@Merry Andrew,
I guess it's even more ridiculous that this half of the world celebrates Easter at the start of autumn!
So, she went. (She's a very bright 7 btw). I told her in advance that these people really believe in their god and about what Jesus was, and that they think you have to believe it too. I think you can believe whatever you like. (Having said that, together we investigate the world very scientifically all the time. I like to think I'm teaching her how to think, not what to think)
I asked her how it was. She said " oh it was alright I guess" oh, what was it mostly about? "About how Jesus died for our sins and stuff". So all good so far, I guess. I doubt she knows what "sin" means.
This is all complicated by the fact that my good wife (her mum) is a believer, in a broad, non-religious kind of way. So I have to tread very carefully. It does help me avoid pushing my prejudice onto my kids I guess.
My daughter has told me in the past that she doesn't believe in any gods. I've said, "Cool. Me neither"
I'm sure that when she's a teenager, she'll know the one way to successfully rebel against me. Join a cult!