boagie wrote:
Just a thought, can it be said that our biology is a hierarchial structure, and that culture and society are then extenisions of the structure, is it even desireable to have it any other way, accept perhaps to refine those hierarchial structures. The model for society is our own biology, the army, police departments and the courts, aspects of its immune system.
I like your thinking.
This IMHO, would not work, because it is like saying the psychological perspective is an echo of something indifferent to what is psychological, being the biological. I don't really have any insights to condone this notion though.
I think the reason why hierarchy appears is because it is efficient. Some people just want to conform I think, even to things which don't really exist. A hierarchy is inevitably going to emerge when equality is an impossibility. We can practice humility all we want, but this does not get rid of our appeal to hierarchy and it's efficiency.
Isn't leadership a hierarchical structure? Teaching? Vigilence (though I hate the concept; it is not rationality which can make people introduce anarchy in their lives). Why are we thinking here that rational thought is going to bring us a society without hierarchy?
Hierarchical structuring is based on our egocentric desires differing from anothers, logic is only a pawn to defend the ego, it does not fight it. Rationality requires a bit more of an empirical realization that something is indeed very wrong with society in order for the society to change.
To say there is a hierarchy is to say there is an inequality between classes, right? Wealth, intellect, physical, religious, sexual etc. Rational thought will not eliminate the hierarchy but rather manipulate it. If it is irrational for there to be a sexual hierarchy where men dominate women why is this? It is not because there is a disparity itself. Anyone wanting equality for the sake of equality is a fool, perhaps a typical conservative. It is going to be irrational if both classes do not benefit at an increasing rate better than the other.