Christians ruining my Easter

Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 07:57 am
No, that is not what the text says. It does not say that the law will be fulfilled when your boy Jesus is killed. It cleary states that the law will be fulfilled when heaven and earth pass away. You're torturing the meaning of a clearly written unambiguous statement in order to avoid acknowledging that the law is in force. It doesn't say that no jot or tittle of the law will pass until heaven and earth pass or all be fulfilled, it clearly states that all will be fulfilled when heaven and earth pass. Vague remarks about different times and cultures is a cowardly dodge to avoid the responsibility of your scripture. You're lying, and you know it.

Why then if Jesus didn't come to free us from sin and change the law does he say in a parable...The pharases and scribes came to try to stump him in the laws and they presented a women who the scribes say was caught in the very act of adultry, and the law says she should be stoned to death...and Jesus answered let he who is among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. and they left...then by himself talking to her he said who condems you? and she said no one. and he answered neither do I but from this day forth sin no more...he could have easily said I am perfectly clean so I need to stone you to death...again if God does exhist would you want a mercyful God or a mercyless God? Are you not glad that Christians don't stone homosexuals? or are you upset that they don't? if your going to doubt anything doubt the bad not the good...for you don't believe, if God exhists would you want him to show you piece or would you want him to strike you down and kill you instantly for persisting in scrutinizing the scriptures and what Jesus came here to do? if you wish for piece, then you should show it...I want piece therefore I am showing it towards you etc...
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 08:02 am
If you intend to respond to me, you should have the courtesy not to make it appear that you are responding to FBM.

It is not for me to reconcile the contradictions of your scripture. The religiouisly fervent claim that their scriptures are divinely inspired and inerrant. I cannot think of a better example of the kinds of contradictions which make a joke out of that claim. But that's your problem, not mine. I don't believe a bit of that nonsense, and if you are going to claim that scripture is divinely inspired and inerrant, you will have to deal with such contradictions. Perhaps your boy Jesus was a hypocrite, and therefore, all too clearly human.

I have no expectations of any god because i have no reason to believe that any god exists. The contradictions of scripture are your problem, not mine.
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 08:07 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

No, that is not what the text says. It does not say that the law will be fulfilled when your boy Jesus is killed. It cleary states that the law will be fulfilled when heaven and earth pass away. You're torturing the meaning of a clearly written unambiguous statement in order to avoid acknowledging that the law is in force. It doesn't say that no jot or tittle of the law will pass until heaven and earth pass or all be fulfilled, it clearly states that all will be fulfilled when heaven and earth pass. Vague remarks about different times and cultures is a cowardly dodge to avoid the responsibility of your scripture. You're lying, and you know it.

Why then if Jesus didn't come to free us from sin and change the law does he say in a parable...The pharases and scribes came to try to stump him in the laws and they presented a women who the scribes say was caught in the very act of adultry, and the law says she should be stoned to death...and Jesus answered let he who is among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. and they left...then by himself talking to her he said who condems you? and she said no one. and he answered neither do I but from this day forth sin no more...he could have easily said I am perfectly clean so I need to stone you to death...again if God does exhist would you want a mercyful God or a mercyless God? Are you not glad that Christians don't stone homosexuals? or are you upset that they don't? if your going to doubt anything doubt the bad not the good...for you don't believe, if God exhists would you want him to show you piece or would you want him to strike you down and kill you instantly for persisting in scrutinizing the scriptures and what Jesus came here to do? if you wish for piece, then you should show it...I want piece therefore I am showing it towards you etc...

I'm trying to find something in all this that is relevant to what I've posted anywhere previously, especially in my last post. Nada. No response whatsoever to anything I've posted.

Look, dood, I've got nothing against you personally. If you find solace in fantastic, feel-good beliefs against all logic and absent of any evidence, then go ahead. Just please don't contribute to any more of the innumerable atrocities that theism is so infamous for. Just a polite request. 'kthxbye.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 08:23 am
It is not for me to reconcile the contradictions of your scripture.

Why then are you GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY to try to reason as to what contradictions exhist or don't? again are we not all hypocrites at SOME point in our lives?? What makes you think all Christians are any different? or any religious? we contradict by the laws but are not contradicted if we accept Jesus end of story...that is why he came...I would be interested in what your concepts of life are then? if you don't believe or have lack of belief that is what makes you Atheist, what then and how then do you not find yourself hypocrites in what you feel is self contentness?

1.if one doesn't feel content with not having alot of money at times what should they do?

2. if one doesn't feel content with the medication they are on that supposive scientists and doctors have made...( The quote unquote factual evidence in the world) how does one go about feeling content in trusting that they themselves are human and make mistakes?

3. if one doesn't feel content with being by themselves but know they are going to sleep around if they do go out. and feel in there mind it is wrong. how do they go about finding contentness?

4. If one has seen a friend or family member use drugs or alcohol and they seen it is the wrong path, is it exceptable for an Atheist to say to another go down that path to experience it to know for SURE for contentness?

what I am trying to say is where or when do you draw the line as to self contentness and or proof??
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 08:27 am
obviously we all take some sort of leap of faith in WHATEVER we believe...Christianity is NO different...
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 08:33 am
MINE: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven....

And when do you believe all was fulfilled? it was when Jesus died, and was raised destroying death and sins...how do you know Jesus wasn't talking about that earth and Heaven. passing then and being reborn with his death and ressarection? therefore like i said, different times and cultures...etc

Yours: No, that is not what the text says. It does not say that the law will be fulfilled when your boy Jesus is killed. It cleary states that the law will be fulfilled when heaven and earth pass away. You're torturing the meaning of a clearly written unambiguous statement in order to avoid acknowledging that the law is in force. It doesn't say that no jot or tittle of the law will pass until heaven and earth pass or all be fulfilled, it clearly states that all will be fulfilled when heaven and earth pass. Vague remarks about different times and cultures is a cowardly dodge to avoid the responsibility of your scripture. You're lying, and you know it.

then I posted in responce the parable about Jesus and the woman who committed Adultry...proving he came to cleanse sin...his objective was not to condem but to save...
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 08:49 am
need proof? reread the Bible in the end days it says Children will rise against there parents. I don't know where you live but it is Evedent in the US. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Do i even need to explain? We take God out of the pledge of aliegence in schools and then are unpleasantly suprised by the shootings etc...such as in Columbine

So let me get this straight, your upset with Christians because the Bible says to stone homosexuals, and because Christians are not doing so your mad?? if thats the case, I am glad that they (Christians) doubted the bad parts in terms or killing etc...rather than doubting the good...in believing Jesus destroyed death for all of us...

and i sincerely apologize to anyone i have offended with posting to the wrong person or people...as I have stated before, I am new to this site...and honestly I feel bad if one would get upset over that but none the less it wasn't meant to hurt or offend anyone...
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 10:18 am
You haven't proved anything, and you are avoiding the conundrum of scripture. If scripture were divinely inspired and inerrant, there would be no contradiction--and yet you have yourself pointed out the contradiction inherent in the passage from Matthew and the story of the adultress. But as i've said, that's your problem, not mine.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 10:19 am
By the way, i've already pointed out to you that nothing was fulfilled. The passage in Matthew has your boy Jesus saying that the law will be fulfilled, when heaven and earth have passed away. So, unless you assert that heaven and earth have passed away (an absurd proposition), then the law has not been fulfilled.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 10:22 am
No, i'm not upset with Christians. I'm simply pointing out two salient features of their silly theology. One is that the god of their bible is a puerile, vicious, murderous, capricious and arbitrary tyrant, and yet you speak of a god of love. The other featue is that your belief is predicated upon a divinely inspired, inerrant scripture which none the less is full of contradictions.

If you are willing to acknowledge that you are accepting some parts of scripture but rejecting others, than you have, whether you're willing to be honest about or not, and whether you are even aware of it, denied the inerrancy of your scripture.
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 10:55 am
check this out...http://miracles.mcn.org/default.html

and as for non believers being converted check this out...


wait ill be back with more

0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 10:59 am
If the more that you bring are as silly as those, don't bother. You do realize, don't you, that that is just hearsay evidence, from people with interested motives?
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 11:18 am
heres one for stigmatas...you tell me where it says that they were faked in over 500 accounts

0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 11:21 am
If the more that you bring are as silly as those, don't bother. You do realize, don't you, that that is just hearsay evidence, from people with interested motives?

how can one who claims to be atheist, change there view...they believed there whole life into nothingness then for the sake of hearsay they believe? doesn't add up to me? show me where a Christian believed and seen a miracle and was in disbelief or turned away from God...and you have a debate
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2011 01:35 am
Eorl, I think I'd be biting my nails more if you had sent her to an Islamic instruction class.
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2011 05:07 am
Less scary, because there's less re-inforcement of legitimacy. The state school employs chaplains!!!

Her best friend is Muslim. I'm OK with her getting an understanding of a variety of religious beliefs. More the merrier (read "sillier").
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2011 08:35 am
And what happens, if she accepts one of them? then what will you say to her? (just out of curiosity)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2011 11:41 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

need proof? reread the Bible in the end days it says Children will rise against there parents.

The one problem I have with all of this, is that preachers are always banging on about the end of days. There were riots and lamentations when the clock rolled to 1000AD. I don't think the Bible is a reliable source for the end of days. What's certain is that all of the apocalyptic preachers so far have been wrong. Voiceinthedarkness is a moot point, he claims to be Jesus and gives the world 4 more years from some vague future date. At least David Icke predicted Cuba would sink like Atlantis.
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 04:50 pm
I don't intend to talk about "knowing for sure" when the end will be here because I don't nor ever will ( even with Gifts or not) for the Bible clearly stats, Not EVEN the SON OF GOD will KNOW the EXACT DAY NOR TIME but "ONLY" the Father....SO, if voice of darkness proclaims he is Christ, and says that he knows when the end will be upon us...(for I am taking your word izzy, as I have never read nor seen him say these claims,) but if he HAS and says he is the Messiah coming in the second coming, and it offends you, then tell him to "reread" his Bible more clearly...

to me personally, I am NOT positive...but from things I have experienced in the presence of God or Spiritual realms, I have "seen" that God explained to me in so many ways that at least one more ending of the world will happen about 3017 A.D. "I HAVE NO IDEA" if this is exactly true or not, nor do I know for certain if God will or wants to change his mind based on whether, we change or not etc...according to the Bible, and Cotholicism, The Bible says, The world will end once by flood, once by fire, and once by man, and then the final battle of Armageddon will happen, and now according to Cotholicism, they say the world ended by flood, with Noah, and next ending will be by fire, (which hasn't happened yet, According to them) (and they feel (some of them) that the fire is going to happen soon) what exactly is soon? I have no idea, from God he says, it's "up" to us, and roughly "I" have "experienced" that it will happen around 1000 years from now....but again, even if the world was going to or is going to, there no saying that if we change, then God would or Wouldn't be inclined to change his ending of the world....Choice is "always" up to us...
Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 02:25 am

if he HAS and says he is the Messiah coming in the second coming, and it offends you, then tell him to "reread" his Bible more clearly...

He has, here's the link. http://able2know.org/topic/180143-1

He doesn't offend me, if I feel any emotion towards him, it's pity. He's extremely deluded and seems to have a very sick wife. I do know what that's like, (the sick wife bit, not the deluded bit.) You may be offended by him, but that's up to you.

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