Thanks for your encouragement, margo & the tsar.
Yes, yes, I need to do
much more of this walking thing in winter! (not my best time of year, I'm afraid.

One could turn into a total blob, otherwise, right?
George, now you've made me feel guilty. (I know that was not
remotely your intention.)
Somewhere here, gathering dust, is a small digital camera which I promised myself (a few years ago) I would get into the habit of using more often. ....
... & also to master the posting pics thing to A2K, too!
Ah, the best laid plans!
Now that you've inadvertently prodded my guilt about procrastination, I will make a real effort.
After all, it'll be for good cause!
The A2K Walking thread!
I really hope to see
yours, too.
But dare not encourage you until
I do the right thing!
But enough about me.
Who else is walking?
And are there any A2K walkers we haven't heard from yet?
Come on, tell us about your adventures!