Do you think the Pope should resign?

Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 03:43 am
The fact that any hope of rational, reasonable, civil, discussion never existed

Read farmerman's last post. Mac has a guilty verdict without any trial. See hawk's caricature. See my unanswered points. See misuse of "murder" and "rape".

As for Bill--read his posts. He thinks we are still in the Stone Age or something. I ask you--talking about killing kids for back-talk--Sheesh. Have you seen our kids? Stoning homosexuals eh? There are some been to the palace to be knighted. In the Cabinet.

Reasonable!! You're kidding. Rational--never been seen. Civil--Eh?? Yer what?

I don't take any meds. Was asking that cliched question any of those?

You lot were just called out--that's all. You've been talking about the continuation of the Holy Roman Empire as if it is a garden shed.

I have a copy of the Catechism of the Church. It has almost 3,000 clauses and on the behavioural side you lot will agree with 99% of it. And where is the 1%?

About sex--that's where.

Media wants adultery. It wants divorce. It wants mayhem. Sells stuff. Makes dramatic stories.

What does emotion have to do with reason?

When did I declare anybody off their meds?

The fact that any hope of rational, reasonable, civil, discussion never existed.

Read farmerman's last post. Mac has a guilty verdict without any trial. See hawk's caricature. See my unanswered points. See misuse of "murder" and "rape".

As for Bill--read his posts. He thinks we are still in the Stone Age or something. I ask you--talking about killing kids for back-talk--Sheesh. Have you seen our kids? Stoning homosexuals eh? There are some been to the palace to be knighted. In the Cabinet.

Reasonable!! You're kidding. Rational--never been seen. Civil--Eh?? Yer what?

I don't take any meds. Was asking that cliched question any of those?

You lot were just called out--that's all. You've been talking about the continuation of the Holy Roman Empire as if it is a garden shed.

I have a copy of the Catechism of the Church. It has almost 3,000 clauses and on the behavioural side you lot will agree with 99% of it. And where is the 1%?

About sex--that's where.

Media wants adultery. It wants divorce. It wants mayhem. Sells stuff. Makes dramatic stories.

What does emotion have to do with reason?

When did I declare anybody off their meds?
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 03:46 am
Apologies for edit mistakes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 03:49 am
Rebecca--don't you think the subject rather too large to be dealt with in such a casual fashion?
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 04:08 am
I was just trying to learn more about it in a civil conversational manner, (for which I got chastised with a voting down of my post- Jesus - now you even get voted down if you ask a question for goodness sakes) impossible I guess if you think the pope didn't do his job here or if you think the church might actually do some good in the world - you're caught between a rock and a hard place.

I guess the answer is the one you seem to have seen before I did - that the only answer people will be happy with is if the whole shebang is dismantled- I thought there might be some reasonable middle ground- you know like dealing with the offenders without painting the innocent bystanders with the same brush. I guess not.

How was what I said casual? If this guy didn't fulfill his duties or do his job and he answered to that honestly, I think it would go a long way in rehabilitating the image of the church, which would be good for everyone else who was truly committed to doing the work of the church, although not for him. And if he's a stumbling block in terms of that spendius - and he loves and believes in the church - he should step aside and out of the way.

I do understand however, that of course my view is more casual, as this particular church and its specific rites and heirarchy hasn't influenced my life in any way, much less in the positive way that it has yours. Of course I can be more casual about it and the role of the pope.
But I do want you to know that I respect that it's not casual to you. And I respect your defense of something that means a lot to you.
I don't talk about my faith as much as you do for that very reason. It means a lot to me - too much in fact to hear it trashed by people who think they know all about it, including the fact that they think it's worthless -without ever having known it the way that I know it.

Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 04:16 am
Aidan wrote:
without ever having known it the way that I know it.

Casually, I'd say this is the very pretentious crap you reproach to others and that pisses me off...
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 04:34 am
It's not pretentious - it's true and utter logic. Everyone's experience and knowledge is individual. No one has had the same experience or knowledge of anything that I've had.

And you know what Francis- I asked you a long time ago to stop following me around..if you'd only do that - you'd never have to hear from me again. So do us both a favor and respect my request. Okay? Have a nice day.
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 04:38 am
Aidan, can't you see that you are such an arrogant b* that you even think that you are worth enough for me to follow you around?

I've been posting on this thread and I'll continue, with or without you...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 04:50 am

I've never known Francis swear at anything.

That's amazing.

Calm down F, have a Pernod.
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 04:57 am

Somebody once said, and it wasn't Elvis Presley, that the first duty of any organisation is its own protection/ self-perpetuation. So Cardinal Ratzinger's actions are not surprising.
But they definitely should not have let the kiddy-fiddlers off with a warning and promise of repentance.

Since the Church of Rome has been around now for close on 2000 years it'll probably be around for a few more years yet. But this is a really big problem for it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 04:57 am
Says a lot of my feelings, ha, McT?
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 05:02 am

Yes. Some people just don't get on. I have always found aidan very nice.

My Easter message is peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 05:03 am
He thinks we are still in the Stone Age or something. I ask you--talking about killing kids for back-talk--Sheesh. Have you seen our kids? Stoning homosexuals eh? There are some been to the palace to be knighted. In the Cabinet

You do know that members of the right wing good god fearing Christian leadership of the US had gone to Africa and had been a driving force in some African countries now passing laws that would result in the killing under color of law homosexuals for the crime of being homosexuals do you not?

As far as I know they had not gotten around to using stoning as the mean of killing those people yet however.

Do you read the news or not?

See below of the kind of leadership you wish for the US...........


Anti-gay bigots plunge Africa into new era of hate crimes Uganda is likely to pass a law within months that will make homosexuality a capital offence, joining 37 other countries in the continent where American evangelical Christian groups are increasingly spreading bigotry
(726)Tweet this (154)Tracy McVeigh, Paul Harris, Barbara Among The Observer, Sunday 13 December 2009 Article history
Demonstrators protest outside the Ugandan embassy in London. Ugandan parliament is considering to outlaw gay relationships with death penalty for homosexuals. Photograph: Shaun Curry/AFP/Getty Images

"Learned behaviour can be unlearned," said David Bahati. "You can't tell me that people are born gays. It is foreign influence that is at work."

Bahati has just presented his anti-homosexuality bill 2009 to Uganda's parliament. The bill, which will be debated within a fortnight and is expected to become law by February, will allow homosexuality to be punishable by death.

"Most people have misunderstood the bill," Bahati told the Observer. "The section of the death penalty relates to defilement by an adult who is homosexual and this is consistent with the law on defilement which was passed in 2007. The whole intention is to prevent the recruitment of under-age children, which is going on in single-sex schools. We must stop the recruitment and secure the future of our children."

There is wide support for Bahati's law which, while being an extreme piece of anti-gay legislation, is not unique. As far as gay rights are concerned, it would appear that much of Africa is going backwards. Nigeria has a similar bill waiting to reach its statute books and already allows the death penalty for homosexuality in northern states, as does Sudan. Burundi criminalised homosexuality in April this year, joining 37 other African nations where gay sex is already illegal. Egypt and Mali are creeping towards criminalisation, using morality laws against same-sex couples.

The Ugandan bill extends existing laws to make it illegal to promote homosexuality by talking or writing about it, and forcing people to tell the authorities about anyone they know who is gay. The bill, said Bahati, 35, an MP from the ruling party, aims to "protect the cherished culture of the people of Uganda against the attempts of sexual rights activists seeking to impose their values of sex promiscuity on the people of Uganda".

He denied reports that international pressure might result in parts of the bill being toned down. "We are not going to yield to any international pressure " we cannot allow people to play with the future of our children and put aid into the game. We are not in the trade of values. We need mutual respect."

But many suspect that it was outsiders who inspired this bill in the first place. In March, Bahati met several prominent anti-gay US Christian activists who attended a conference in Uganda where they pledged to "wipe out" homosexuality. The conference featured Scott Lively, president of California's anti-gay Abiding Truth Ministries and co-author of The Pink Swastika, a book claiming that leading Nazis were gay. Also there was Don Schmierer, on the board of Exodus International, which promotes the "ex-gay" movement, believing people can change their sexuality and be redeemed. The third extremist evangelical to attend was Caleb Lee Brundidge, who is linked to Richard Cohen who believes that psychotherapy can "cure" homosexuality.

Bahati's bill was drawn up within weeks of the conference, but it has only just begun to cause waves within America's powerful evangelical community. Legalising killing gay people has triggered a bad press for the bill.

This weekend, Rick Warren, the most powerful evangelical in America, released a video statement. "As an American pastor, it is not my role to interfere with the politics of other nations, but it is my role to speak out on moral issues," he said, adding that the bill was "unjust, extreme and un-Christian toward homosexuals".

"That is a remarkable statement from Warren," said Mark Bromley, of the Council for Global Equality "But there is still a pattern of homophobia that is being replicated in many parts of Africa."

Lively released a half-hearted condemnation: "It should be no surprise… that modern Ugandans are very unhappy that homosexual political activists from Europe and the US are working aggressively to rehomosexualise their nation." The Ugandan law, he said, was "unacceptably harsh", but he praised those who drafted it. "If the offending sections were sufficiently modified, the proposed law would represent an encouraging step in the right direction… it would deserve support from Christian believers."

Bahati said yesterday that he regretted Warren's retreat. "It's unfortunate that a man of God who has inspired many people across the world can give in to pressure and disappoint them." Around 85% of Ugandans are Christian " 40% Catholics, 35% Anglican. Muslims make up 12% of the population.

In Entebbe last week, 200 religious leaders, under the powerful umbrella group Inter-Religious Council of Uganda, demanded diplomatic ties be severed with "ungodly" donor countries, including the UK, Sweden and Canada, who are "bent on forcing homosexuality on Ugandans".

Joshua Kitakule, the council's secretary-general, said: "Those countries should respect our spiritual values. They shouldn't interfere. All senior religious leaders have been given copies of the bill to read and educate people in churches and mosques."

For Ugandans such as Pastor Martin Ssempa, who organises anti-gay rallies, the bill brings legitimate moral force to bear on the "corrupting influence" from western societies.

For John Bosco Nyombi, 38, it means he is unlikely to ever see his family or his homeland again. "I had a life, a job, a house, a car, all that is gone," he said. The former banker fled Uganda after a crowd of his friends were rounded up and arrested in a police raid on a Kampala gay bar. "They were ordered to give names of others and, of course under pressure, mine was given. I paid money to an agent and fled to the UK."

Nyombi's first asylum bid failed and he was deported back to Uganda. "For six months, I hid, I couldn't go out, see anyone I knew. The newspaper printed a picture of me and revealed my case and the police were trying to find me." Eventually, lawyers persuaded the British authorities that he was in danger and he was allowed back to England, where he now has a job as a care worker.

Ugandan newspapers often out "homos" and the bill will force many more like Nyombi to leave, said Peter Tatchell, veteran gay rights campaigner. "In many cases, these countries are using laws imposed by the British in colonial times. Before that, homosexuality was actually tolerated or accepted in the traditional cultures.

"The right-wing are losing the battle in the US, so they are exploiting the poverty-stricken developing world. The response of the Commonwealth is pathetic. Of the 80 countries who criminalise same sex-relationships around the world, over 40 of them are in the Commonwealth " where is the concern for human rights?"

It is not just Africa where homophobia is rife " Iran and Jamaica have seen homosexuals imprisoned and attacked and many American states have laws against sodomy. In South Africa, gay rights have advanced: its first gay pride march was held in 1995 and it has now legalised civil same-sex marriage.

But for developing nations, the attraction of right-wing organisations with dollars to spend, combined with fears over a creeping "westernisation" of societies, is increasing the demonisation of gay people.

In 2004, Ruben del Prado, co-ordinator of the Joint United Nations programme on HIV/Aids in Uganda, was prematurely transferred out of the country after he held meetings with lesbian and gay groups about preventing HIV/Aids. The Ugandan government later accused him of holding secret meetings with undesirable groups. Since then, NGOs and aid officials have kept silent.

In Britain, Archbishop Rowan Williams, head of the global Anglican communion, has also kept quiet, to the outrage of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement. Its chief executive, Rev Sharon Ferguson, said African homosexuals were being abandoned by the church.

"It's horrendous for them," she said. "They are scared. If they are in this country, they are scared for their families. If they are in Uganda, they are living in fear of being imprisoned and beaten. It's no way to live. To ignore this is against our scriptures. It also makes the pastoral role untenable because if a gay person talks to a priest then the priest is breaking the law if they don't report them.

"It is disgusting that Rowan Williams doesn't speak out. How far is he prepared to let this go? Will he say something when they start killing people? When the lesbian and gay population start to disappear, herded away towards another Holocaust?"

Much of the recent anti-gay activity in Africa has been in response to the increased politicisation of gay Africans, many inspired by the introduction of civil partnerships in the west. When Kenyan-born Daniel Chege Gichia, 39, and Charles Ngengi, 40, had a civil partnership ceremony in October at Islington town hall they expected little more than an exuberant reception in a north London bar and a honeymoon break in Brighton.

Instead, they triggered outrage when a reporter from the Daily Nation in Kenya broke the story to a shocked east African audience, reporting one African guest at the wedding as saying: "It is time the Kenyan community woke up to reality: some of us are gay; Kenyans have to get over it."

For days, Kenyan radio, newspapers and blogs fielded strong reactions. One radio station estimated that one in 20 callers wanted to speak in defence of the couple; the rest were full of fury and of condemnation at the couple's "un-African" behaviour.

"When a man mounts another man," raged a headline in the Standard, "the throne of God shakes."

Reporters rushed to Chege's rural home village in Murang'a district to interview distressed relatives. "This thing has really affected the old parents. The mother no longer wants visitors in her homestead and the old man is no longer the same," said neighbour Mary Muthoni, 50.

"Gichia Gikonyo, Chege's father, has all but lost his ability to speak ever since the pictures from the union emerged," reported one paper.

Chege's two brothers, Humphrey and Mwangi, reported harassment and abuse. "People shout that the family's wealth is paid for by homosexuality. The family endures much," one local woman, Lucy Wanjiru, 43, said.

But as the wedding guest said, it also brought home to Kenyans that homosexuals exist and the government responded by saying it would hold a census "with a view to knowing their numbers so that they can be educated on safe sex".

But while some welcomed the acknowledgment that homosexuality existed, others pointed out that a homosexual sex act can carry a 14-year prison sentence in Kenya and wondered how many people might respond to a census.

In Uganda, the ethics and integrity minister sees the uproar surrounding the bill as positive. Uganda was "providing leadership" to the world, said James Nsaba Buturo.

"It is with joy we see that everyone is interested in what Uganda is doing, and it is an opportunity for Uganda to provide leadership where it matters most. So we are here to see a piece of legislation that will not only define what the country stands for, but provide leadership around the world."

It has certainly created some religious unity. It came as the Muslim Tabliq youth revealed plans to form what they called an anti-gay squad, to seek out and expose homosexuality.

Sheikh Multah Bukenya, a Tabliq cleric, said: "It is the work of the community to put an end to bad practices like homosexuality."

But Gerald Sentogo, of Sexual Minorities Uganda, said the bill was inhumane. "It violates every aspect of a human being. I mean, you cannot tell me you will kill me because I'm gay," he said. "How will somebody know about my sexuality unless he comes to my bedroom? You will trust nobody because everyone will become a spy over the other.

"Imagine people fighting over other issues and somebody will say you are a homosexual to get rid of you, and then you are arrested and you spend seven years in jail or life imprisonment."
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0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 05:04 am
Different perception..

I've the same peace message, but not only for Easter, for all seasons...
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 05:11 am
McTag wrote:

I don't see why the Pope should resign unless he himself was involved in criminal acts - there's no suggestion of that.

That's the accusation now. Concealing criminal acts.

0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 05:21 am
McTag wrote:

EDIT by High Seas sorry for partial duplicate post - my mistake

I don't see why the Pope should resign unless he himself was involved in criminal acts - there's no suggestion of that.

That's the accusation now. Concealing criminal acts.

As per latest in NY Times, letters were sent in 1996 from the US to the Vatican, to an office run by the pope (then a cardinal) and were answered by his second-in-command. There's no suggestion the current pope even saw them - let alone that he ordered a cover-up:
...In 1996, Cardinal Ratzinger failed to respond to two letters about the case from Rembert G. Weakland, Milwaukee’s archbishop at the time. After eight months, the second in command at the doctrinal office, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, now the Vatican’s secretary of state, instructed the Wisconsin bishops to begin a secret canonical trial that could lead to Father Murphy’s dismissal.

But Cardinal Bertone halted the process after Father Murphy personally wrote to Cardinal Ratzinger protesting that he should not be put on trial because he had already repented and was in poor health and that the case was beyond the church’s own statute of limitations.


Is there a statute of limitations under Wisconsin law? These are the dates (from the same article):
The Wisconsin case involved an American priest ... who worked at a renowned school for deaf children from 1950 to 1974.

Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 05:53 am
How was what I said casual?

The Church is the subject of many long and scholarly books. Gibbon has many pages on the matter. It is a fiendishly complex subject.

"It doesn't sound as if the Pope fulfilled his duties" is hardly a statement one can take seriously. It is a casual and offhand remark which gives the impression you know what his duties are and that you derived it from a sound-bite coming from a source which might not be neutral and probably isn't. Media people are known for their sexual indiscpline and much else. They want divorce. Two living as cheaply as one is bad for advertising revenue. Happy people are bad for advertising revenue. They can't sell shite to happy people. They want everybody in single accomodation units, frightened, paranoid, sick, lonely and searching for the next palliative. None of which work. And not a rouge in sight. Deliberate and organised policy.

On the matter of safeguarding children there is a larger picture than an incident in Milwaukie or more than one in Ireland. It's as if the roads should be closed when some kids get killed or maimed in accidents. And many do. A lot more in fact than we are talking about here and going back 30 years a very lot more and not here to claim compensation.

We take these incidents in our stride. They are sad, they are bad but we put up with them. Everytime anybody takes to the road they are putting kid's lives at risk. And if they drive dangerously, as most do, they increase the risk. As somebody said--"**** happens". But this sample provides sexual buzz words some play. Words with a slight frisson.

I guess the answer is the one you seem to have seen before I did - that the only answer people will be happy with is if the whole shebang is dismantled-

If you've seen it, you, like me, must be off your meds eh? That is precisely what I addressed. That was the tenor of the bulk of the posters. Shut the whole shebang down. It's the obvious logic of the posters I have been disputing with. When it is put to them they throw a wobbler. Swiftian irony is beyond them. Computer room direction of global policy to fit in with their own emotional problems. Ego explosion.

The strictures of the Church on sexual matters are not there because of some dogma. They are there to protect society. They were made dogma afterwards. They are there to protect kids. They have been worked out over a long period of time. And there is no need for non-Catholics to take the slightest notice of them. So what are non-Catholics bothering about. Why are they seeking to interfere in the Church on the basis of rouge incidents? How about rouge incidents on the roads? Or on poison diets. Or poison pills. The answer, by a process of elimination, is that these rouge incidents involve sex and the trauma is alleged rather than real. And the trauma is encouraged by my opponents. They wind the victims up to feel they have compensation coming if they do the traumatisation good enough. Meanwhile they are pulling unborn babies to the tune of 47.5 million since 1973 out of their mothers with bleeding forceps and speeding around the roads and moping around the doors of the heart surgery units.

If everybody followed the teachings of the Church Media would be out of business. And the legal profession. And a large slice of the pharmaceutical industry.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 05:57 am
Spendius, I am greatly looking forward to you dealing with the fact that the good old right wing Christian community including US Christians leaders are doing their very best to have homosexuals kill under the color of law at this very moment for the crime of being homosexuals. Hell I should do a detail news search to see if the good Christians are killing children for talking back to their parents yet or not.

LOL stone age my rear end and thank for blindly walking into that hole with your silly comment.
High Seas
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 06:06 am
Any connection between the topic here - reminder, it's whether the Pope should resign - and persecution of African male homosexuals by their own governments on grounds that they spread AIDS?! Why not start a thread about it, I'm sure many here would be interested in posting there.
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 06:18 am
@High Seas,
The connection is our friend claims that we need to put up with the short comings of the church as faith is needed for a civil society and any attack on the church such as a call to removed a Pope is therefore unwise.
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 06:26 am
I am greatly looking forward to you dealing with the fact that the good old right wing Christian community including US Christians leaders are doing their very best to have homosexuals kill under the color of law at this very moment for the crime of being homosexuals.

It is not my job to deal with such people. If it was I would get the men in white coats to lead them away somewhere. In straightjackets if necessary.

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