xris wrote:O ye and we all have straws hanging out our mouths eat fish and chips and curtsy when the queen comes for tea..I dont care much for politicians or politics but i have been known to make my voice heard on occassions..Free men ,alright if you was a freeman and not black ,dont give me this liberty and freedom for all. What a joke, i can remember when it was ok to hang a blackman for pissing in the wrong place.Carrying a gun is not only dangerous but down right insane..We had our civil wars for freedom long before the Redman new what a whitemans tongue looked like..
I would wager a guess that you have never fired a handgun in your life.
It is not only safe but effective. A piece of metal traveling at 2200 ft per second has an amazing way of desuading any would be attackers. As long as you are self controlled enough, and respectful enough, a firearm is no more dangerous than a sheet of paper. We have got into a bickering contest at this point and I knew this would eventually end up happening.
Yes, the USA is a young country. Yes England has a much longer history. But this isn't a country club of nations. Time served has no bearing on value. If it did then Africa would have the worlds ear. What matters is simple, who has the best method of persuasion. History is written by the winners. So while you talk about the USA and hanging blackmen for peeing in the wrong place, don't forget that it was the English slave traders who supplied them. Where were your oh so superior morals then? And when the Scottish and Irish were simply trying to live as nations, who was it that raped and murdered there people into submission to the crown? The english have committed more atrocities to humanity then most countries have even thought about. As a young nation, we are still learning, but we are also innovating. We are creating. Our system is broken and so is yours. This is exactly my point. Anarchy has no national boundries. It is he who can help himself and others the most that will excel.
So before you go condemning my country, look at your history. Before you claim to kow something about firearms, try using one. Before you call me insane, step into my shoes.