure you would! If you'd like, I can dig up some more accurate monetary estimates made by the selling of 'alien paraphenalia'.

Maybe you may rebutt saying that the link I presented isn't a credible source, and that's fair. Next time I go into a toy store, or venture down to Area 51 area, I'll take some pictures as 'evidence'. Sure, "Aliens" don't cash in as money as "God" every year, but that's only because the notion of "God" applies profound meaning to ones life, so naturally it will get more attention!

GHOST wrote:

I couldn't have used a more solid line of scientific reasoning, can you see any faults in it?!?

GHOST, This is what you've said your evidence is:

GHOST wrote:


1.Existance of Aliens: All the footage (inluding NASA footage) and wittnesses.
2.Genetic Manipulation: The lack of fossils filling in the links for the human species.
3.Their Studies: I'm just guessing, which is the best anyone can do here, but since they havn't invaded Earth and I cannot really see a reason they would, not that intelligent beings would condone such violence, I think they are merely studying us.
4.Underground Infastructure: Area 51 is a good example, it obviously goes undeground, plus there are numerous other secret, underground locations around the world. I think we can all acknowledge the fact that the Government does keep secrets, which just makes it all the more likely.

#3 and #4 are complete speculation. There is no denying this. #3 and #4 are not backed by scientific fact, or even skewed scientific understanding. #2 was explained to you in your last thread, and it appeared that you understood (I'm sure there is someone that can even better articulate the scientific perspective concerning this). And that leaves #1, the footage and psuedo-science you seem so adamant in defending. I've already gone over 3 of the videos with you in another one of my posts, trying to show the extrapolation, but it doesn't seem to register with you. I will not make up more theories for you to speculate with, as that would be defeating the very purpose with which I speak, so stop asking.

In the end, I'm sorry GHOST, but I can hardly call this: "A solid line of scientific reasoning".
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 10:01 pm
After I posted the 2 NASA videos on page 10, the following was said, and the whole conversation includes my scientific analysis and reasoning, which you obviously missed, after being told to read it! I would not try and say I have solid evidence based on the evidence you thought I meant, which is from my other thread!
xris wrote:
Dont do a lot for me im afraid and i was hoping it would. The first clip, nasa say its ice crystal glowing in the suns rays , so are you saying they are wrong..Second clip you have no explaination from nasa but a guy who has made his mind up they are aliens showing of.What does nasa say about this clip?

I replied:
GHOST wrote:
Ice crystals? How does that work exactly? How about when the camera zooms in, and we can clearly see several of these crafts pass behind the tether? Estimates say they are 2-3 miles in diameter....I'm not sure what ice crystals look like, but if they do get that big, why do they all look like they are made of energy, why do they pulsate, why do they all look the same, a circle with a black center and a small notch cut out of the side? That's quiet peculiar...and I'm not sure what crap NASA has come up with for the second video, but why do they not get pulled into the Earths gravitational field, and why do they seem to be doing something intelligent? Notice the one shoot past, close to camera as it moves towards Earth, looks quiet similar to the ones from the first piece of footage doesn't it? They all move into a formation above the Earth and increase their luminosity dramatically...also quite peculiar. I didn't really chose that video because it had that guy talking about it, in fact, I didn't really listen to what he was saying, I was only interested in finding that sequence. I am currently looking for two other controversial pieces of footage, in the first, an object is seen streaking across the surface of the Earth and disappearing as it reaches the horizon, and keeps going around the other side of the Earth, estimates place it at about half a mile wide. In the second scene, objects are seen leaving the Earths atmosphere, while at the same time, one object makes an impossible turn, in which the G forces would cause an instant explosion of space crystals or comets, they are in perfect focus and appear to leave trails behind them, which no normal piece of space dust will do, it is clear these objects are at a great distance from the camera, they are not pieces of space dust floating past the camera, which is about the only logical answer, other than UFO's.

xris replied:
xris wrote:
Look im only being honest here..I dont know how far away those ice crystals are they dont seem to have any purpose in their movements and are you saying all of them are alien craft there are hundreds of them..The second one i dont know but what does nasa say we must have their explaination before we can judge surely..If it was so obviously alien would it not be headline news..dont you think nasa if they where hidding something they would not of allowed this footage??TOO MANY IFS..

I replied:
GHOST wrote:
Well, some obviously pass behind the tether, therefor, we can use the tether as a measuring device, and assuming they are right behind the tether, they are between 2-3 miles wide, the largest UFO's captured on NASA footage....and there are heaps, because they were swarming the tether, investigating it, NASA also reported that some electronic settings had changed, settings only adjustable by remote control, but lets not get into this. Comets and space crystals shouldn't even be visible in space until they start burning up in our atmosphere, and start letting off light, I assume this is why they are claiming they were ice crystals glowing in sun, one could also say, that's an awful lot of ice crystals floating around, and there are not hundreds, a lot of what you see are stars, you know, the ones that don't move relative to each other...The last point I want to make, is ice crystals shouldn't even even exist in space, the extreme radiation from the sun should instantly cause the ice to melt, and vaporize in a furry of nuclear reactions and transmutations...also, do not trust NASA, what ever you do, if the existence of UFO's, well Alien space crafts, was considered a risk to national security, they would take all measures to avoid letting the public know.

I added:
GHOST wrote:
Oh, and if you don't know this, this footage is from a while ago when they started doing live feeds using the cameras that could see into the lower light spectrum, which these crafts are only visible in, well most of the time, they are highly quantized energy crafts, making them capable of faster than light space travel (if you want a better description of the physics, I suggest you watch this, might take a while to get to it). Evidence: The Case For NASA UFO's - Part 2
Shortly after, NASA stopped doing live feeds...also peculiar.

xris replied:
xris wrote:
Im trying hard to concentrate on this but the images show a very large amount of these so called ufos but they are smaller haphazard in their movements and not oscillating the same as the ones that are bigger and less mobile.What are they? are you telling me these are all ufos the commentator does not even mention them..The tether is not solid as he explains it is a electro static field that is not solid so how can these so called solid objects be seen passing behind something that is not soild.
Ive tried to work out what his on about with his cosmic clock..how does he work out that when you look at a galaxy the light is spiralling down to its centre..it baffles me..Maybe you can help..Ill watch the rest later when you have helped me with these questions..

I replied:
GHOST wrote:
Yes, most are UFO's, there are a lot aren't there? Though some might just be comets or something explainable, but if there were that amount debris floating around in space, especially that large, it would not be safe at all to send rockets and satellite out of our atmosphere, a tiny spec of debris can cause major damage. The larger ones just make it easier for us to examine the oscillations, the smaller ones might use slightly different mechanisms. It's the most UFO's ever caught on film, they seemed to be very interested in that tether. It should be quiet obvious why the commentator doesn't comment on them, but I'm sure he does, in the long pauses, I suspect they use a secret, highly encrypted communication channel, that we don't get to hear. The tether is most certainty solid, it just shouldn't look that thick, but the scientists realized it was because it was highly charged, and the electrostatic field created around the tether becomes visible in the sun light, this is why they ask why it looks so thick, from such a distance.
He's just saying it gives insight to the formation of the galaxies, why they have black holes in the center, and why they have the spiraling shape. I do not really understand his theory properly, but I have just found a 60 page PDF file on his theory (to big to attach, so I uploaded it here: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service), which I have yet to read. It took an abnormal amount of effort to find, as it didn't seem to exist where it supposedly use to be, if you find the page where it is said to be on Google, and chose to view it in HTML, it seems to work, but the last 10 or so pages were missing and the pictures weren't showing, but I eventually found the full PDF version. It isn't actually a PDF format, it is a "P file", not sure what that is, but it works fine in Acrobat Reader.

There was a little more in that last post but you started spewing skepticism all over my thread right after this.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 10:04 pm
GHOST wrote:
Are you just skipping over all the evidence I have presented?!?

No I read through it and examined it carefully, but I have yet to find anything that counts as objective evidence. Please show me some.

GHOST wrote:
It's like you are blind to the facts and you always go back to your one little stupid argument "there is no evidence"

Oh I've only just begun.

GHOST wrote:
when infact there are vast amounts of evidence that, when examined and analylized, show, clearly, that these things aren't your normal "space debri".

Ghost, ask yourself what kind of evidence you are showing us. Make a list, and rate the evidence from most objective to most subjective. And then you'll see how one-sided the list ends up being.

GHOST wrote:
What do I have to do?

Examine both sides and just jot in your head what crucial points are made by both sides of the argument. Understand that your arguments don't always trump everyone else's.

GHOST wrote:
I assume there is nothing I can do to get people like you to wake up to the truth, you just don't want to change your understanding of reality

I'm not denying the existence of aliens. But I'm sorry to say I would never believe in such from your reasons. The only evidence that makes me believe the least bit is the micro-life found on Mars. That's it.

GHOST wrote:
you don't want your comfortable little world to crumble around you.

Would you be uncomfortable if there were no aliens?

GHOST wrote:
Of course I do not believe in God,

Oh good, that's going to make things a lot easier. Smile

GHOST wrote:
there is no evidence!!! There are not hundreds of highly respectable, high status and highly stable people testifying to the existance of God

Oh good. See this is subjective evidence. So now you have to refute all the subjective evidence that supports aliens. Now can we move on?

GHOST wrote:
scientific reasoning behind what these objects may be

There is no scientific evidence. Does the word infalsifiable mean anything. No, you see this is psychology now, not petty science.

GHOST wrote:
the evidence made the point so clear in my mind

So what? Subjective....fallacy right there.

xris wrote:
If we had the same amount of supposed visitations of god in the skies or appearances of the holy mary in dreams would the church scoff ,would those who criticising this thread be so pugnacious.

Aedes has been trying to make the point that the claims are basically the same.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 10:09 pm
I actually wasn't aiming that post towards you holiday...well I was, but mainly Zetherin, and yes, that's a good idea, I will try to make a list, but how about you make a list with the arguments against their existance, this only seems logical. Oh, and Zetherin, go up and read my response if you missed it, it is on this page.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 11:33 pm
@GHOST phil,
I have listed them in what I think to be the strongest points, to the weakest, with number 1 being the strongest.

1.NASA footage: This is the strongest point, as it actually provides solid evidence, which is open for examination, and when examined by me or other highly trained experts, one conclusion is eminent, these things definitely do have methods of producing propulsion, these things can make intelligent monouvers, and some of these monouvers would produce G forces that would be powerful enough to create nuclear explosion, were these objects made of normal matter, they are infact, highly quantized, existing on a higher wave state. Were there this many objects made of normal matter floating around space, we would have lost numerous space craft and satellites, and it just wouldn't be safe to travel through space in the way we currently do, not to mention, the mere size of some of these objects would pose extreme danger to Earth, the tether incident was filmed very close to Earth, close enough so that the tether could travel through the Earth's Ionosphere, so why were objects, that are at least 2-3 miles wide, in such vast numbers not being pulled into the Earths atmosphere and impacting the Earth? NASA scientist's have admitted to unidentifiable objects entering the Earths atmosphere, they estimate millions enter the Earths atmosphere every year, yet no satellites ever get struck, nor do such huge objects impact the Earth, the odds against this are extreme. It also seems, in the hours of NASA footage where these objects are captured, they always look very similar, heightening the probability that these are Alien space craft, and NASA always makes up some excuse as to what these objects are, and most of these excuses are plain, out right lies, as they are scientifically impossible.

2.The hundreds of highly respactable, high status, highly stable and highly intelligent people that have worked in not only avarage positions, but secretive and sensitive parts of the Government, that have testified to the existance of UFO's and extraterestrial entities. The list is huge, and these people include Astrophysicists and phsicists of all types, Aeronautical Engineers and Engineers of all types, Astronauts, Admirals, Master Sergeants, NASA employees, Air Force Pilots and other Air Force Officials/executives/personnel, all sorts of military officials/executives/personnel, men who work with Radars, FBI and CIA officials/executives/personnel, and the list goes on and on.

3.The huge bulk of America and the rest of the world that have seen such crafts or extraterestrial enities and the cases where huge amounts of people have seen them at the same time.

4.The hundreds, if not thousands of historic and religous records that either directly say Aliens exist and have visited Earth, or just suggest it in some way.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 04:34 am
Zetherin wrote:
I guess I'll just denounce everything you just said as bluntly as possible:

1.) There are hundreds of highly respectable, high status and highly stable people testifying to the existence of God. In fact, there are even scientists that are religious - a good interview is in the recent film "Religulous". You can probably find some on youtube, also.

2.) There is much footage concerning miracles, religious events, and other "God-given" occurrences that are considered 'proof' or 'evidence'. Some of the methods for observing or evaluating supernatural existence are considered nothing more than pseudoscience, but they do exist. Some are scientific, but interpret the facts to a desired result - like we've seen here.

Additionally, there is a whole other bracket only dealing with historical facts of the Bible, Jesus, and so on, predominantly relying on science (And, of course, it doesn't just stop at Christianity). So, science can't prove that Jesus healed people, but it can potentially prove his existence (not saying it has, but science as a means, can). To say religion is completely devoid of any scientific thought is just silly.

3.) If you don't believe there is a business behind the investigation of UFO's you're very, very naive. Here's an article concerning the Alien Commercialization of Roswell: Alien Commercialization of Roswell by Dennis Balthaser. Would you eat at "Crash Site Cafe"? Sure you would! If you'd like, I can dig up some more accurate monetary estimates made by the selling of 'alien paraphenalia'.

Maybe you may rebutt saying that the link I presented isn't a credible source, and that's fair. Next time I go into a toy store, or venture down to Area 51 area, I'll take some pictures as 'evidence'. Sure, "Aliens" don't cash in as money as "God" every year, but that's only because the notion of "God" applies profound meaning to ones life, so naturally it will get more attention!

GHOST, This is what you've said your evidence is:

#3 and #4 are complete speculation. There is no denying this. #3 and #4 are not backed by scientific fact, or even skewed scientific understanding. #2 was explained to you in your last thread, and it appeared that you understood (I'm sure there is someone that can even better articulate the scientific perspective concerning this). And that leaves #1, the footage and psuedo-science you seem so adamant in defending. I've already gone over 3 of the videos with you in another one of my posts, trying to show the extrapolation, but it doesn't seem to register with you. I will not make up more theories for you to speculate with, as that would be defeating the very purpose with which I speak, so stop asking.

In the end, I'm sorry GHOST, but I can hardly call this: "A solid line of scientific reasoning".
I think you have many valid points but to say Jesus can be proved scientificaly is not true and to say because certain people are making money out of ufos it therefore makes it dishonest is not really fair.The church and all the faiths employ millions to substantiate its claims, are they dishonest ? You are inclined not to take any evidence that might be put before you as proof that we have something to be examined.Take for instance the ice crystals are you sure they are what nasa say they are ? i dont know, are you sure everything nasa tells you is the honest truth?I doubt those objects are ufos but i would also doubt they are ice crystals.My reasoning is that we do have ufos , but what they defines them as is there title ufos.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:26 am
xris wrote:
I think you have many valid points but to say Jesus can be proved scientificaly is not true and to say because certain people are making money out of ufos it therefore makes it dishonest is not really fair.The church and all the faiths employ millions to substantiate its claims, are they dishonest ? You are inclined not to take any evidence that might be put before you as proof that we have something to be examined.Take for instance the ice crystals are you sure they are what nasa say they are ? i dont know, are you sure everything nasa tells you is the honest truth?I doubt those objects are ufos but i would also doubt they are ice crystals.My reasoning is that we do have ufos , but what they defines them as is there title ufos.

I never said I discredit the existence of aliens merely on that claim, for that would be a fallacy in logic. I was merely pointing out that, yes, there is a money-making business behind the investigation of UFO's, point blank (it was a direct response to his statement that there wasn't). I've stated more than one time that I think it's improbable we are the only intelligent life in the universe, but I do not choose to hold onto any claim, for or against aliens at this time.

As for Jesus, you can see the work being done here: Historicity of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Him as a person hasn't been proven by archeological evidence yet (as I pointed out in my initial post, I didn't say he was). Some people regard the claim of Jesus' existence as merely a 'dead thesis', while others argue on his behalf. I don't care who's right - the point is, religious figures are put through just as much scrutiny via scientific methods as many other claims are, and there can be 'evidence' 'proving' the actions of a religious figure (of course, their actions are always, always up for debate obviously). This 'proof, 'evidence', falls in line much the same with what I've seen here thus far - an extrapolation to a desired end. If they want to believe Jesus existed and rose the dead, they'll find what they're looking for. Likewise, if they want aliens to exist, they'll also find what they're looking for. And, just for the record, just in case you didn't know, it can be proven that a person existed through archeological evidence (this is what I meant when I said, as a means, science could prove Jesus' existence).
GHOST phil
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:50 am
Zetherin wrote:
I was merely pointing out that, yes, there is a money-making business behind the investigation of UFO's, point blank (it was a direct response to his statement that there wasn't).

I didn't say they don't make money, I said it wasn't a thriving business making billions every year, and I knew you would focus in on this, finding every little thing possible to discredit everything I say.
Zetherin wrote:
This 'proof, 'evidence', falls in line much the same with what I've seen here thus far - an extrapolation to a desired end.
And you skip around all the very solid scientific reasoning I have restated on this page, just for you...I am still waiting to hear your thoughts on it and see how you can disprove it. Did you even read it, the actual evidence I am presenting here, not some short cut, rubbish you got off my other thread, which is purely speculation?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 06:15 am
Zetherin wrote:
I never said I discredit the existence of aliens merely on that claim, for that would be a fallacy in logic. I was merely pointing out that, yes, there is a money-making business behind the investigation of UFO's, point blank (it was a direct response to his statement that there wasn't). I've stated more than one time that I think it's improbable we are the only intelligent life in the universe, but I do not choose to hold onto any claim, for or against aliens at this time.

As for Jesus, you can see the work being done here: Historicity of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Him as a person hasn't been proven by archeological evidence yet (as I pointed out in my initial post, I didn't say he was). Some people regard the claim of Jesus' existence as merely a 'dead thesis', while others argue on his behalf. I don't care who's right - the point is, religious figures are put through just as much scrutiny via scientific methods as many other claims are, and there can be 'evidence' 'proving' the actions of a religious figure (of course, their actions are always, always up for debate obviously). This 'proof, 'evidence', falls in line much the same with what I've seen here thus far - an extrapolation to a desired end. If they want to believe Jesus existed and rose the dead, they'll find what they're looking for. Likewise, if they want aliens to exist, they'll also find what they're looking for. And, just for the record, just in case you didn't know, it can be proven that a person existed through archeological evidence (this is what I meant when I said, as a means, science could prove Jesus' existence).
I dont think jesus was ever mentioned in historic terms in documents relative to his life.The first documents that mention him by name are about eighty years after his death.No roman or jewish documents refer to him.I have no doubts a certain jesus who was a teacher existed but his standing and his influence grew with the myth.IF we spent the same amount of time debatting ufos as we did the possibility of a god i think we would be cast as nutters. Society in general can accept certain aspects of belief with credence but others with cruel derision.If a high priests of alien believers walked arround in crimson robes and pink socks we would laugh our selves silly but with new eyes would we think the faithful are any more sensible.I cant take alot of secondhand evidence with any real enthusiasm but some of our local sightings lately have made me wonder do we actually take this subject with too much nonchalance.
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 06:32 am
@GHOST phil,
I supposed this might have been mentioned in this long thread but here is my input anyway

Jesus said In my Fathers House are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you there etc

Maybe the mansions are other worlds or other dimensions, but it seems to me he was indicating that humanity are not the only life in the universe
GHOST phil
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 06:45 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
I supposed this might have been mentioned in this long thread but here is my input anyway

Jesus said In my Fathers House are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you there etc

Maybe the mansions are other worlds or other dimensions, but it seems to me he was indicating that humanity are not the only life in the universe

There are numerous things in the bible that imply Alien existence, as there are in most religions, and historic records. Might add that to the bottom of my list...
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 06:48 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
I supposed this might have been mentioned in this long thread but here is my input anyway

Jesus said In my Fathers House are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you there etc

Maybe the mansions are other worlds or other dimensions, but it seems to me he was indicating that humanity are not the only life in the universe
and i always thought he meant holiday villas in Costa Lot you have really upset me now.
0 Replies
GHOST phil
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:14 am
Zetherin wrote:

1.) There are hundreds of highly respectable, high status and highly stable people testifying to the existence of God. In fact, there are even scientists that are religious - a good interview is in the recent film "Religulous". You can probably find some on youtube, also.

Ha, you call them highly respectable, high status and highly stable people? Have you even seen some of the people in the Disclosure Project, I mean, come on buddy!
Zetherin wrote:

2.) There is much footage concerning miracles, religious events, and other "God-given" occurrences that are considered 'proof' or 'evidence'. Some of the methods for observing or evaluating supernatural existence are considered nothing more than pseudoscience, but they do exist. Some are scientific, but interpret the facts to a desired result - like we've seen here.
Once again, HA, was this footage filmed by a Government organisation and shown live on national television? I don't want to start arguing this, but I do believe in the existance of spirits also, and this is why we do have such emormous amounts of footage containing these entities, not to mention, I have left my body, and seen things, I couldn't have possibly confirmed the next day, without actually leaving my physical body as a spirit, but until I have such solid evidence or footage from a reliable source, I can not examine such evidence, and scientifically evaluate what is actually occuring, until then, there is no point even trying to start a debate on the topic.
xris wrote:
and i always thought he meant holiday villas in Costa Lot you have really upset me now.

Lol, nice...Very Happy
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 10:27 am
@GHOST phil,

and i always thought he meant holiday villas in Costa Lot you have really upset me now.

Hey XRIS I did not know you two were such great buddies, sorry but maybe the mansion are much better :bigsmile:


Jesus also said Heaven is like a mustard seed the smallest of herb seeds which grows into the greatest herb tree (i changed the verse around a little)

Does this not make you think about the singularity (mustard seed) that grew into the greatest herb (the universe)?

After all how else could Jesus explain to his simple disciples the reality of the universe etc

He must have known that a very clever chap in the person of me, would be born and be able to interpret what he really meant! :unsure: :hmm:

Or am I straining your credulity?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 03:42 pm
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:

1.NASA footage: This is the strongest point[/quote]

True, but it's nonsense, assuming its that clip you posted on here.

GHOST wrote:
2.The hundreds of highly respactable, high status, highly stable and highly intelligent people

Subjective evidence, I might as well believe in God, but seeing as you don't, that helps justify the fact that I don't believe in either 'sentiencies'.

GHOST wrote:
3.The huge bulk of America and the rest of the world that have seen such crafts or extraterestrial enities and the cases where huge amounts of people have seen them at the same time.

Attention-seeking, money lurking, barbarous claims.... also subjective

GHOST wrote:
4.The hundreds, if not thousands of historic and religous records that either directly say Aliens exist and have visited Earth, or just suggest it in some way.

Again, subjective... people have been around a long time, and we hardly ever change.

I am still confused though. Why would the aliens be secretly working with the government? Assuming there was a rational context in which to interact, what motive could there be for the aliens in keeping to the government, and not being seen by the public?

Or is this truly just an underlying fear or awe to the infalsifiability of the similarity between aliens and government. Depending on the person, there can be anxiety, awe, curiosity, fear, or a mix towards what there is little known about.

Indeed there is a difference between that which prefers to be unknown or secretive(I suppose the government could fall into the category in terms of maintaining their own control) and that which there is little to nothing to know about(aliens). In the emotionally(irrationally) crazed mindset, these two judgments construe permissibly, but logically they are redundant.

To be fair, I'm assuming an anthropomorphic nature these 'aliens' mysteriously have, therefore I'm being presumptuous on what their intentions would be towards us (perhaps with us would make more sense?), but somehow I'm predicting that wouldn't work with the psychological attributes these aliens possess.

If aliens were working with the government secretly, then it must be for logical reasons. Why is there the assumption it's a bad thing? Besides, any alien sentience, if able to travel as far as to be able to interact with us would consider us humans to be ants would it not seem? (Though this claim would be fallacious)

Sure you could equally say these aliens upon finding Earth and it's thriving life would be awed into at least a visit, but you'd be anthropomorphizing (hope I spelled that right) thus the same fallacy.

So you must come to realize through the subjective symmetry (the fact you get this uniform evidence throughout time only makes it clearer, more blatant) that this is no longer science. The infalsifiability of aliens is assumed in the 'quest' (it seems to be your appropriate word) to establish their existence. Only psychology helps now. Not to mention, one cannot assume the potential these aliens have before knowing whether the existence is there.
GHOST phil
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:01 pm
Holiday20310401 wrote:

True, but it's nonsense, assuming its that clip you posted on here.

So when I do provide solid evidence that can be examined, it is immediatly nonsense, because it only points to Alien existance? What are your reasons for calling such footage and the examination of it "nonsense". Your just like Zetherin, you will even ignore science if it works for you.
Holiday20310401 wrote:

Attention-seeking, money lurking, barbarous claims.... also subjective

Lets use the "Disclosure Project" as an example, no one but the actual business make money, which is made by selling the book and video testimonies for a genorous fee, which is used to fund the project, and yes, they probably do keep a bit, I'll admit that, but the people that come forward and testify, make maybe a tiny amount, in some cases, where they need some encouragement, but it is hardly worth the greef they will endure afterward. You say they are "attention-seeking", well if you call seeking ridicule, skepticism, threats, mockery, and risk of losing there job and making future employment harder for themselves, than yes, they are seeking attention.
Holiday20310401 wrote:

I am still confused though. Why would the aliens be secretly working with the government? Assuming there was a rational context in which to interact, what motive could there be for the aliens in keeping to the government, and not being seen by the public?

Aliens don't care if we know they exist, and I actually think they are hoping we freaking realize soon, because it is getting quiet rediculous.
Holiday20310401 wrote:

If aliens were working with the government secretly, then it must be for logical reasons. Why is there the assumption it's a bad thing? Besides, any alien sentience, if able to travel as far as to be able to interact with us would consider us humans to be ants would it not seem? (Though this claim would be fallacious)
The Aliens only use the Government, we probably look worse than ants in their eyes, at least ants have a productice, effecient, and sustainable economy, and the Government only uses us, as in the eyes of the Governmental powers, we look like mindless zombies that are easily brainwashed to trust and believe anything they say.
Holiday20310401 wrote:

So you must come to realize through the subjective symmetry (the fact you get this uniform evidence throughout time only makes it clearer, more blatant) that this is no longer science. The infalsifiability of aliens is assumed in the 'quest' (it seems to be your appropriate word) to establish their existence. Only psychology helps now. Not to mention, one cannot assume the potential these aliens have before knowing whether the existence is there.
Psychology only helps you because you want to prove people are insane and misinformed, even if the scientific evidence, and the analysis of it is present. I only only estimate what these beings are capable of, even if they were only 1000 years ahead of us, their potentials and technologies would be far, far greater than ours.
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:44 pm
@GHOST phil,
Sorry Ghost, this is not the alien forum this is a philosophy forum. We don't know enough about human life yet to start in on the philosophy of aliens. Thread closed!
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