THe PC Police Again Shut Down Truth Seaking

Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2010 09:32 pm
Listen clown, someone claiming that women in support units is disruptive doesn't make it so. You claimed that women did not serve in combat capacities. That's bullshit. Too bad you are unable to understand that. If you have evidence that women in the Red Army were disruptive, provide it. Put up or shut up. But i'm already familiar with your bullshit--you will neither provide evidence to back up your bullshit claims, nor will you shut up about them.

Women like Rosa Shanina were not in all female units. Alexandra Samusenko commanded men in her armored unit. All you do is make claims, and you d0n't provide either specifics or evidence, and, as this specific example shows, you'll lie about evidence that others present.

I didn't slander you--unless you consider it slander to point out how you operate. You cannot keep the insults and contempt to yourself. That's typical of you. It's not an insult, you know, to write the truth about you.

It is hilarious, though, to read your comments about "self-proclaimed" expertise. That's all you ever deal in. I have never seen you provide a single shred of evidence for the claims you make.
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2010 11:02 pm
Ok **** for brains, try to read without your ego coloured glasses on. Two examples out of half a million women is not a statistical analysis, even, and I want to make this perfectly clear, even if you say it half a million times.
If you have evidence that women in the Red Army were disruptive, provide it.
You jerk. If you want women to serve, then you prove it because it is not established. You want to change things, you prove it necessary or we will be changing everything every fool like you has a mind to.
I didn't slander you--
You have started a verbal slinging match every other time. I got in first. Now you claim it is MY MO. Others are probably thinking you are an idiot .
you will neither provide evidence to back up your bullshit claims
Do you mean your claims like :
because it was thought that as they were smaller, they would do better in the constricted confines of a tank or APC
I am still waiting for proof.
I have never seen you provide a single shred of evidence for the claims you make.
Thats 'cause you are jerk who cant see anything but their own opinion.You shouldnt have brought that up given your propensity for imaginative comments.
It is hilarious, though, to read your comments about "self-proclaimed" expertise.
Here's what we will do...we will walk into your job, tell you that you have no experience, that you know nothing, that you cant prove anything, that no-one has done a study that confirms your experiences, that people who have nothing to do with your job and have no knowledge of it know it better than you.
Lovely photos in your post. Do you see how that proves your bullshit about half a million women because I dont. 8% of the army were women in segregated units. What percentage are you claiming as working with men in army combat units as soldiers ? Not medics and doctors who have to man a machine gun at some stage and get a medal, but as full time combat soldiers.
I have never seen you get history right yet, thank God you dont earn a living by it.
Put up or shut up dickhead...a percentage.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:25 am
And once more when the hell would be the right time?

Kicking train and combat tested soldiers out of the military who wish to keep servicing when there is a man power shortage is a great idea indeed.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:45 am
I saw lack of professionalism from both men AND women, but they were rare.
Since I had nothing to do with the "love boat" and dont know anyone that did, I cant comment on it.

As for "accidently" getting pregnant, again I dont know of any female marines that did that, so I cant comment on that either.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 11:31 am

From the invasion of Afghanistan until last summer, the U.S. military had lost 761 soldiers in combat there. But a higher number in the service " 817 " had taken their own lives over the same period. The surge in suicides, which have risen five years in a row, has become a vexing problem for which the Army's highest levels of command have yet to find a solution despite deploying hundreds of mental-health experts and investing millions of dollars. And the elephant in the room in much of the formal discussion of the problem is the burden of repeated tours of combat duty on a soldier's battered psyche.

The problem is exacerbated by the manpower challenges faced by the service, because new research suggests that repeated combat deployments seem to be driving the suicide surge. The only way to apply the brakes will be to reduce the number of deployments per soldier and extend what the Army calls "dwell time" " the duration spent at home between trips to war zones. But the only way to make that possible would be to expand the Army's troop strength, or reduce the number of soldiers sent off to war.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1981284,00.html?hpt=T2#ixzz0l0CXizF0

The Army has been ground into a fine pulp with our continual state of under resourced war, foisting a social engineering project on the Army and Marines now is irresponsible.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 12:51 pm
One can always see when your bullshit descends into desperation--you ramp up the hysteria of your name calling. I did not at any time claim that i was engaged in statistical analysis. I responded to a post by MM, not by you. He, of course, was responding to your bullshit claim that women were not engaged in combat.

I see no evidence that you're engaged in any statistical analysis. You've provided not a single source. Apparently you expect to be taken as some omniscient oracle, whose every utterance is a gem of wisdom and truth. Given the number of times when you spout pure bullshit, unsubstantiated pure bullshit, don't hold your breath waiting for people to treat you as the fount of knowledge you seem to think you are, but for which, as with everything else, you provide no evidence.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:10 pm

Many other women also served integrated with men with other aviation units. For example, in 1944, 1,749 girls served with Zabaikalsky Front, 3,000 women and girls served with the Far East 10th Air Army, 437 women served with the 4th Air Army of the Second Belorussian Front that comprised the crack 46th Guards Women Air Regiment that comprised 237 women-officers, 862 sergeants, 1,125 enlisted women and 2,117 auxiliaries. They also served flying and as gunners in the famous Il-2 and Il-2M3 Shturmovik tank busters, the "Flying Bathtub".

And . . .

Sexism in the V-VS was high initially, male pilots refusing to fly with women as "wingmen", or fly airplanes that had been repaired or serviced by women mechanics and ground crew. But the demonstrated, and often superior, courage and great skill of these female soldiers proved their better than average competence to fullfil their duty. The USSR highly praised the combat deeds of female pilots: thousands won orders and medals. 29 won titles of Hero of the Soviet Union. 23 of these went to the Night Witches.

Oops . . . that's one more source than you have provided for your rant about women in combat. Remember, you said that no women fought in front line units.

Anna Alexandrovna Timofeyeva-Yegorova served with distinction in the 805th Attack Aviation Regiment, an otherwise all male unit. Shot down and captured, she was at first charged with desertion by the NKVD. Eventually, her name was cleared, and she was awareded the Order of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1965.

Oops . . . that's two more sources than you have provided for your rant. This one, of course, contradicts that bullshit you spouted about women in all-woman organizations--as if that meant anything in the context of your bullshit claim that women did not engage in combat.

The sniper Rosa Shanina

Ooops . . . that's three more sources than you have provided.

The sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko

Ooops . . . that's four more sources than you've provided.

I can do this all day long . . . it seems that about all you can do is make unsubstantiated pronouncements and call people names.

What a little whiner you are. You became hysterical and conceived a grudge against me because when you claimed there was a lot of historical evidence for your boy Jesus, i called bullshit. It appears that you believe that it is a personal attack if someone refuses to buy your bullshit stories.

Do you have any friends in real life with an IQ in excess of their waist size in inches?
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:50 pm
The Army has been ground into a fine pulp with our continual state of under resourced war, foisting a social engineering project on the Army and Marines now is irresponsible.

Lord you are deeply in love with that buzzwords (social engineering) are you not!!! Nice sounding words indeed to justify denying rights you and I happen to enjoy as our birthrights to others.

Let me give you a few fine examples of what had happen and the costs when you delay so call social engineering or more to the point social justice to another generation.

In 1820 at the requested of Franklin, the Congress both Senate and House met as a committee of the whole to consider ending slavery. North Carolina threatens to leave the Union and the Congress decided it was not time to end slavery.

We all know in some details the results and costs of waiting forty years for that social engineering project to occur.

After the Civil War, the Federal government under the watch of Federal troops and the Freemen Bureau force the South to allow blacks to enjoy equal rights. When the Southerners form the first version of the KKK the Northern military governments in place slam it flat.

However, we cannot have such social engineering as it was far too costly so we pull out and then allow the Southern whites to regain control at the end of hangman ropes and the barrel of shotguns.

As a result of that little delay in social engineering, tens of thousands of black men die at the end of ropes and the others have less rights then dogs.

Instead of forcing the South to cut the nonsense that blacks should not have equal rights in the 1870s we delay that social engineering project until the 1950s to the 1980s!

Thank guys as I got to see as a result the smokes and smell of burning buildings myself and hear the sound of gunfires in the near distance. Thank to people with your mind set civil rights for blacks was not a done deal by the 1880s but waited until the 1980s. You just can not rush social engineering now can you?

After blacks, citizens prove their worth on the battlefield without question in the 1860s we waited to do the needed social engineering until 1948!

Beside the insane poor used of manpower that resulted during our conflicts from 1865 to 1948 it have such amusing side effects of minor battles between blacks troops and Southern Citizens where machines guns and bombing aircrafts took part inside the city limits of American towns.

Yes, it is far too soon to grant equal rights to gay citizens as something awful might result and after all delaying Social Engineering/Social Justice never cost anything at all in the long run.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:58 pm
Let me give you a few fine examples of what had happen and the costs when you delay so call social engineering or more to the point social justice to another generation
even if you take the position that allowing gays full rights and privileges of hetro's , which I do not, making the military lead the society at the harm of the military is not a "must do" in my book. We have made a habit of being more progressive in the military than in the wider society when it comes to leveling the playing field, but it is not imperative that we always do, nor is it in this case.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 02:05 pm
Who gives a rat's ass what is a "must not do" in your book. I suspect that had you been alive when Truman desegregated the military, your argument would have been the same. The fact is that homosexuals have served in armed forces since time immemorial. Are you really so naive as to believe, for example, that there were no homosexuals in the Greco-Macedonian army with which Alexander III destroyed the Persian empire? Richard Plantagenet, known as Coeur-de-lion (Lionheart) is probably history's most notorious homosexual military leader. I'd say you'd have only have had a problem with him if you resembled an adolescent boy, or gratuitously insulted him.

All we have here is yet another of your Chicken Little rants.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 02:15 pm
Who gives a rat's ass what is a "must not do" in your book
if you are an American, your opinion is exactly as worthy as mine is. If not, your opinion does not count.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 02:35 pm
Yes my friend it sure the hell help kicking out train military men and women who wish to serve when we both agree that there is a manpower shortage.

And thank for coming out of the "closet" to the degree of stating you are not sure if gay Americans should have the same rights as we both enjoy as a matter of course.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 03:07 pm
which I do not, making the military lead the society at the harm of the military is not a "must do" in my book. We have made a habit of being more progressive in the military than in the wider society when it comes to leveling the playing field, but it is not imperative that we always do, nor is it in this case.

Side note you are of the opinion that any private firm could now remain in business if they openly fire their gay employees for being gay?

The military seem hardly leading the way over this matter.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 03:22 pm
Yes, i'm an American. It is bullshit, however, that the opinions of other nation's citizens don't count, since their lives are affected by American military decisions.

Your "opinion" is founded on specious reasoning. You trot out a story about suicides among military personnel because, it is alleged, they are under extraordinary stress. Conducting witch hunts for people based on their sexual preferences will do nothing to reduce that stress, and might even increase it. Assuring that they are competently commanded, that they are deployed in numbers sufficient to accomplish their missions, that they have adequate and up-to-date equipment and supplies will deal effectively with such problems as that. Your hysteria does not address any substantive problems, and you've presented no compelling evidence that homosexuals in the military represent a substantive problem.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 03:59 pm
Your "opinion" is founded on specious reasoning. You trot out a story about suicides among military personnel because, it is alleged, they are under extraordinary stress. Conducting witch hunts for people based on their sexual preferences will do nothing to reduce that stress, and might even increase it.
doing this social engineering project will further stress the force, and take away command time. I dont find it necessary to argue this point, because if you can not even understand this elemental point then there is no hope of convincing you to alter your opinion.....
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 04:02 pm
Side note you are of the opinion that any private firm could now remain in business if they openly fire their gay employees for being gay?

The military seem hardly leading the way over this matter.

Bullshit....it is inconceivable that the Military would become open to gays and then deny their partners the extensive monetary benefits of marriage. This is way ahead of the society.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 04:53 pm
One can always see when your bullshit descends into desperation--you ramp up the hysteria of your name calling.
Stop whining you are embarrassing yourself. If you dont like recieving insults then dont insult others, you snivelling piece of crap. When you are finished sobbing uncontrollably try to argue like a man and not a frightened reject.

You've provided not a single source
I am using the same source as MM. Clearly you only read what you want to, and have a pyschopathic obstruction. No wonder you think you are great.

the fount of knowledge you seem to think you are,
This is a description of why you are on the net. You want to be worshipped just like your puppy is.....
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 05:26 pm
You are mentally ill. Your quotes are about the air force and as I said before, how many of those fought with a rifle in mixed sex combat teams ? Dont you have any regard for people worrying about your mental health ? You dont have the intelligence to keep up.
Oops . . .
Oops . . .
Ooops . . .
Ooops . . .

You say that a lot dont you ?
Remember, you said that no women fought in front line units.
Did I ? Do you think it helps your argument if you make things up, then soundly thrash them, declare yourself the winner and pause for a bow ? perhaps you can quote it before the men in the white coats arrive for you.
I can do this all day long . . .
I am well aware of your ability to be a dickhead.
Do you have any friends in real life with an IQ in excess of their waist size in inches?
Hahahahahahahaahahahahaaa....you made a funny...doesnt puppy love you anymore ?

Exactly how does being a pilot count ? You fly over a battlefield, usually as the sole occupant of the aircraft, then return to the comforts of home. How is that combat alongside men ?

You became hysterical and conceived a grudge against me because when you claimed there was a lot of historical evidence for your boy Jesus, i called bullshit.
If you are emotionally scarred you can get therapy you know. But it will help if you stop having sex with dogs. Trading food for sex is the worst kind of buggery.

I told you before, show some statistics instead of individual cases. You cant can you, because they served almost exclusively in segregated units.

Seeing you cant read back a couple of posts, I will qoute again the ref MM and I were using. See if you can read it this time around and stop making a fool of yourself.


I know this is going to strain you like never before, so I have helped by referring to the post where your absolutely brilliant reposte was addressed the first time around...see if you can read it without me having to say it all again for you :


As you are having trouble, I will state again that all female sniper teams, female pilots and individual cases of where women drove tanks are not producing a trend to arhue that women are not disruptive to male combat teams. The women in the Soviet army served in segregated units. There were exceptions but that proves the rule rather than disproves it.

It appears that you believe that it is a personal attack if someone refuses to buy your bullshit stories.
In your demented mind was the argument really about individuals or was it about homosexuals and women affecting group cohesion ? Just trying to figure out your mind like one would do whilst waiting for the bus and there is a wino ranting about something.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 05:27 pm
Nice sounding words indeed to justify denying rights
Learn what a right is, fool.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 05:29 pm
Are you too ******* lazy to go back and read what was said before ? Do you really think that on account of you being handicapped the argument has to go round in circles ?
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