So you think we are alone in this infinite universe?

Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 01:59 pm
No, what I was trying to say is that the rarity of intelligence in all of known life makes me predisposed to disbelieve the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence until and unless I can contact with it. That is, for me, contact seems to prove intelligence.
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 02:09 pm
So the Australian aboriginals did not exist till captain Cook found them ? Im not giving credence to little green men but surely with what we know about the universe and how knowledge of science is becoming like a fantasy of unimaginable wonder..the possibilities are endless and i for one will not rule out anything..
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 08:09 pm
hammersklavier;45351 wrote:
No, what I was trying to say is that the rarity of intelligence in all of known life makes me predisposed to disbelieve the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence until and unless I can contact with it.
They thought the same about black swans.

Intelligence is NOT rare among known life -- it just depends what your numerator is (how you define intelligence) and your denominator (what kind of life are you taking into account).

We can exclude eubacteria, archaebacteria, protozoa, chromists, plants, and fungi from intelligence.

That leaves animals. And of the animals, there is clearly intelligence among mammals and birds. Whether the social structures, communication forms, and problem solving in lesser vertebrates, insects, crustaceans, etc counts as intelligence is up for debate. Only one species on earth can build spaceships, but that's right now. There is no reason to assume that over the same time period in which humans went from ape-brained australopithecines to the moon (5 million years), that other intelligent animals can't develop complex language and technology.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 08:38 pm
GHOST just in case you missed my post in your "aim of aliens" thread, I'll drop it here too, as it seems, also, relevent. Unclench! I think you might appreciate it! *__-

The Vedas tell us that there is no 'celestial body', whether moon, planet or sun, that does not contain life of some 'appropriate' sort.
Perceiver and perceived are One!
So, if something is perceived, and we are 'alive', so therefore must the perceived!

I have noticed that there is also a phenomenon that whatever man thinks (appears as) 'empty space' is, upon further investigation, not 'empty' at all! There is no evidence of any such thing as a 'vacuum' (other than the one that sucks my carpet). There is always 'stuff' found (or at least, hypothesized).

'Life' has been found thriving in the middle of solid rock miles beneath the surface of the earth! In solid rock there are 'communities' of our fellow living creatures, thriving! IN SOLID ROCK!
If our 'scope of examination' is of sufficient width, who knows what will be found? THRIVING IN SOLID ROCK!!
What sort of fellow 'god's children' might be found living on the sun!?!
Perhaps they have no need to leave their own world? Perhaps there is insufficient common ground that we might not possibly be able to communicate (or even see them?). Perhaps they're happy where they are, like the critters in the solid rock!
The mind reels with revelation! Simple evidenced discoveries are absolutely boggling in their implications. Check out earth's mycosphere! A creature and creatures as alien to our day to day life as a sun creature. I heard about it a few days ago on a science interview and a whole new world opened to me! I was gabberflasted with wonder and amazement. New grooves carving into the brain. New worlds and life in my own backyard.
We do find 'life' everywhere we look!!!
I feel that your 'beliefs' will be justified in 'some' fashion.
Keep the 'faith', and your eyes open!

GHOST phil
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 11:46 pm
xris wrote:

Im trying hard to concentrate on this but the images show a very large amount of these so called ufos but they are smaller haphazard in their movements and not oscillating the same as the ones that are bigger and less mobile.What are they? are you telling me these are all ufos the commentator does not even mention them..The tether is not solid as he explains it is a electro static field that is not solid so how can these so called solid objects be seen passing behind something that is not soild.

Yes, most are UFO's, there are a lot aren't there? Though some might just be comets or something explainable, but if there were that amount debris floating around in space, especially that large, it would not be safe at all to send rockets and satellite out of our atmosphere, a tiny spec of debris can cause major damage. The larger ones just make it easier for us to examine the oscillations, the smaller ones might use slightly different mechanisms. It's the most UFO's ever caught on film, they seemed to be very interested in that tether. It should be quiet obvious why the commentator doesn't comment on them, but I'm sure he does, in the long pauses, I suspect they use a secret, highly encrypted communication channel, that we don't get to hear. The tether is most certainty solid, it just shouldn't look that thick, but the scientists realized it was because it was highly charged, and the electrostatic field created around the tether becomes visible in the sun light, this is why they ask why it looks so thick, from such a distance.
xris wrote:

Ive tried to work out what his on about with his cosmic clock..how does he work out that when you look at a galaxy the light is spiraling down to its center..it baffles me..Maybe you can help..Ill watch the rest later when you have helped me with these questions..

He's just saying it gives insight to the formation of the galaxies, why they have black holes in the center, and why they have the spiraling shape. I do not really understand his theory properly, but I have just found a 60 page PDF file on his theory (to big to attach, so I uploaded it here: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service), which I have yet to read. It took an abnormal amount of effort to find, as it didn't seem to exist where it supposedly use to be, if you find the page where it is said to be on Google, and chose to view it in HTML, it seems to work, but the last 10 or so pages were missing and the pictures weren't showing, but I eventually found the full PDF version. It isn't actually a PDF format, it is a "P file", not sure what that is but it works fine in Acrobat Reader.
nameless wrote:

I have noticed that there is also a phenomenon that whatever man thinks (appears as) 'empty space' is, upon further investigation, not 'empty' at all! There is no evidence of any such thing as a 'vacuum' (other than the one that sucks my carpet). There is always 'stuff' found (or at least, hypothesized).

Yes, there is energy all around, even in the emptiest of spaces.
Aedes wrote:

That leaves animals. And of the animals, there is clearly intelligence among mammals and birds. Whether the social structures, communication forms, and problem solving in lesser vertebrates, insects, crustaceans, etc counts as intelligence is up for debate. Only one species on earth can build spaceships, but that's right now. There is no reason to assume that over the same time period in which humans went from ape-brained australopithecines to the moon (5 million years), that other intelligent animals can't develop complex language and technology.

Check out this thread: http://www.philosophyforum.com/forum/philosophy-forums/branches-philosophy/philosophy-mind/3345-how-intelligent-parot.html
hammersklavier wrote:

6. Therefore, insofar as we can currently ascertain, it seems highly unlikely there is other intelligent life out there.

Maybe, you should check out the statistics: Is there any other life in the Universe?
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:13 am
@GHOST phil,
Hey fantasy writer,

I'm from your "The aims of Aliens..." thread, and I'm here to do what I do best.

I've read your entire starting post, many of your response posts (in both threads), and have watched 3 of the movies you've posted, including the ones in your initial post. Now, before I begin, I just wanted to bring to your attention I'm what's called a skeptic. Or, as I like to call it - A Bullshit Detector.

Well, let's begin.

Video #1: Meteorite Implants

A doctor finds some identified matter in a person's jaw, couldn't cut it with a scalpel (holy ****, must be kryptonite), and then promptly sends it off to have it analyzed. It's a meteor rock, they shout! But not only a meteor rock, it's an implanted meteor rock, implying, of course, an intelligent being placed a 2mm piece of meteor rock into a person's jaw. :whoa-dude:

And at which point did we decide we were going to extrapolate this finding to an implant... Oh yeah, right when we found the unidentified rock in the first place! Because, of course, we wanted to 'prove' that aliens exist. Give me a f*cking break, please.

Video #2: How can 62 children lie?

Oh, I love this one, because the damn title answers it's own question. All of sudden children are beacons of undeniable logic, do not have warping memories (like the rest of their species), and don't have colorful imaginations (of course, when we want children to only have colorful imaginations, we make them have it, removing all credibility whatsoever. It just depends what we're desiring at the time!). I especially enjoyed the part when the child was filmed drawing pictures of the aliens just as they appear in countless books, movies, and other alien paraphernalia all across the wordl! I had to stop watching the video when the "Harvard Graduate" asked the children, "Why do you think they came?" in this melodramatic, psuedoprofound voice. I waited another 10 seconds while the poor kid coughed up some fantastical explanation under pressure before I literally coughed up some of my dinner (I had meteorite crusted salmon, by the way).

Video #3: The Case For NASA UFO:

Here's two direct quotes from the video: "Could the ancient Egyptians have built these giant water receptecles to make a place to stay for their half human, half amphibean gods and goddesses as they would visit them from the star system of Sirius". "Could the Gods of Sirius send indirect balls of water from deep space and bring rain in large quantities and transform the arid deserts into thriving oasis with rich agriculture?"

Do I really have to attempt to rebuttal this? Really? I've seen better in Lord of the Rings movies.

Ghost, you've presented absolutely no evidence, just fantastical writing. This is not a theory, but a story you've constructed through your own imagination. Your writing is akin to many children's book writers that have imaginations unrestricted by reality. The only difference is, they're not trying to pawn it off as reality! Until you show me a video that actually shows evidence of aliens without EXTRAPOLATION, I'll consider listening, and I really want to clarify this: Every video you've presented extrapolates. And to be even more clear, what this means is, with the videos you've shown, the speculation of aliens is supported, arbitrarily, by the facts shown. That's really the beauty of your whole story - you construct the end result (aliens exist) and correlate that with a random anything that occurred (the meteor, sightings, footage), and then ask people to discuss. How can one disprove the claims you've made when you've presented them in such a way they're almost unfalsifiable, right? X occurs, so Y has to be! Haha :Not-Impressed:
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:37 am
Zetherin wrote:

Video #1: Meteorite Implants

A doctor finds some identified matter in a person's jaw, couldn't cut it with a scalpel (holy ****, must be kryptonite), and then promptly sends it off to have it analyzed. It's a meteor rock, they shout! But not only a meteor rock, it's an implanted meteor rock, implying, of course, an intelligent being placed a 2mm piece of meteor rock into the person's jaw.

And at which point did we decide we were going to extrapolate this finding to an implant... Oh yeah, right when we found the unidentified rock in the first place! Because, of course, we wanted to 'prove' that aliens exist. Give me a f*cking break, please.

Yes, we have moved passed this topic, it's obviously not conclusive.

Zetherin wrote:

Video #2: How can 62 children lie?

Oh, I love this one, because the ******* title answers it's own question. All of sudden children are beacons of undeniable logic, do not have warping memories (like the rest of their species), and don't have colorful imaginations (of course, when we want children to only have colorful imaginations, we make them have it, removing all credibility whatsoever. It just depends on what we're desiring at the time!). I especially enjoyed the part when the child was filmed drawing pictures of the aliens just as they appear in countless books, movies, and other alien paraphernalia all across the wordl! I had to stop watching the video when the "Harvard Graduate" asked the children, "Why do you think they came?" in this melodramatic, psuedoprofound voice. I waited another 10 seconds while the poor kid coughed up some fantasful explanation under pressure before I literally coughed up some of my dinner (I had meteorite crusted salmon, by the way).

We have also moved passed this, and I know it is not conclusive either, but I hardly see 62 children all seeing the exact same thing with their "imaginations". Haha, I liked the salmon bit though...

Zetherin wrote:

Video #3: The Case For NASA UFO:

Here's two direct quotes from the video: "Could the ancient Egyptians have built these giant water receptecles to make a place to stay for their half human, half amphibean gods and goddesses as they would visit them from the star system of Sirius". "Could the Gods of Sirius send indirect balls of water from deep space and bring rain in large quantities and transform the arid deserts into thriving oasis with rich agriculture?"

Do I really have to attempt to rebuttal this? Really? I've seen better in Lord of the Rings movies.

Well, just like all "bullshit detectors", you skip around the evidence and focus on the most bogus part, even I ignored that part...I recommend part one, if you can find it, it is much more focused on the evidence, and the examination of it.

Zetherin wrote:

I've read your entire starting post, many of your response posts (in both threads), and have watched 3 of the movies you've posted, including the ones in your initial post.

You obviously havn't watched the latests NASA footage, which is what we are CURRENTLY focusing on...

Zetherin wrote:

Ghost, you've presented absolutely no evidence, just fantastical writing. This is not a theory, but a story you've constructed through your own imagination. Your writing is akin to many children's book writers that have imaginations unrestricted by reality. The only difference is, they're not trying to pawn it off as reality! Until you show me a video that actually shows evidence of aliens without EXTRAPOLATION, I'll consider listening, and I really want to clarify this: Every video you've presented extrapolates. And to be even more clear, what this means is, with the videos you've shown, the speculation of aliens is supported, arbitrarily, by the facts shown. That's really the beauty of your whole story - you construct the end result (aliens exist) and correlate that with a random anything that occurred (the meteor, sightings, footage), and then ask people to discuss. How can one disprove the claims you've made when you've presented them in such a way they're almost unfalsifiable, right? X occurs, so Y has to be! Haha

I am not trying to tell a story, I'm trying to prove a story, and I prefer the term, "theory". Again, if you claim every video I have presented, extrapolates, you haven't actually watched the videos which are of current discussion, once you do, and read the last few pages of this post (start at page 10, you will find the videos I talk of), I would like to hear back from you. Good day sir.
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:50 am
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
I am not trying to tell a story, I'm trying to prove a story, and I prefer the term, "theory". Again, if you claim every video I have presented, extrapolates, you haven't actually watched the videos which are of current discussion, once you do, and read the last few pages of this post (start at page 10, you will find the videos I talk of), I would like to hear back from you. Good day sir.

So, essentially, you're trying to prove a story others have told, one you want to believe in? That's really loosely using the term "theory", in my opinion. I've watched the videos, they extrapolate. Point blank. How do I know this? Because you could easily, easily, place "pedophilia-driven unicorn amoebas" in place of "alien" in every single case. Why is this significant? Because the videos don't prove anything, they extrapolate to a desired result! Some of the findings might be bizarre, but so what? And why does it have to equal aliens? You could make dozens and dozens of "theories" up at the blink of an eye! Don't you see? You want to believe this, it thrills you. Whether there's any conclusive evidence or not doesn't matter to you as long as there's a line of arbitrary facts that can be interpreted to give the explanation you desire.
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:10 am
Zetherin wrote:

So, essentially, you're trying to prove a story others have told, one you want to believe in? That's really loosely using the term "theory", in my opinion.

All theories start in the mind, but is does help when the evidence is captured on film and enormous amounts of people witness them, including hundreds of highly ranking military officials.
Zetherin wrote:

You want to believe this, it thrills you.

Like I said in my other thread, you are one of those skeptics who think you can read minds and understand my motives for getting involved in such topics. I replied with the following, and it is suitable in this case also:

Well, you sir/ma'am, act like you can read minds, and automatically make bias assumptions based on your biased views, I do not consider those who think Aliens aren't visiting Earth are "stinky 'hoodwinks'", I respect them and their opinions, just like I do every other person. I am not trying to make myself feel better, increase my ego, or, feel more special than others, and get cheap thrills, those are absolutely the last thing I will ever do, if anything, the existence of Aliens, and them visiting Earth, but the Government deceiving us about it, makes people feel less insignificant in the universe, we like to think we are in the center of the universe, like we have importance and meaningful purposes in life, I feel none of those things, I do not rely on meaning and pride to make myself feel important, I just don't feel more important then anyone else on Earth, pride, arrogance, and selfishness, are why the world is in such a terrible state, why we have wars, and murders. I feel hurt, angry, and deceived, it takes away my hope for human kind, and it makes me feel like the subject is worth hard, scientific analysis, in the hopes of relieving to the public, the truth, to give us all, equality, and let us "enjoy the fruits of our evolution", to better the quality of life and living standards, and just make the world a better place overall. Are you sure you are not making your self feel more important, more significant, and more purposeful, by denying what seems so clear to most of the world? Oh, and if you feel like arguing the existence of UFO's, go to my other thread, "so you think we are alone in this infinite universe", in the science section, hasn't had any replies for a while. I have recently put forward the NASA footage, had a short argument about it, and have yet to hear from anyone who can wiggle their way out of my reasoning. The footage makes it more than clear, it is the "hard evidence" that all the skeptics ask for, it is there, it has been analyzed by experts even, and they cannot explain it.
Zetherin wrote:

I've watched the videos, they extrapolate. Point blank. How do I know this? Because you could easily, easily, place "pedophilia-driven unicorn amoebas" in place of "alien" in every single case. Why is this significant? Because the videos don't prove anything, they extrapolate to a desired result! Some of the findings might be bizarre, but so what? And why does it have to equal aliens? You could make dozens and dozens of "theories" up at the blink of an eye! Don't you see? You want to believe this, it thrills you. Whether there's any conclusive evidence or not doesn't matter to you as long as there's a line of arbitrary facts that can be interpreted to give the explanation you desire.

So how often do "pedophilia-driven unicorn amoebas" float through space at hundreds of thousands miles per hour and make turns that would cause instant explosion? Did you even read my posts after the videos? If you can make dozens and dozens of theories up in the blink of an eye, lets hear some, can you explain what these extremely large objects are, that must be at least 2-3 miles wide in some cases are, and why the vast amount of the them seen floating around the tether do not pose extreme danger to any man made space crafts? Why don't you actually get involved in the analysis instead of spewing stupid, pointless skepticism all over my thread!
Alan McDougall
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 06:02 am
@GHOST phil,
Beings walk the earth unsuspected by most for millions of years. Even the bible states that we should be careful how we treat strangers lest we are treating angels unawares

Also in those days giants walked the earth.

I believe the universe and elsewhere is awash with life
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2009 04:41 pm
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
So how often do "pedophilia-driven unicorn amoebas" float through space at hundreds of thousands miles per hour and make turns that would cause instant explosion?

Depending on who you ask, potentially lots! If someone decided that these unidentified objects were pedophilia-driven unicorns, instead of the epic, over-dramatic "aliens" wooooo, we'd see the same story, just different end result. If you want something to be true, you can surely hypothesis an explanation for it's truth. And again, that's the beauty here - there's no evidence that equals the end result, the end result is but a desire, and the story is laid out in such a way it appears almost unfalsifiable! X is true, so Y has to be!

GHOST wrote:
If you can make dozens and dozens of theories up in the blink of an eye, lets hear some, can you explain what these extremely large objects are, that must be at least 2-3 miles wide in some cases are, and why the vast amount of the them seen floating around the tether do not pose extreme danger to any man made space crafts?

Surely, you can't be asking this seriously, because there are dozens of theories already out there, and no they do not present conclusive evidence. If you want an example, read your own science-fiction writing, don't ask me to spew the same fictional presentation.

I don't know what was seen, but neither does anyone else. To analyze is fine, but to say you know is absolutely absurd. You don't know they are "aliens" anymore than you know that they are "pedophilia-driven unicorns". You want them to be "aliens", so you've hypothesized an explanation for the occurances. If you lived in the 1400's, you'd be one of the guys spouting, "There's a giant water dragon in the ocean!". It could have been a whale, it could have been a group of dolphins jumping, hell, it could have even been a piece of ship wreckage, but no, no, it's a "giant water dragon" and you have the 'evidence' to prove it!

PS: I really don't know why this thread is in the science section. It really has little to do with science. Perhaps in the logic section to show how unstable these premises are? Or, perhaps even the social philosophy section to dissect why there are so many onboard the "alien" train over the last 50 years - really, it's like a fad. Maybe the philosophy of mind, under delusions? If not, the Uncategorized section would do.
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 11:14 am
@GHOST phil,
People if we are alone in the universe then that is just the absolute waste of space

And heck!! what I an ultimate waste

If you believe that then we are the luckiest little critters in this vast empty lonely void
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 03:23 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
People if we are alone in the universe then that is just the absolute waste of space

And heck!! what I an ultimate waste

If you believe that then we are the luckiest little critters in this vast empty lonely void

That's the irony of all this - Despite everything I just said, I actually do believe it's highly improbable we are the only intelligent life in this universe. But to claim that I know, to present make-believe stories and regard them as fact, or science, or evidence, is just silly. There's so much extrapolation with these 'theories', they never prove anything.
GHOST phil
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 07:20 pm
Zetherin wrote:
Depending on who you ask, potentially lots! If someone decided that these unidentified objects were pedophilia-driven unicorns, instead of the epic, over-dramatic "aliens" wooooo, we'd see the same story, just different end result. If you want something to be true, you can surely hypothesis an explanation for it's truth. And again, that's the beauty here - there's no evidence that equals the end result, the end result is but a desire, and the story is laid out in such a way it appears almost unfalsifiable! X is true, so Y has to be!

I actually laugh at your attempt to ridicule and debunk everything I have pointed out in my previous posts. Video footage filmed from space, by NASA, is most definatelly solid evidence worth examination. Yes, these things may very well be some phenomena we are unaware of at this time, but after examining the evidence, eliminating all other possibilities, and noting that these things, obviously have means of propulsion, these things obviously have intelligence and they are nothing we can logically explain without considering UFO's, it seems very unlikely that they are some phenomena we don't know of. As I said before, if there was anything near that size, in the vast numbers they are recorded, moving around in space and entering the Earths atmosphere, it would be extremely dangerous to be in space, now consider how often our space ships and satellites should be getting hit...it doesn't make sense, which rules out any other phenomena that isn't able to just pass right through or around things but can still be seen in space...nothing should be seen in space unless it is really hot or the sun is shining on the visible side of it, and it is large enough to notice.
Zetherin wrote:

Surely, you can't be asking this seriously, because there are dozens of theories already out there, and no they do not present conclusive evidence. If you want an example, read your own science-fiction writing, don't ask me to spew the same fictional presentation.

Yes, I was, after examining the evidence, I cannot see any other possibility, if you can think of something that works, I would very much like to hear you explanation, I understand you could make up some fictional explanation, but does it fit in with the evidence, is it possible, and won't it just be considered extraterestrial in origin anyway because we cannot explain or comprehend it?
Zetherin wrote:

I don't know what was seen, but neither does anyone else. To analyze is fine, but to say you know is absolutely absurd. You don't know they are "aliens" anymore than you know that they are "pedophilia-driven unicorns". You want them to be "aliens", so you've hypothesized an explanation for the occurances. If you lived in the 1400's, you'd be one of the guys spouting, "There's a giant water dragon in the ocean!". It could have been a whale, it could have been a group of dolphins jumping, hell, it could have even been a piece of ship wreckage, but no, no, it's a "giant water dragon" and you have the 'evidence' to prove it!

Haha, people can believe what ever they want if it makes them feel better, I know Aliens exist because I cannot deny the huge amount of unwavering evidence that points directly to just that, there is not one doubt in my mind anymore. The evidence is overwelming, empeccable, and fully conclusive. I am not hypothesizing anything, look at scientific analysis I have given, even NASA has given an out right lie as to what they are, they could not possibly, ever be "ice crystals, glistening in the sun", it's just an absolute joke.
Zetherin wrote:

PS: I really don't know why this thread is in the science section. It really has little to do with science. Perhaps in the logic section to show how unstable these premises are? Or, perhaps even the social philosophy section to dissect why there are so many onboard the "alien" train over the last 50 years - really, it's like a fad. Maybe the philosophy of mind, under delusions? If not, the Uncategorized section would do.

Like a fad? More like a truth, and I see it as the most scientifically important subject on the Earth. The scientific implifications of Alien existence are quiet substantial, and the scientific analysis of the evidence present, is what we are here to do.
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 08:12 pm
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:

Haha, people can believe what ever they want if it makes them feel better,

They very well can, and this thread is testament to that!
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 11:11 pm
Aliens are infalsifiable, and God is infalsifiable. Now Ghost, do you believe in God? Now tell me, what is the difference between the evidence supporting the existence of God and the evidence supporting the existence of aliens (in the sentience you're elaborating on)?
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 09:20 am
Holiday20310401 wrote:
Aliens are infalsifiable, and God is infalsifiable. Now Ghost, do you believe in God? Now tell me, what is the difference between the evidence supporting the existence of God and the evidence supporting the existence of aliens (in the sentience you're elaborating on)?
I dont claim these ufos are proof of aliens visiting this planet but i strongly believe that by their numbers and a certain few of these observed phenomena lead me to say its a possibility. You can say they are all explainable if you like but i dont think so.I dont think that is an outrageous claim to make.I also have tried reading about these thousands of Americans in particular that claim abduction, its almost a spiritual out of body experience for the vast majority .Should we just say its mass madness of unknown causes..If we had the same amount of supposed visitations of god in the skies or appearances of the holy mary in dreams would the church scoff ,would those who criticising this thread be so pugnacious.
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 06:14 pm
xris wrote:
Should we just say its mass madness of unknown causes.

I wouldn't say it's of unknown causes, but yes, you could say it's mass madness. An out of body experience is nothing profound; it's simply a trick your mind plays. I, personally, have experienced this - you can even train yourself to successfully put yourself in these trances. It's kind of cool, but nothing unexplainable. I've been in some psychedelic phases where I could easily, easily make the claims that these people make that were abducted, but I don't as I understand the logicality behind what occurred. I think you underestimate the potential for mass delusion and mass belief in unfounded claims. This is no new news, some people are sheep.

xris wrote:
If we had the same amount of supposed visitations of god in the skies or appearances of the holy mary in dreams would the church scoff, would those who criticising this thread be so pugnacious.

Absolutely I would scoff and be pugnacious. If someone came to me and started preaching that, because they saw holy Mary in a dream, their notion of God is "True", and if I didn't believe I would go to 'hell', I would give the same dumbfounded look. Again, these people can believe what they may, but to pawn it off as fact, as if they have conclusive evidence, and then to deny all other possibilities when questioned (and I would only logically question the notion IF they approach me first with 'proof'), really bothers me. Also, not being able to detail the belief, a choosing not to consider, really bothers me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 06:23 pm
Holiday20310401 wrote:
Aliens are infalsifiable, and God is infalsifiable. Now Ghost, do you believe in God? Now tell me, what is the difference between the evidence supporting the existence of God and the evidence supporting the existence of aliens (in the sentience you're elaborating on)?

And that's the point. "God" and "Alien" are two notions conjured. Why someone believes either is irrelevant, but the fact is they are believed. And, through faith, they continue to be believed. Now, it's not wrong to believe in something that cannot be proven through science or a method of reasoning (there's actually much debate that religion, as a means of belief, can be beneficial to humans)((Also, arguably, everyone has faith in something, to at least some extent)). However, to pawn off a conjured "theory" as backed by science is a completely different story. That is the problem here. If the person wanted to believe his fantastical stories, that's fine, but if the person then attempts to present a logical argument, be prepared to watch the premises fumble if they're weak.

In this case, they are incredibly weak.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 08:54 pm
Holiday20310401 wrote:
Aliens are infalsifiable, and God is infalsifiable. Now Ghost, do you believe in God? Now tell me, what is the difference between the evidence supporting the existence of God and the evidence supporting the existence of aliens (in the sentience you're elaborating on)?

Are you just skipping over all the evidence I have presented?!? It's like you are blind to the facts and you always go back to your one little stupid argument "there is no evidence", when infact there are vast amounts of evidence that, when examined and analylized, show, clearly, that these things aren't your normal "space debri". What do I have to do? I assume there is nothing I can do to get people like you to wake up to the truth, you just don't want to change your understanding of reality, you don't want your comfortable little world to crumble around you. Of course I do not believe in God, there is no evidence!!! There are not hundreds of highly respectable, high status and highly stable people testifying to the existance of God, there is not hundreds of hours of footage containing God, and unlike religion, the investigation of UFO's is not a thriving business that makes billions every year!!!
Zetherin wrote:
Again, these people can believe what they may, but to pawn it off as fact, as if they have conclusive evidence, and then to deny all other possibilities when questioned (and I would only logically question the notion IF they approach me first with 'proof'), really bothers me. Also, not being able to detail the belief, a choosing not to consider, really bothers me.

What other possibilities? I'm still waiting for your humble, scientific reasoning behind what these objects may be...and what do you mean detail? You want me to detail the different species, or the how their craft work? Do you think I am an Alien?!? I can only tell you what the evidence tells me, they exist, and they visit Earth.

Zetherin wrote:
And that's the point. "God" and "Alien" are two notions conjured. Why someone believes either is irrelevant, but the fact is they are believed. And, through faith, they continue to be believed. Now, it's not wrong to believe in something that cannot be proven through science or a method of reasoning (there's actually much debate that religion, as a means of belief, can be beneficial to humans)((Also, arguably, everyone has faith in something, to at least some extent)). However, to pawn off a conjured "theory" as backed by science is a completely different story. That is the problem here. If the person wanted to believe his fantastical stories, that's fine, but if the person then attempts to present a logical argument, be prepared to watch the premises fumble if they're weak.
In this case, they are incredibly weak.

I couldn't have used a more solid line of scientific reasoning, can you see any faults in it?!? Can you come up with a better explanation using scientific reasoning as solid as mine?!? So you say my reasong and logic is incredibly weak...haha, either you just don't understand science or you are just calm and stable in your present realitly, because if I made it any more solid, It would be like "super-science" or something, are you saying normal science doesn't apply, just because we are trying to prove the existance of Aliens? You will discredit anything, as long as it discredits the existance of Aliens, and their visits to Earth...are you working for the Government or something? Your line of reasoning is the one that isn't solid, at all, and you deny the existence of evidence, when it is clearly present in bulk amounts, you even try to deny science!!! There are hours of NASA footage where these objects are seen, I have only presented 2 short pieces of footage, where these occurences are harder to dismiss as camera faults or space dust, and mysteriously, in all the footage, these objects always look similar, with the black hole's in the center, the pulsating, the manifesting into view, and disappearing just as quick, at some point, the evidence made the point so clear in my mind, that I cannot understand how anyone can still deny it. The only answer I see, is that people just don't want to admit it to themselves, we have created our own little world in which we feel safe and secure with our stupid little lifestyles, cliche's and stereotypes that we refuse to move out of them, the government, media and our so called "superiors" suck us in, and we are basically their mindless slaves. It isn't that the Goverment are experts at hiding it, it's that we are experts at remaing oblivious to the truth, through arrogance, ego and greed.

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