Sat 8 May, 2010 06:13 pm
I´m posting from our hotel in Lima, Peru, so I can post on a2k.+
I miss all of my friends, and wish you all well. I have been posting my travelogues on under the handle c.i.222.
Our OAT group is spending three days in Lima before we fly to Iquitos and cruise the Amazon River for six days. Less than half in our group will be taking the extension to Machu Picchu.
This is my third visit to Lima, but I´m seeing and learning more of this city. We visited a rather new (only about 30 years old) archaeological dig today in the city that older than Machu Picchu that were built by the early Peruvians that they also call the step pyramids. Visit my travel blog on travelpod after a few days of my return home.
@cicerone imposter,
I look forward to seeing the photos.
Ah, Machu picchu, C.I. Hope you'll stick around.
@cicerone imposter,
I already welcomed you back on another thread, c.i., but I'll do it again here.
Looking forward to your photographs, too.
Cicerone, you didn't have to extra travel to Lima in order to access a2k,
you could have found another way - much cheaper too!
I´m only in Lima because I´m really on this trip to visit the Amazon. However, I must confess that even though this is my third time in Lima, I have seen more in this city that are of great interest and fascination. We visited one of the biggest archaeological digs in Peru today. The Incas were really good in engineering, and knew how to build pyramids and other temples that were built before the time of Christ.
You´ll have to visit my blog on (my handle is c.i.222) to see and read my travelogue when I return home on the 17th.
So you have no desire to revisit A2K after Lima, c.i.?
That's OK. We don't mind. Go ahead & reject us if you want.
CI still has trouble logging in. I doubt it is a2k's fault, they have tried to help, and I doubt that it is his, unless he missed some queue. Or maybe it is, but he can't figure out why. Still, it doesn't work from his computer.
Gosh. What a saga!
Well c.i., I suggest a name change, then. That might just do the trick. Why not just "c.i."?
I once got a guy to come out from the mac place, and he went through my computer with an eagle eye. Very refreshing.
I suspect CI needs some tech help.
@cicerone imposter,
Good to see you again> Have fun on the Amazon.
@cicerone imposter,
It so happened that I borrowed a DVD from the library by National Geographic about the Inca Revolution and it had the first bullet wound, 500-year-old, in the Americas analyzed. It seems the Spanish Conquistadors lied about their conquest. Pizarro actually allied himself with native tribes who were victimized by the Incas. One of his wives or concubines was the Princess of one of the tribes. When the Incas came to attack Lima the Princess was surrounded. She sent a messenger to her family for help. Her mother, a chieftain, sent an army to attack the Incas. They killed the Inca general. The Spanish followed the Indian army to finish off the Incas. So it was the Indian allies of the Spanish that defeated the Incas not the Spanish Conquistadors.
@cicerone imposter,
Also, two brothers were fighting over the throne after their father died so there was an Inca civil war. After one brother was eliminated, the Spaniards appeared on the scene so the Incas were greatly weakened but still a formidable force that is why the Spaniards sought allies.
Hi to everybody. Will get cut off soon.
@cicerone imposter,
Safe journeys, CI. It's good to see you, if only for a little while.
I was kind of wondering where c.i. was.
Wotcher, mate!
We're now in Syros for the day, and will leave for the mainland tonite. Seems \i've been invited to the captain's table for tonight's dinner - for being a frequent traveler with this company \(oat). These Greek islands have been a blast - and that includes the heat factor. Bye for now.
Wow, I didn't know you were traveling! Stay safe and take care!