XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:it is hard to comprehend, but truly I see from perceptions you have to be excedingly evil not to eventually make it into Heaven...which if true is good for all of us i think we can agree on that.
I hope that is true, because even though I'm an atheist/Buddhist, I don't rape babies and so forth. On the other hand, there's a whole lot of fairly trivial stuff that the Bible says you can go to hell for, is there not? I've taken the lord's name in vain, I've had sex outside of marriage (more times than I can count

), I haven't gone to confession ever in my life, I don't believe in the divinity of Jesus any more (used to) so I'm an apostate, I've knelt before false idols (not that I believed in their divinity, either), etc etc. According to the Bible, I'm going to hell, am I not? No matter how many hours I've volunteered at a local school for the blind, no matter how many times I've gone on medical missions to remote villages in Central America, etc. According to the Bible, I'm doomed.
Quote:the final straw and perhaps only way you can fall is when you are shown God and bow before him for the 5 seconds as stated. if you truly in your heart become bitter or angry after bowing...then you truly were not faithful and condemded.
Do you mean the 'last chance' scenario concocted in recent years to offset the things I mentioned above? That last chance to accept a god as it stands before you is problemmatic. First of all, this last chance concept is not taught in the Bible. Also, if this god stands before you, then there is the evidence we'd been waiting for all along. Why didn't he show himself while we were alive, if he were willing to do so as we were dying? And, as evidence, it doesn't require faith, which is also a necessary factor in getting into heaven. I hope you can see how these issues pose a real problem for thinking people.
Quote:by being done this way it instills true faith into people.
Again, if a god is there in front of you, that destroys the need for faith.
Quote:to me these can be both they don't have to be one or the other.
I meant "fear or self-preservation" as aspects of the same thing. I wasn't proposing an either-or situation.
Quote:because if there is a God then ALL things are possible.
That is, indeed, good news. If there is a god, then all things are possible, including the ability of atheists to get into heaven without having to believe. Works for me. Kinda lets me off the hook.
Quote:It is fear in a Good way almost like you have faith and understand and grasp his practices and obey his voice etc...
I can understand the concept of good fear. I'm afraid of snakes, hurricanes, poisonous spiders, cancer, limb amputation and the like, so that works for me. But I can't hear his voice, so that's a problem. I listened for many years, and all I could hear was my own fears and hopes talking back to me. If I could actually hear his voice, well, I wouldn't have to have faith, then, either. I mean, well, there'd be his voice in my ear, so...
Quote:and no I did not take that as an attack =)
I appreciate that. And I appreciate your ability to separate my doubts about your beliefs from my attitude towards you personally. Whatever else we may disagree about, I have no ill will towards you at all. I hope you live long and prosper.