Maybe the world does not have enough, and yet it has had enough rationally to survive... But look: We had production...Because producers wanted higher profit, and the government sought empire we have exported industry, and we imported products until we are ruined as a market... Throwing some of our own money at us is supposed to make a market of us again.... The debt load is so severe, and our wealth personal and public is all in the hands of a single class, so there will be no recovery..
Does it do the third world any good to export our production to them... Any capital they have might in time help them, but for now it is only turning their lives to profit, polluting their environments and dividing their societies...
We can see now what good it does us to lose all our capital...When people buy their own products and build up the capital of their country by exporting they can grow wealthy and strong...If they cannot export the wealth of the country will grow in the hands of the rich... But if they have no production and have to survive on imports the bottom is out of the bucket, and it does not matter what is put in because all will go out...This stimulus is the last gasp of American capitalism...Either we will revolt, or in short order will find ourselves reduced to grinding poverty in a third world country... There is no economy to our economy...