My latest journey took me on a quest to find the elusive, mysterious Feola. I traveled the backroads of America, asking questions.... seeking answers. Many people have heard of Feola, yet no one knew where this creature lived. Finally, in the small town of Bullfrog Junction, New Mexico, I received a break. An old prospector named Dirtball Clyde informed me that Feola lived at the top of Hannibal Ridge, just past the old oak tree. He warned me that Feola lived with two other people and they liked to play this little game. I thanked him and traveled to the top of the ridge where I found Feola's house tucked snugly between two large boulders. There were three people sitting around a picnic table playing a stimulating game of Chutes and Ladders. I approached, introduced myself, and asked, "Which on of you is Feola?" In turn, they all gave the same response, which was, "I am Feola, welcome friend." Now what? I'm a bit puzzled over this unexpected development and seek answers from my A2K brethren: Which of these three is the real Feola? Surely someone must know....