Hi everyone, I'd like to share with you the fresh essay on
Egocentrism and Ecocentrism. Generally speaking, the given work is research made up on junction of philosophy, history, biology, psychology and intended for the general public interested in a
problem of man's survival on the Earth by means of transformation of conscience.
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From_egocentrism_to_ecocentrism - Google Docs
To present the more detailed idea of the essay I put here contents and a preamble to its third part:
1. How Can a Man survive? 4-11
2. Some Ideas about the New Type Religions 11-17
3. From Egocentrism to Ecocentrism 18-41
Quote: 3. From Eegocentrism to Ecocentrism
Man's attitudes with the surrounding world are formed chiefly by instincts that are innate reactions of an organism being the result of biological evolution and also by spirituality; the last one is of social origin and stands for achievement of harmony both inside a man and with the surrounding world. As a rule the decisive factor is the ruling at present public arrangement or the tradition, roughly speaking, directed to "good" corresponding with spirituality, or to "evil" that the instinctive basis correspond with. In the second case deficit of spirituality arises with all following negative aftermath which is demonstrated by the human history and especially the totalitarian power forms. It is offered to the readers the research about origin of the foregoing social situation and the way of influence on it.
I am the author of this essay. My name is Anatoly, I am from Moscow, Russia, and 67 years old.