Gojo, there are some who seriously speculate that our American cousins are experiencing some form of mass psychosis, a type of conditioning that leaves many unable to perceive their best interests and blinded by an almost religious belief that their "founding fathers" were the Masters of all wisdom, virtual gods.
The American people were manipulated into two catastrophic wars launched by semi-literate political leadership and led by a gaggle of careerist and incompetent generals who maintained that simply being American was sufficient to defeat their nation's supposed enemies. When genuine, patriotic leaders like General Eric Shinseki spoke honestly about what conquering Iraq would entail, his truth was taken as insubordination and he was sacked.
Meanwhile, at the altar of the god Free Enterprise, America's middle class has been given up in human sacrifice, while the gap between rich and poor has steadily widened as the elite strip America of its manufacturing strength, outsource American jobs and invest what is truly American wealth into growing the economies of America's rivals. That is about as unpatriotic as it comes but in a nation whose people have been misled to see wealth as virtue, its growing existence in a dwindling number of hands itself proof of... something. Best no one notice that the miners' canary, social mobility, has fallen from its perch so that, today, the progression from blue collar to white collar to the wealthy class is being choked.
Just as the American people were manipulated and misled on foreign wars and just as the American people were manipulated and misled on global warming, now they're being fiercely manipulated and misled on universal health care.
The palpable nonsense that's being spewed by America's politicians, by America's pharmaceutical and medical lobbies and through America's media is astonishing.
They are actually being told
they have the best medical care in the world, that
they have the best medical system of any nation. What is carefully left out is that there is no
"they" in American healthcare.
They is universal, American healthcare is not.
What is missing from these claims is truth.
They should be told that
some have the best medical care in the world and that
some of them have access to the best medical system of any nation while
some others have but partial access and
some others still have no insured access at all.
The American people are told that universal healthcare is
socialist, something that's pawned off on them as communist, totalitarian. Why once those socialists get universal healthcare in place the next thing they'll do is take away the vote and start confiscating everyone's guns. It'll be the beginning of the end of America, whatever that is today.
At this point I want to state that I am not anti-American. I did my undergrad in the United States. My very best friend of almost 40-years now, is a profoundly patriotic American, a Vietnam combat veteran. Coming from a family that's been in Canada roughly two centuries, I have American family. I holiday every year in America, well the Pacific northwest states anyway which are at least technically American.
I don't hate America but I do get damned angry at the way the American people allow a gaggle of very advantaged miscreants to manipulate them with lies and fear mongering. I really want the old America back.