Quote:1. This is the most commonly used personality assessment in the world.
This is relevant? (Horoscopes are also commonly used).
Quote:Thirty or forty years of research behind it.
And yet, you are unable to show any objective scientific research that shows the test is useful in any real way.
Quote:Also, you still have not addressed your glaring error at the beginning of this thread.
What do you consider a glaring error?
Quote:I don't care if you accept the Myers-Briggs as a valid instrument.
Then, why have you engaged me on this topic on two separate threads.
The issue here is the lack
scientifically testable claims about the Myers-Briggs assessment. You have made lots of claims about the assessment-- but you have not offered any way to test if they are true or not.
The only thing approaching a scientifically testable claim that you have made is that some 75% of the people who answer the questions on one day, will answer similar questions the same way in the future. If you want to put this as a measure of "reliability", fine.
I accept the fact that people will answer similar questions in similar ways repeatedly. I accept this because it is a well-stated question that can be proven by independent researchers. Of course, this says absolutely nothing about whether the assessment is useful in any way in real life. And, this is the problem.