No, what I was trying to say is that the rarity of intelligence in all of known life makes me predisposed to disbelieve the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence until and unless I can contact with it.
Im trying hard to concentrate on this but the images show a very large amount of these so called ufos but they are smaller haphazard in their movements and not oscillating the same as the ones that are bigger and less mobile.What are they? are you telling me these are all ufos the commentator does not even mention them..The tether is not solid as he explains it is a electro static field that is not solid so how can these so called solid objects be seen passing behind something that is not soild.
Ive tried to work out what his on about with his cosmic does he work out that when you look at a galaxy the light is spiraling down to its baffles me..Maybe you can help..Ill watch the rest later when you have helped me with these questions..
I have noticed that there is also a phenomenon that whatever man thinks (appears as) 'empty space' is, upon further investigation, not 'empty' at all! There is no evidence of any such thing as a 'vacuum' (other than the one that sucks my carpet). There is always 'stuff' found (or at least, hypothesized).
That leaves animals. And of the animals, there is clearly intelligence among mammals and birds. Whether the social structures, communication forms, and problem solving in lesser vertebrates, insects, crustaceans, etc counts as intelligence is up for debate. Only one species on earth can build spaceships, but that's right now. There is no reason to assume that over the same time period in which humans went from ape-brained australopithecines to the moon (5 million years), that other intelligent animals can't develop complex language and technology.
6. Therefore, insofar as we can currently ascertain, it seems highly unlikely there is other intelligent life out there.
Video #1: Meteorite Implants
A doctor finds some identified matter in a person's jaw, couldn't cut it with a scalpel (holy ****, must be kryptonite), and then promptly sends it off to have it analyzed. It's a meteor rock, they shout! But not only a meteor rock, it's an implanted meteor rock, implying, of course, an intelligent being placed a 2mm piece of meteor rock into the person's jaw.
And at which point did we decide we were going to extrapolate this finding to an implant... Oh yeah, right when we found the unidentified rock in the first place! Because, of course, we wanted to 'prove' that aliens exist. Give me a f*cking break, please.
Video #2: How can 62 children lie?
Oh, I love this one, because the ******* title answers it's own question. All of sudden children are beacons of undeniable logic, do not have warping memories (like the rest of their species), and don't have colorful imaginations (of course, when we want children to only have colorful imaginations, we make them have it, removing all credibility whatsoever. It just depends on what we're desiring at the time!). I especially enjoyed the part when the child was filmed drawing pictures of the aliens just as they appear in countless books, movies, and other alien paraphernalia all across the wordl! I had to stop watching the video when the "Harvard Graduate" asked the children, "Why do you think they came?" in this melodramatic, psuedoprofound voice. I waited another 10 seconds while the poor kid coughed up some fantasful explanation under pressure before I literally coughed up some of my dinner (I had meteorite crusted salmon, by the way).
Video #3: The Case For NASA UFO:
Here's two direct quotes from the video: "Could the ancient Egyptians have built these giant water receptecles to make a place to stay for their half human, half amphibean gods and goddesses as they would visit them from the star system of Sirius". "Could the Gods of Sirius send indirect balls of water from deep space and bring rain in large quantities and transform the arid deserts into thriving oasis with rich agriculture?"
Do I really have to attempt to rebuttal this? Really? I've seen better in Lord of the Rings movies.
I've read your entire starting post, many of your response posts (in both threads), and have watched 3 of the movies you've posted, including the ones in your initial post.
Ghost, you've presented absolutely no evidence, just fantastical writing. This is not a theory, but a story you've constructed through your own imagination. Your writing is akin to many children's book writers that have imaginations unrestricted by reality. The only difference is, they're not trying to pawn it off as reality! Until you show me a video that actually shows evidence of aliens without EXTRAPOLATION, I'll consider listening, and I really want to clarify this: Every video you've presented extrapolates. And to be even more clear, what this means is, with the videos you've shown, the speculation of aliens is supported, arbitrarily, by the facts shown. That's really the beauty of your whole story - you construct the end result (aliens exist) and correlate that with a random anything that occurred (the meteor, sightings, footage), and then ask people to discuss. How can one disprove the claims you've made when you've presented them in such a way they're almost unfalsifiable, right? X occurs, so Y has to be! Haha
I am not trying to tell a story, I'm trying to prove a story, and I prefer the term, "theory". Again, if you claim every video I have presented, extrapolates, you haven't actually watched the videos which are of current discussion, once you do, and read the last few pages of this post (start at page 10, you will find the videos I talk of), I would like to hear back from you. Good day sir.
So, essentially, you're trying to prove a story others have told, one you want to believe in? That's really loosely using the term "theory", in my opinion.
You want to believe this, it thrills you.
Well, you sir/ma'am, act like you can read minds, and automatically make bias assumptions based on your biased views, I do not consider those who think Aliens aren't visiting Earth are "stinky 'hoodwinks'", I respect them and their opinions, just like I do every other person. I am not trying to make myself feel better, increase my ego, or, feel more special than others, and get cheap thrills, those are absolutely the last thing I will ever do, if anything, the existence of Aliens, and them visiting Earth, but the Government deceiving us about it, makes people feel less insignificant in the universe, we like to think we are in the center of the universe, like we have importance and meaningful purposes in life, I feel none of those things, I do not rely on meaning and pride to make myself feel important, I just don't feel more important then anyone else on Earth, pride, arrogance, and selfishness, are why the world is in such a terrible state, why we have wars, and murders. I feel hurt, angry, and deceived, it takes away my hope for human kind, and it makes me feel like the subject is worth hard, scientific analysis, in the hopes of relieving to the public, the truth, to give us all, equality, and let us "enjoy the fruits of our evolution", to better the quality of life and living standards, and just make the world a better place overall. Are you sure you are not making your self feel more important, more significant, and more purposeful, by denying what seems so clear to most of the world? Oh, and if you feel like arguing the existence of UFO's, go to my other thread, "so you think we are alone in this infinite universe", in the science section, hasn't had any replies for a while. I have recently put forward the NASA footage, had a short argument about it, and have yet to hear from anyone who can wiggle their way out of my reasoning. The footage makes it more than clear, it is the "hard evidence" that all the skeptics ask for, it is there, it has been analyzed by experts even, and they cannot explain it.
I've watched the videos, they extrapolate. Point blank. How do I know this? Because you could easily, easily, place "pedophilia-driven unicorn amoebas" in place of "alien" in every single case. Why is this significant? Because the videos don't prove anything, they extrapolate to a desired result! Some of the findings might be bizarre, but so what? And why does it have to equal aliens? You could make dozens and dozens of "theories" up at the blink of an eye! Don't you see? You want to believe this, it thrills you. Whether there's any conclusive evidence or not doesn't matter to you as long as there's a line of arbitrary facts that can be interpreted to give the explanation you desire.
So how often do "pedophilia-driven unicorn amoebas" float through space at hundreds of thousands miles per hour and make turns that would cause instant explosion?
If you can make dozens and dozens of theories up in the blink of an eye, lets hear some, can you explain what these extremely large objects are, that must be at least 2-3 miles wide in some cases are, and why the vast amount of the them seen floating around the tether do not pose extreme danger to any man made space crafts?
People if we are alone in the universe then that is just the absolute waste of space
And heck!! what I an ultimate waste
If you believe that then we are the luckiest little critters in this vast empty lonely void
Depending on who you ask, potentially lots! If someone decided that these unidentified objects were pedophilia-driven unicorns, instead of the epic, over-dramatic "aliens" wooooo, we'd see the same story, just different end result. If you want something to be true, you can surely hypothesis an explanation for it's truth. And again, that's the beauty here - there's no evidence that equals the end result, the end result is but a desire, and the story is laid out in such a way it appears almost unfalsifiable! X is true, so Y has to be!
Surely, you can't be asking this seriously, because there are dozens of theories already out there, and no they do not present conclusive evidence. If you want an example, read your own science-fiction writing, don't ask me to spew the same fictional presentation.
I don't know what was seen, but neither does anyone else. To analyze is fine, but to say you know is absolutely absurd. You don't know they are "aliens" anymore than you know that they are "pedophilia-driven unicorns". You want them to be "aliens", so you've hypothesized an explanation for the occurances. If you lived in the 1400's, you'd be one of the guys spouting, "There's a giant water dragon in the ocean!". It could have been a whale, it could have been a group of dolphins jumping, hell, it could have even been a piece of ship wreckage, but no, no, it's a "giant water dragon" and you have the 'evidence' to prove it!
PS: I really don't know why this thread is in the science section. It really has little to do with science. Perhaps in the logic section to show how unstable these premises are? Or, perhaps even the social philosophy section to dissect why there are so many onboard the "alien" train over the last 50 years - really, it's like a fad. Maybe the philosophy of mind, under delusions? If not, the Uncategorized section would do.
Haha, people can believe what ever they want if it makes them feel better,
Aliens are infalsifiable, and God is infalsifiable. Now Ghost, do you believe in God? Now tell me, what is the difference between the evidence supporting the existence of God and the evidence supporting the existence of aliens (in the sentience you're elaborating on)?
Should we just say its mass madness of unknown causes.
If we had the same amount of supposed visitations of god in the skies or appearances of the holy mary in dreams would the church scoff, would those who criticising this thread be so pugnacious.
Aliens are infalsifiable, and God is infalsifiable. Now Ghost, do you believe in God? Now tell me, what is the difference between the evidence supporting the existence of God and the evidence supporting the existence of aliens (in the sentience you're elaborating on)?
Aliens are infalsifiable, and God is infalsifiable. Now Ghost, do you believe in God? Now tell me, what is the difference between the evidence supporting the existence of God and the evidence supporting the existence of aliens (in the sentience you're elaborating on)?
Again, these people can believe what they may, but to pawn it off as fact, as if they have conclusive evidence, and then to deny all other possibilities when questioned (and I would only logically question the notion IF they approach me first with 'proof'), really bothers me. Also, not being able to detail the belief, a choosing not to consider, really bothers me.
And that's the point. "God" and "Alien" are two notions conjured. Why someone believes either is irrelevant, but the fact is they are believed. And, through faith, they continue to be believed. Now, it's not wrong to believe in something that cannot be proven through science or a method of reasoning (there's actually much debate that religion, as a means of belief, can be beneficial to humans)((Also, arguably, everyone has faith in something, to at least some extent)). However, to pawn off a conjured "theory" as backed by science is a completely different story. That is the problem here. If the person wanted to believe his fantastical stories, that's fine, but if the person then attempts to present a logical argument, be prepared to watch the premises fumble if they're weak.
In this case, they are incredibly weak.