I'd like to add a bit of clarification to my post from earlier in the day, if that's OK. In an analogy between school bullies & cyber bullies, I said:
Quote:Possibly a life-long work habit of interacting with bullies in such ways has influenced how I interact with people in general? (Actually I do believe that most people have redeeming qualities.) So perhaps that's how come I find myself interacting with trolls (in my "lovely" way

) when some sort of reasoned interaction is actually possible?
If I have given you the impression that I find cyber bullying
understandable, or
acceptable because I believe all people have a few "redeemable qualities", that's not actually what I think at all. Yes, I have engaged in exchanges with a couple of what I'd call "trolls" here & yes, I've found they did have their redeemable qualities. However those exchanges contributed in no way to changing their online behaviour in the long-term toward others, nor toward any actual respect for the intended thread subject. I no longer have any interest in engaging with them at all.
I would describe their online behaviour as persistently vicious (often personal) goading of those who they "objected to", acting collectively & individually (like an unpleasant little posse) to deliberately derail particular threads. While having very little of real substance to actually
contribute to the subject of the threads. In the meantime, acting as if they were being
denied a proper say.
Now, to me,
that sort of behaviour & attitude is not at all surprising in adolescents going through their rough patches, but is completely inexplicable & abhorrent in "grown-ups" Online or offline.