Maybe in the next two or three hundreds years we will be ready to act as why press for something that the bigots would not care for?
Seem strange does it not that the very military think tank that you had quoted on this thread yourself have come to the conclusion that open gays servicing is not the end of the world or the military.
What to bet my friend that if we went back to the late 1940s the same statements word for damn word was being generated over allowing blacks to serve in mixed companies of troops?
Hell if we had have the internet then like minded people to you would also had been doing the same postings word for word as you now doing.
Let be honest here you do not wish this policy to be change anytime in the future just as the racists in the 1940s would have been happy to delay blacks soldiers rights to beyond this date in history if they could have.
Sorry but the bigots at whatever position they hold in the military will shortly have to get used to the idea that you can not shut out train troops because you do not care for their sex lives just as their grandfathers got used to the fact that skin color was not a reason to limit black troops service.