THe PC Police Again Shut Down Truth Seaking

Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 01:13 am
It pointless dealing with you into the old **** can you go.

But before I go you can or others can do a google search and find out all the details about the witch hunts that was common for gays in the military before do not ask do not tell went into effect.

Not that the real universe can have any effect on your small mind.

You are amusing but you are taking too must of my time.

Here is a parting gift for your little mind.

Houston Riots of 1917 " On August 23, 1917, members of the Third Battalion of the 24th Infantry took part in what the U.S. Army calls the “Houston Mutiny, the first race riot in American history in which more whites than Blacks died. Over a hundred Black soldiers marched through downtown Houston seeking revenge on Houston police for their brutal and racist treatment of the soldiers. The violence left 16 whites and four Black soldiers dead. One hundred eighteen of the unit’s soldiers were tried in a hastily-convened court-martial " the largest ever in the U.S., 13 of the soldiers were hung near Fort Sam Houston, in San Antonio. Numerous others received lengthy jail sentences.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 01:23 am
One more comment our friend wrote that I was lying about my father telling me how they would question non-married men on intake and do other anti-gay witch hunts as a matter of course in the military

Then when I went to his profile and found he claimed to be a retire soldier of all things!!!!!!!!

If he was a retired soldier in fact he would know that I was telling the truth so either he is lying about being a solder, that get my vote, or he is dishonest enough to call someone a liar who he would know is telling the truth.

In any case he is a worthless piece of ****.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 01:31 am
It pointless dealing with you into the old **** can you go.
Bigotry in a nut shell. Well done Miss William. Perfect example.

find out all the details about the witch hunts that was common for gays in the military before do not ask do not tell went into effect.
Was that an example of the military driving society or society driving the military ? Take a guess....

Houston Riots of 1917
You cant even read your own quotes..that is an example of society needing change, not the military...are we to believe that if every other circumstance was the same but the soldiers were integrated nothing would have happened ? The black soldiers would have been happy to be mistreated by the police because they were in integrated units ? The police would not have mistreated the blacks if the blacks had of been in integrated units ? Who killed the 16 whites ? Perhaps the blacks who were hung were all innocent under military law, in fact no-one who was black was guilty of anything ? This was in an age when they were happy to hang whites too, you know. Damn, you are a dumbshit.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 01:34 am
like a half dozen times now....you don't comprehend because you don't want to, there is no other explanation.

No I do not comprehend all I got was their officers was too busy doing society engineering to order their troop to fire on the murderers instead of allowing themselves to be disarm and watching the murders.

And it only if there were no gays the troop would had acted correctly and all would had been well in the world. The officers would had have time to turn them into warriors if only for the gay members of the unit that did not happen to had been there.

That is an insane story with no logic at all to it.

So once more how in the hell can having few gay soldiers in a unit going to prevent an otherwise sound unit from acting correctly or prevent the officers from training the unit. Hell for that matter how can any ratio of gays to straight have such a result?

Do Dutch gays have some magic power to prevent a unit from operating correctly that is only seen in the Netherlands and not the UK or Canada or a dozen other countries militaries?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 01:46 am
You make one assumption after another. You start off by saying you are right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. That is a false premise and gets you into a lot of trouble.

I served 24 years in the Australian military and I can tell you there were no witch hunts for gays. In my contacts with the US, British and Canadian military I can name members of several units, The Queens Scots Guards, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and the 101st Airbourne Division, the Royal Australian Regiment 3 bn and 5/7 bn, just for starters without going into my overseas service.


It is an important part of your desire to be powerful and righteous that homosexuals must be picked on or you wont be important for saving them. But you are wrong. Dead wrong. The problem is if they are openly homosexual with no fear of discipline. They dont need your help, dickhead.

But as a worthless piece of **** you dont need facts, just ego inflating agreement.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 03:03 am
the Dutch give the impression that it is insane to think that gays serving could possibly have been a problem in the 1995 dutch army, but here we have from 2006:

From the desk of Paul Belien on Mon, 2006-09-11 20:44
Next year gay soldiers of the Dutch Army will participate officially in the national Gay Parade on 30 June in Bergen-op-Zoom. This year uniformed police officers already participated in the parade. Major Peter Kees Hamstra, president of the Stichting Homosexualiteit & Krijgsmacht (Foundation for Homosexuality & the Military), announced last Saturday that in 2007 uniformed army officers will participate too.

According to a research report of the Dutch Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) 90% of the Dutch military accept homosexuals in the army. The Netherlands were the first country to allow gays in the army. The prohibition on gays in the military was lifted in 1974. The SCP report was commissioned by Cees van der Knaap, the Secretary of State for Defence, who wanted to ascertain the level of tolerance of gays in army combat units. According to the SCP the level of tolerance is lowest in these units. Secretary van der Knaap stated that discrimination or condescending behavior towards homosexuals will not be tolerated within the defence forces. “Each incident is one too many. Everybody must be able to work here,” the Secretary of State for Defence said.

In an interview with De Volkskrant Major Hamstra complained that tolerance of gays is not as good as is generally believed. “There is tolerance, though it is a thin layer.” “All the legal obstacles have been taken. The one thing to do now is to accomplish a culture change. And we urgently need this.”

“Homosexuality is accepted, but one is not allowed to show it,” the Major said. “To kiss your partner is not done. Neither is walking hand in hand.” He announced that in 2007 uniformed army and police officers will participate in the parade on “Pink Saturday”: “Then we will show the world that there are gays in this army.”

According to the SCP, lesbian soldiers encounter less intolerance than male homosexuals, probably because they are no threat to the “macho culture” of the army. The SCP also thinks that men object less to two women kissing than to two men.

not quite the big happy multi sexual family as advertised....

In the Balkans in 1995, when the troops had been poorly trained and were poorly lead, when they where 25% understrength, when they had been harassed by the Serbs for weeks, when they had no interest in dying for Muslims and just wanted to go home.......I have no problem imagining that the strife between the gays and the straights was a problem that helped to sap their combat ability.
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Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 03:26 am
from 2001
There is a clause in Dutch Armed Forces' conditions of employment that prohibits discrimination on various grounds, including homosexuality. This said, this is still far from being a satisfactory environment for gay or lesbian soldiers. It has been habitual for young "heterosexual" recruits to the training centres to use offensive language when talking about homosexual men and women. The word "homo" has been synonymous among them with stupid, sloppy, docile, weak.
Yet, there are signs of change here too. In 1994 and 1999 research was carried out into the attitudes of military men and women towards gays and lesbians, and the results were not un-encouraging (Schabel 1999.). Approximately half of the employees surveyed said they had no difficulty in working with gay men and lesbian women.
Nonetheless, the environment is still sufficiently alienating that homosexuals in the military choose to organise on their own account. For several years now they have had their own Stichting Homoseksualiteit en Krijgsmacht (Association Homosexuality and Armed Forces). A periodical called The Bond (De Band) is published four or five times a year, with news and information concerning homosexuals and homosexuality in the Dutch Armed Forces.
Lesbians and gays in the Armed Forces used to have a regular Saturday get-together, six times a year, to discuss their situation, their problems and their experiences. Currently, they are focusing on organising people willing to help and support young gay soldiers in the barracks. There are something like 15 contact persons, in the Netherlands as a whole, to whom a gay or a lesbian soldier can turn for information, or to talk. These are self-organising activities, but the Association receives modest financial support from the military for its work.
There has also been official support activity for homosexuals. For instance, the Personnel Office of the Ministry of Defence has made a documentary film about a young officer "coming out", demonstrating the many difficulties this entails. And twice a year a three-day long seminar is organised for gay and lesbian soldiers to discuss issues of concern to them. These have ranged from "coming out" and "being gay in the workplace" to "living in another country" (for instance in case of peace-keeping missions). Such official activities are an encouraging sign of a new acceptance of homosexuality in Dutch army. For all that, among the 71.000 employees of the Dutch Armed Forces, fewer than 500 homosexual men and women have been ready to associate their names with the gay network publicly, and to actively engage in it. Compare this with a figure of 1400 subscribers to The Bond, of which 800 say they are homosexual, and it is clear that there is still a long way to go.

in otherwords in 1995 about half had a problem with service with homosexuals, and it would have been worse in a combat unit..
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Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 03:43 am
Again this from 2008

The Netherlands has long had a reputation of being very tolerant towards gay people. These reports seem to suggest this tolerance might not be as big as many Dutch people would like to think.
"We live in an illusion about our tolerance. We are very smug about that. We think we're very tolerant, but we do consider homosexual behavior to be something private, not openly shown. What people really want that all people, even gay people, act as straight as possible. So our tolerance is very super[-ficial]."


I am beginning to see why the Dutch got unhinged...not only did we bring up memories that they would rather forget about their failure in Srebrenica , but to compound the problem their vaunted tolerance of Gays is a figment of their imagination and so they lashed out to protect their illusion.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 04:21 am
It takes more to tolerate anyone who is openly sexual. How do people feel about a man or a woman who is actively expressing sex in a thousand and one ways, when what is required is quite professionalism and dedication to the task ? Why would homosexuals want everyone to know they prefer the same sex ? How is that a job skill and why is it more important than taking pride in being a soldier ? A soldier first...nothing comes even a late second to that. Save sex for down time at home.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 04:31 am
How do people feel about a man or a woman who is actively expressing sex in a thousand and one ways, when what is required is quite professionalism and dedication to the task

you Australians must be very odd....American soldiers talk about sex constantly.... who they banged, how they banged, who they are going to bang next, what made her a particularly luscious piece of ass......
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:23 am
you Australians must be very odd....American soldiers talk about sex constantly.... who they banged, how they banged, who they are going to bang next, what made her a particularly luscious piece of ass......

So let me get this "straight" Ionus is an Australian so would have zero knowledge of the screening for homosexuals done in the US military and yet he have the nerve to call both myself and I assume my father liars for telling of the normal procedures face by new recruits during WW2!!!!!!!

Once more what an asshole.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 08:38 am
Ionus wrote:

I imagine they actually talked to members of the IDF, gay and straight, and asked them questions about their experiences in the service.
I talked to many serving homosexuals and women. I watched this through 24 years.

Or, in other words, all of your evidence is anecdotal.

Ionus wrote:
Which, I'll hasten to add, is a good deal more research on the subject than you've ever conducted.
Your assumptions are wrong. A typically stupid statement from ignorance. You came to this conclusion based on my disagreeing with you and your presumption of being 100% correct in your preconceived ideas.

No, I came to that conclusion because all of the evidence that you cited in support of your position was purely anecdotal, as you have now confirmed.

Ionus wrote:
And how did you measure "unit cohesion" among troops with gay and straight soldiers fighting in the same unit?
I take it by your answer that you have admitted they did not measure combat effectiveness. Thats all you had to say, as hard as it is to admit being wrong.

And I take it from your answer that you didn't understand my question. You insist that the other side provide evidence to support its position that gays in the military do not affect combat effectiveness, but somehow you are exempt from providing evidence for your contention that gays affect "unit cohesion." You have failed to provide even one scintilla of evidence (apart from your own experiences and biases) in support of your position -- hell, you haven't even explained what "unit cohesion" means.

Ionus wrote:
This shows your lack of ability to understand the real issue. The real issue is sex affecting combat effectiveness by breaking down unit cohesion. It is the same issue. So perhaps if I rephrase the question : why wont homosexuals serve in their own units ?

Because they shouldn't have to serve in their own units.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:11 pm
So let me get this "straight" Ionus is an Australian so would have zero knowledge of the screening for homosexuals done in the US military and yet he have the nerve to call both myself and I assume my father liars for telling of the normal procedures face by new recruits during WW2!!!!!!!
How many men were single during the conscription of WWII ? All of these millions were spoken to, presumably at some length, and if they wanted out they only had to say "I am a poof" and that was it...they were out. How stupid are you ?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:12 pm
you Australians must be very odd....American soldiers talk about sex constantly.... who they banged, how they banged, who they are going to bang next, what made her a particularly luscious piece of ass......
You have missed the point. That type of sexual referencing has them all on the same side. It helps bonding.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:20 pm
Or, in other words, all of your evidence is anecdotal.
Wrong. In a court of law I would be considered an expert and my opinion would count.

No, I came to that conclusion because all of the evidence that you cited in support of your position was purely anecdotal, as you have now confirmed.
Bit of a premature victory dance dont you think ?

And I take it from your answer that you didn't understand my question. You insist that the other side provide evidence to support its position that gays in the military do not affect combat effectiveness, but somehow you are exempt from providing evidence for your contention that gays affect "unit cohesion."
Selective reading on your part. I did provide evidence. Even if it is anecdotal as you falsely claim, it is still evidence.

You have failed to provide even one scintilla of evidence (apart from your own experiences and biases) in support of your position
Again, you clearly do not understand the meaning of the words you are using. I hope the following definition helps your learning experience.

Definitions of evidence on the Web:

attest: provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes; "His high fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication"; "This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness"
your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief; "the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling"
testify: provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"
an indication that makes something evident; "his trembling was evidence of his fear"
tell: give evidence; "he was telling on all his former colleague"
(law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved

hell, you haven't even explained what "unit cohesion" means.
Perhaps you should reconsider your ability to contribute.

Because they shouldn't have to serve in their own units.
Dont avoid the question. Why dont homosexuals and women want to serve in their own units ?
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:22 pm
You have missed the point. That type of sexual referencing has them all on the same side. It helps bonding.
ya, and in the US Army I see the females playing along, because if they don't they are both a bitch and a dike. They may or may not be sluts, but they tend to act like they at least approve of sluts.

I have only known one openly gay soldier, and he was very much outside of the dynamic, tough the rest did tease him about being gay and he went along with it. I thought that it was an effort to include him, as much as was possible anyways. There was genuine affection for the gay guy, that much was clear. I have known many who I knew were gay or later found out were gay, but they always tried to act straight.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:33 pm
I have known many who I knew were gay or later found out were gay, but they always tried to act straight.
And I have known many Christians who pretended to go along with the whole "we are sex machines and users" line of jokes and comments. Wanting to bond with the group is natural and we all make sacrifices for our "little" society no matter where it is. In combat it is absolutely paramount.

A good friend of mine (white) was in a vehicle destroyed by an explosion and was saved by a heroic son of a bitch (black) who threw him over one shoulder and ran 3 km down the road to a checkpoint to get him out of the fire fight. Note I had to artificially include colour. I cant imagine a woman being able to do that for a man. Throw sex into it, and we have someone not helping someone else because they knocked them back last night.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:47 pm
And I have known many Christians who pretended to go along with the whole "we are sex machines and users" line of jokes and comments
or at the very least laugh along with a "that ain't my thing, but what ever floats your boat" vibe.....

I think that this which we are talking about is why gays rarely act gay in the unit. Even as late as two years ago gays in th Dutch army rarely officially came out as gay, nor acted gay in front of the others. Their unions and sex acts were very much hush hush, and in private. And they have officially allowed gays since 1974 and this is where they where in 2008.

Even after DADT is repealed, gays are going to find tough sledding in the American Military for a long time, and the more uppity they get the worse it will go for them. Commanders can't change that even if they wanted to, and I don't think that most do.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 07:14 pm
I worked for 3 yrs with a homosexual male and he once very subtley said I should try it before I knocked it. I told him I would knock him if he ever tried it.

I also know of 3 homosexual officers whom I met, one from Britain and two from Oz, the one from Britain and one from Oz were very forward in coming on, one going so far as to touch me inappropriately. I had to work with one of them which is unfortunate because I threatend them. But having to do that is a rediculous situation for discipline. The third officer didnt do anything inappropriate and was a professional through and through.

But it does raise questions in my mind as to what would have happened if they were openly homosexual. These incidents all occurred before it was legal to be open so God only knows what will happen now it is legal. I am glad I left before it became compulsory.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 07:36 pm
... the one from Britain and one from Oz were very forward in coming on, one going so far as to touch me inappropriately.

That's sexual assault, plain and simple, Ionus. No one has to tolerate that type of behavior; same deal if someone were stealing your money/car, assaulting you, breaking into your house, destroying some of your property, etc etc etc.

Depending on the person, a report to a senior officer or whoever handles these issues or a report to the police.


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