It took me quite some effort to find this thread again. (You've started so many threads, tsar!

I had to sort my way through all the threads in your profile.)
Anyway, I've just returned home from a 1 hour & 40 minute walk (I timed it). My first super duper walk in ages! I figured it being spring (though not exactly reflected in the weather) it was time to emerge from my cocoon & start walking again. The fact that I have gained a few pounds over the winter - a bit over my usual size, but not really into the next one .. yet! ... spurred me on to get started again. Do I want to be Ms Flabby Person this summer?: No. Do I want to have to go out & buy a whole new summer wardrobe?: No. Can't afford that, either. So time to start walking again, with vengeance!
As it was so late in the afternoon, there was no point in doing the Sydney Road walk. All the shops (apart from the eateries) would be shutting up for the weekend soon, so not very interesting. So I decided to head north, instead of south, in the direction of my friend, C's place. I wasn't sure if she'd be home from her trip to the country yet (she wasn't) , but that didn't matter. Starting walking again is what did!
So I took a number of meandering shortcuts through the back streets on my way to C's place. A much more "mixed" commercial/industrial/residential area .. one that I wasn't all that familiar with. Auto repair shops, small factories of a number of varieties, sprinkled here & there with rather forlorn looking, down at heel homes. All a bit spooky & weird on a late Sunday afternoon. Not many people about. In fact, it felt quite deserted. Walk faster, Olga!
thought I was heading in the right direction, but thought I'd better check, so I asked a man, one of the few people I saw in this somewhat depressing setting, for directions. Which way to S Street? Was I heading in the right direction? No? A couple of kilometers back the other way? Streuth!

I have the worst sense of direction of anyone I know. If I think I'm heading north (in unknown territory) I've inevitably been heading south. (Is there a proper name for this affliction/"condition"/handicap? I've been this way all my life!

Anyway, back in the right direction, with no loss of speed. Galloping all the way! On discovering that C was not yet home, I wasted no time in heading off back home. Keeping to familiar roads this time. You wouldn't want to be caught in some mysterious maze with it beginning to get a bit dark, would you? No!
Back home & planning another walk tomorrow morning. Early this time, I think. I'll set my alarm clock. It's school holiday time here & a good, strenuous walk every day would be a terrific thing to do!
So what about the rest of you? Everyone still walking?