xris wrote:Youve never lived in an anarchy but you propose we should..People dont step out of line because they need the support of the people around them...is that so ? so this gang of thieves relies on the communities support do they..:perplexed:
You completely missed the point of my post.
You see, jungle rules come from living in the jungle not from living under anarchy, the rules of modern society come from living in modern society, not from democracy or any sort of government.
People in the jungle live a lifestyle of subsistence to a certain degree. Their lifestyle is dependent upon a small family group at the most. They hunt and live as a small group, and the survival of the group comes first, period. Duties among the group are wide and diverse, and one individual of the group may be quite able to maintain the same subsistence lifestyle outside of the group. The individuals social tendencies will lead him to seek acceptance amongst his small group, but the necessity of such social organization is not immediate.
We contrast that with people living in a modern society.
Lifestyle in a modern society has progressed far past subsistence. We drive, we have plumbing, we have all of these "necessities" than those less "developed" of our ancestors and relatives. This has been done by growing as groups. Instead of having a wide variety of duties amongst a small group, the modern laborer has specialized his labor, gaining a great deal of expertise in one particular form of production. Instead of staking out an individual claim to resource, modern society has allotted large contingent groupings of resource to be split up among collective groups. Instead of staking out individual sparse domiciles, they have built large shared developments. This is the way society and basic social evolution works. People gain over their individual limitations by both cooperating and expelling detractors.
That was the point of my subdivision statement: In the jungle it is a dog-eat-dog life because no one needs anyone else. In the subdivision, however, one person's property value is contingent on his neighbors' property values and vice versa. They get together and create a homeowner's association that works as a community to maintain high values. People work together because modern society and their very lifestyle depends on it.
And yes, any gang of thieves is dependent upon those they plunder from. Once their ability to plunder is cut off, they are no longer thieves and have to find some other method to support themselves. That's why our fearless protectors in the state love these fearful attitudes. The shepherd would be far less productive if the sheep were not so complacent about their fleece.