Looks like I got something in advance because I live in the German "outback" close to the Austrian border.
We receive this one Austrian channel which broadcasts lots of movies at the same time as the German stations do, but without advertisment.
So...don't know why I told you about it, but it's pretty cool eh?
Well to get back to the main topic: I spent four weeks in Vancouver during last summer holidays and you guys are right: American advertisments do suck. I mean the style and look of most ads there was comparable to the cheapest and lowest in standard ads in Germany. Don't wanna tell you German ads were kinda Hollywood-movie-like - but come on: fat guys standing in front of The Stars and Stripes shouting "It's big! It's looouuuud!! Buy iiitt!!!". OK now sure there doesn't exist an ad with that kind of plot...it's meant in a metaphoric way