Is Evolution a Dangerous Idea? If so, why?

Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 02:31 pm
He's only been here since Nov, 2020.........it takes the rookies a while before they realize not everything is about them.
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 02:49 pm
even the Ice AGes didnt "swallow theearth". for example,The Illinoian Ice SHeet onlycame as far south as Ohio an Northern PA, In Europe , ince the continent has its mts arranged mostly E-W, the ice sheet hardly came south and the mediterranean was a desert.
far as fossils, the differences in species is the key. Fossil gastropods in the African Devonian were different than those in S America. ALL species of dinosaurs, hen they occupied the planet werepretty much ifferent largly by their home region between the opening seas that define continnt separating.

The reason for "Clam shell fossil", in the high Himalayas is that the ocean floor was plowed up in front of the Indian protocontinent as it migrated toward the underside of Asia at roughly 6 cm/yr (India's

migration N was 3 X faster than all the other continents drifiting) SO India plowe up the ocen floor like a big throw rug and piled it ON THE S SIDE of the Himalayas making it appear that three was a sea covering Mt Everest . Actually the ocean floor cam from the south.
There a whole lot of geology you need to learn before you can address this intelligently. Im in the field almost 45 yers and I still have to collect 24 CEU's very 24 months to renew my geologists LICENSE TO PRACTICE.
See, YOU dont need a license to spread your religious beliefs , that is, unless you want to sell your services to others for a fee, then youd probably be brought up on charges for incompetence as well as practicing without a license.

No, it actually flooded the whole world. These legends are from North America to Australia to China. This is literally all four coeners of the world.
Thats utter BS and I think you know it. OF COURSE, various parts of the planet were ubmerged in the last BILLION years, BUT NOT AT THE SAME TIME. That a fact hther you wanna believe it or not.
Theres a very good old book that I know you can buy through ABE;s books (Its a sales house for classic books), A book by Thomas Eardley about the geologic maps pf the planet tarting with the US. The book was right but for the wrong reason. Still, the map showing areas submerged or that had rivers and ic sheets are all shown to the best of geology;s knowledge back in the 1950;s. Today, our interpretation, aided by Global Tectonic and Continental Drift, give u a really good idea hy remnant magnetism nd pole wandering accompanied continental drift,
Please read more, enjoy the trip, and be critical, dont be so quick to "BUY" into the beliefs of the Creation Geologists (I dont even call them geologists because most had been educated dfalse pretenses). their beliefs have no evidence at all, all they do is try to flip evidence and ignore other facts to come up with a Genesis History of the Earth.
The library of geosciences and geochem, physics, paleo etc etc, constitutes probably MILLIONS of books today. There;s hardly any part of the Genesis story , hich is barely 2 pages, that can even hold a candle to the facts of science.

I use to be a tudent of science as taught by my Catholic Church when I was a kid. When Pope John PAul the 23 came out and said
"We cant keep up with this intense belief in a Genesis account of Creation. There are mountains of evience that show it to be wrong.
Ever since the catholic hurch becamea follower of aGod that was transcendental rathr than "hands on", It gotten much more rational to be a follower of religion.
I admit that Im a denier of gods in the universe, but even if one existed and TRULY "loved us", he wouldnt punish us for using our brains to think and study rathr than jut follow impossible legends about a wacky Old Testament god who really needed some head shrinking because he loved us so muh that he was smiting the **** out of entire civilizations .
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 08:31 pm
The Anointed
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 10:02 pm
Well now let's look at what some of the world top scientists have discovered.

Genesis 7: 11-12; When Noah was 600 years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month ‘all the outlets of the vast body of water beneath the earth burst open’, all the floodgates of the sky were opened, and rain fell on the earth for forty days and nights.

It is now believed that our oceans originated from beneath the earth and the waters were released by the violent volcanic eruptions that occurred in earths early formation.

Although thousands of years ago the bible speaks of the vast body of water beneath our feet, our scientists have now discovered what may be the first direct evidence that a vast reservoir of water is locked inside the mantle’s “Transition Zone.” The significance: if just one percent of the “Transition Zone” is made up of water, researchers say, it would triple the amount of water on the Earth’s surface.

Scientific researchers today, have absolutely no idea of how much water is locked up in the transition zone, and yet they believe that if just one percent of the “transition Zone” is made up of water, it would triple the amount of water on the Earth’s surface. But if in the future it is discovered that more than one percent of the “transition zone” is made up of water, then how high would our oceans rise?

Psalms 104: 5-9; You have set the earth firmly on its foundations, and it will never be moved. You placed the ocean over it like a robe, and the water covered the mountains. When you rebuked the waters, they fled; they rushed away when they heard your shout of command. They flowed over the mountains and into the valleys, to the place you had made for them. You set a boundary they can never pass, to keep them from covering the earth again.


I have no doubts whatsoever that our top scientists will one day in the not too distant future, prove that decompression of the mantle initiated mantle melting, magma generation, and the release of volatiles, including copious volumes of water, creating a Flood which was an enormous planetary cataclysm.
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 10:16 pm
You lost credibility in the first sentence. Nobody lives to be six hundred or 900 years. So I can infer it would be a waste to read what follows.
The Anointed
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 11:20 pm
Then by all means, don't you waste your valuable time searching for the hidden truths, you just keep your eyes fixed on the physical things before you and ignore the vast oceans of water that the Lord has revealed, that lie beneath your feet.

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Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 12:25 am
And you don't get what I was saying earlier.

I mentioned an ancient nuclear war. I also mentioned a lost history.

We are told that after the Flood, when mankind is said to be extremely wicked, that lifespans reduced from over 900 until it was about 140 or so. Then around Joseph's time, there is a seven year famine ( which sound like a nuclear winter), and we hear about lifespan getting reduced again. Radiation can cause genetic damage, so it sounds like some of these "weapons of the gods" getting thrown around actually screwed with our lifespan. It is not implausible that humans once lived far longer, we have tough bodies that heal from pretty serious wounds. But it is also plausible that if the air and water got tainted with crap, and that there is everyday radiation.

The Bible and other religious works can be read as a warning to humanity. They hated God and they hated each other, so they tried to destrot everything. Yes, science can promise you everything. But without some sort of standards, these inventions get turned into weapons. I personally don't care what religion anyone has, but the point is this. Around the time human civilization last tried to evolve, we were like "Hey! Let's experiment with nukes!" The Mahabharata tells of a war between two families using some sort of energy weapon, and how they stopped short of turning the Earth into a desert.

The Flood story is tale of humanity being salvaged from the brink of destruction. But you deny God because you think this is about punishment. It's not, it's about ridding the world of pollution. But okay, feel free to have deaf ears. The next world war we have will probably be a nuclear war, and everyone will die. Those who defy God doom themselves to exactly this. This is why humans invented religion. It's not to worship statues. It's to change our self-destructive habits.
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 12:43 am
They swallow water, nor earth. I've been explaining this the last several days, and you don't seem to get it.

If I put a metal mug of water in the freezer, the water is gone, replaced by a block of ice. Say I smash the ice with a hammer and toss it on a map. The ice is cold and while crushed it appears very little. But as it warms, that map gets soaked.

Today, the geologists call our period the "Little Ice Age." We have quite a few arctic areas where permafrost is a thing. So we have less water than other times. If real global warming happened, temperate areas will become tropical and flooding is an issue.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 12:54 am
Edgar, check out the lyrics to Man Smart Woman Smarter by Harry Belafonte

The divine message is in the last 4 lines Cool

I say let us put man and a woman together
To find out which one is smarter
Some say man but I say no
The woman got the man de day should know

And not me but the people they say
That de man are leading de women astray
But I say, that the women of today
Smartre than the man in every way
That's right de woman is uh smarter
That's right de woman is uh smarter
That's right de woman is uh smarter, that's right, that's right

Ever since the world began
Woman was always teaching man
And I you listen to my bid attentively
I goin' tell you how she smarter than me

Samson was the strongest man long ago
No one could a beat him, as we all know
Until he clash with Deliah on top of the bed
She told them all the strength was in the hair of his head

You meet a girl at a pretty dance
Thinking that you would stand a chance
Take her home, thinking she's alone
Open de door you find her husband home

I was treating a girl independently
She was making baby for me
When de baby born and I went to see
Eyes was blue it was not by me

Garden of Eden was very nice
Adam never work in Paradise
Eve meet snake, Paradise gone
She make Adam work from that day on

Methuselah spent all his life in tears
Lived without a woman for 900 years
One day he decided to have some fun
The poor man never lived to see 900 and one
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 05:24 am
The Pleistocene Ice Ages in the US were named the Nebraskan, Illinoisan,Kansan, and Wiscnisn. The Illinoian ice sheet rached farthest south , but it lay on the dry rth, IT WAS NOT A FLOOD. We have exmples of rock piles in fields (we call em morains) and rock scratches where the Ice rove by, (No evidence of a flood and the Ice basically only covered up Canada for a period of about a million years)
Your belief in a Biblicl Flood is based totally upon legend that is without ANY proof or evidence.
So maybe a 600 year ol guy named NOAH was made up also??

Im not sure why its so important that your religion must have the Bible treate as fact an not legend. The JEws, who wrote it down, agree that its mostly bullshit writtn to serve as a moral lsson plan..

Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 05:39 am
Hres a neat little snippet that explains th several types of relict features the continentl glaciers left behind when they melted. You can learn from these AND, you can actually go visit these types of features all ovr the planet. Thi is whatwe call actual e,tangible evidence, something you guys have nothing from which to argue your beliefs. When the evidence sits out there and you cant miss it, w really have no need for "beliefs". Kinda like,"I believe in the existence of refrigerators"

Hers a link from Pnn State that iscusses some of the features including moraines and drumlins that are relict fetures from the Pleiocene and Pleistocene Ice advances in the US.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 06:11 am
Then there is Lena Horne's record of It Ain't Necessarily So. "The things you liable to read in the Bible ain't necessarily so."
glitterbag wrote:

Edgar, check out the lyrics to Man Smart Woman Smarter by Harry Belafonte

The divine message is in the last 4 lines Cool

I say let us put man and a woman together
To find out which one is smarter
Some say man but I say no
The woman got the man de day should know

And not me but the people they say
That de man are leading de women astray
But I say, that the women of today
Smartre than the man in every way
That's right de woman is uh smarter
That's right de woman is uh smarter
That's right de woman is uh smarter, that's right, that's right

Ever since the world began
Woman was always teaching man
And I you listen to my bid attentively
I goin' tell you how she smarter than me

Samson was the strongest man long ago
No one could a beat him, as we all know
Until he clash with Deliah on top of the bed
She told them all the strength was in the hair of his head

You meet a girl at a pretty dance
Thinking that you would stand a chance
Take her home, thinking she's alone
Open de door you find her husband home

I was treating a girl independently
She was making baby for me
When de baby born and I went to see
Eyes was blue it was not by me

Garden of Eden was very nice
Adam never work in Paradise
Eve meet snake, Paradise gone
She make Adam work from that day on

Methuselah spent all his life in tears
Lived without a woman for 900 years
One day he decided to have some fun
The poor man never lived to see 900 and one

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 06:39 am
Ancient people do not have a distinction between a "flood" and a "the areas we used to live we had to move away fron because they became part of the ocean."
Sea Level almost 394 feet lower than today, it says. I would call this flooding.

You seem to not get that the Bible is filled with allegories. Some of the people in it could be real, but they don't need to be.

When we say Jesus, I refer to someone like Kira (you know, DeathNote?) who is almost an ideal more than person. Who transcends the boundaries we normally think of for people.

Noah is all Noahs in all countries who had to leave their homes due to water table rise. Moses was all Moses that led people to freedom from bondage. And Jesus is God we meet on the road. God with us.

I'm not some poor sucker who reads the Bible literally. I majored in history and religion, and have a good grasp on both symbology and historiography.
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 06:43 am
So if I leave the water hose running while on vacation and come home to a flood I too am Noah? Gocha.
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 06:47 am
While your water bill would be extreme, in a week or so, you could probably move in after the water sucked into the ground. We are talking about land sinking into the sea. Not a costly hose accident.
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The Anointed
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 06:48 am
God wanted someone to build for him a five story ark and fill each floor with fish tanks, and when asked why, He said that he wanted to be the owner of a five story carp-ark.
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 06:52 am
@The Anointed,
I should report you for Punography
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 06:53 am
All this twisting of facts when following science would be the best answer. The sweat of your brow kind.
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 07:02 am
AAAAHHHHHH- so now you get it h?
You coulda cut through the cheese an just said that the Bible is allegorical. I actually support that as a reasonable view.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 07:07 am
Yes, wont it be wonderful when our scientists are able to prove that it was the vast oceans of water beneath your feet, which was the main cause of the Flood over four and a half thousand years ago, which was seen as an enormous planetary cataclysm.
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