Finally, some sun, after 3 weeks of rain...
So, headed off for a walk around the bay near home.
The cafe on the corner of my street is doing it's usual booming business, but - no stopping - yet!
The tide's out but the clouds are scudding in - and it's a tad chilly by the water.
There's quite a few people out, dog walkers (always) families on bikes, some people just ambling (me), serious walkers pelting along at pace, or runners thumping by.
There's been a lot of rain lately, so the water is quite murky. Everywhere you can see where mud and rubbish have washed down the slopes to the water's edge.
Here's the old Bushells Tea factory, across the bay. It now processes coffee, and occasionally you get this very strong smell of roasting coffee.

This is also where my mate Len launches his boat, when we go out on the harbour.
Here you can see across the bay to some seriously ugly apartments on the other side of the river, the Parramatta River, the extension of Sydney Harbour.
I walked as far as possible along the walking path, and then headed up the hill (past my longer-for house, which just sold for $2.075 million. - should have saved harder!)
I trundle back along the road, slowly, as there's been almost no exercise for the past couple of weeks, due to the filthy weather, and I can feel myself stiffen. I get to the other cafe, the one with the great cakes, and there's a fire engine out the front. A little bit of angst, until I see 4 firies standing around chatting and drinking coffee.

At least they didn't have the lights and sirens going. I'm longing for a cup of tea - but experience has shown me that Italian cafes are not good places to get a decent tea. Their cakes, however, are really good, so I sneak in and collect a couple of my favourite coffee eclairs, and head home for a cuppa.
Walk - about 4 kilometres.