msolga wrote:...I already have one person on ignore. Something I vowed I'd never do, but there you go. Possibly more soon.

And (and not to sound flip about this),
don't make such vows.
I find it absurd (not picking on you, you aren't the only person who's rather vocally vowed not to put people on ignore) that people will make a big fuss about the fact that they don't ignore people. Or that they fuss about the fact that they do, that they're putting someone on ignore (
sending them to Coventry, I like that expression).
Look, I'm putting you on Ignore! See, I'm ignoring you! Look, everybody, at the fine model of ignoring I am! I am an ignoring machine!
Ignore, or not, as you wish.
No one knows who I ignore or if I ignore anyone at all.
Not their business, and I am not confessional enough to tell them.
As for moderator intervention, that stopped long ago. The site is far too large, the number of non-super-busy moderators is far too small, the pool of potential new moderators is even smaller and,
most importantly, it's not the way we want the community to roll. Even if we had a moderator for every member, we would not wish to be as heavy-handed as that. We are pushing this community in the direction of more freedom. Freedom, I think you'll agree, tends to be a good thing, yes? I mean, honestly. What are my tastes, beliefs, biases and requirements amidst a sea of over 100k posters? Probably a very, very small minority view most of the time. Are you asking for me to impose them on a lot of people who probably don't want such an imposition? The users are grown-ups. I suspect they can make their own determinations in such areas, without my help.
We are not going to come in and rescue posters from themselves. As I said, you're all adults here. You have tools. Use 'em. If posters have painted themselves into corners where they've vowed not to use perfectly reasonable tools, moderators will not swoop in and rescue them from their own painted corners and vows.