I made a couple of trips I really shouldn't have, and am "whole lifetime glad" that I did. Well, you're not me, but I think it is such a joy, a trip like this, no matter the sucky parts, like money. I think of it as a refreshing slap upside the head, a pleasure to do, a pleasure to remember. Just ask Shewolf..
I had trouble organizing myself and meeting folks, and screwed up in that - as I've said before - I paid too much attention to one strong voice wanting me to travel to see her house and failed to even pm Joe Nation (why would he want to meet me, etc.; slaps self). I consider this crushing stupidity on my part.
Go, dammit.
I don't know re the pros and cons of the euro trip (*) but still, I think re-connecting is good. You've been to England before, right? It's a kind of continuum thing, to me, a reclamation of sorts.
* I consider England et al in Europe. I suppose I need instruction.