- the plane economy was a huge failure
Farmers didn't see any profit in the hard work, for a meager profit, and couldn't establish a selfsustaning cycle by investing in expensive farming tools ..etc, because it was considerd spekulation, which is evil and selfish.
- the equallity system was an utter faliure
There must exist leader to boss people around, too much equallity only result in comradery and select behaviour, instead of uniform rational behavour.
- the economy was an utter faliure
Spekulation was a really great nonno in communism, to make investments in forgein or national things was a selfish and would break the equallity, thus production would fail, no heavy machinery, no tax for the coffers ..etc
Marx was a somewhat intelligent man, he created communism from a good ..but extreme naive heart.
He was sorely ignorent about basic economy, psycology ..etc, which are extremely vital in understanding the minute movements in a society and it's perpetual "health".