@Mr Fight the Power,
"I am sure that farmers, in anarchy, would find plenty of support. Many people would want to learn the trade while others would be looking for a meal. "
if i wasn't so deeply saddened by this perception, that would be funny. So lets cut to the chase.
Even in todays subsidy based economy (more on that later), farmers are losing money
Producing corn isnt like other industries. In the united states alone, we produce enough of it that we can feed the same food to our feedlot animals as we feed our children. Meaning, its been overproduced to the point where our entire food system is based off of corn, look up any food in your pantry, odds are, part of is corn. Also, the only people who really can meet this demand for the cheap product are the ones who've been doing it their whole lives. You cant just pick up a manual and expect to feed yourself. Currently, in the midwest, farmers sell their corn at a loss for one reason, there is a subsidy that makes sure they recieve floor price. Hence they can produce enough to feed the world. Tell me, in an anarchistic society, how are you going to convince producers of the commodity the world currently runs on to sell it at a loss? You can neither regulate nor stimulate production, meaning chaos in the diet of approximately 1-2 billion people. And even the "weakest, most struggling" farmers are more industrious than the greater population of the world combined. they just happen to be in a job that has recieved the short end of the stick since the domestication of wheat