Everyone marches to drums of different kinds. Specter, as a GOP, was good to Pa. He had a fair base of operations and was doing well up until 3 weeks ago when he started going NEGATIVE on Joe Sestak who , no matter what, is a retired Naval Admiral. SPecter was giving Sestak the brush and Sestak uased that against Specter. It was a really brilliantly played end game. One thing the mil teaches is that battle plans are played to a deceisive end and that wars are ugly ESPECIALLY at the end.
Im not sure what the Hell Dave's been toking but the Conservatives have always marched to the bidding of the mil/insustrail lobbies, the gun lobbies, the industrial lobbies, Evangelicals, etc. NOONE is free of personal graft. They only answer to different masters.
I pwrsonally liked SPectwers attitudes in that he answered (mostly) to his constituency of people.
Most of the conservatives trust in free market economy and want the world deregulated and that aint ever going to work.